Indecency of “Rick and Morty” Animated Sitcom Research Paper

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The film industry has gone through a massive transformation over the past several decades. According to Siciliano and Roiland, numerous genres have emerged targeting people of different ages, gender, religion, and many other demographical classifications (56). As the industry continues to evolve, new laws and policies have emerged to help regulate the industry. According to Brady, the majority of American parents rarely spend time with their children to understand their non-financial needs (76).

Because of the trend, these children turn to the media to get the advice they need about factors in their social environment. The government has been keen on ensuring that various media platforms do not expose young children to inappropriate content meant for adults. It is also important to note that some adults find it offensive to watch indecent acts. Filmmakers must clearly define their targeted audience and develop a movie that not only reflects the age of the audience but also their interest. The government has enacted laws specifically meant to fight cases where children are exposed to content that may erode their morality. In this paper, the researcher focuses on indecency related to the Rick and Morty series.

Rick and Morty Animated Sitcom

Rick and Morty is an adult animated sitcom under the program block of Adult Swim (Asmus and Festante 6). The cartoon series, often aired on Channel 101, presents events in a family setting and mainly focuses on the relationship and adventures of Rick and his grandson Morty. In this family, Jerry Smith is the husband of Beth Smith. The two are parents to Morty and Summer. Rick Sanchez is the father of Beth.

In this family of five, Rick Sanchez is presented as an alcoholic and an eccentric scientist (Siciliano and Roiland 23). He does not value conventional institutions such as family, marriage, and school. Rick only values adventure. He has developed a close relationship with his grandson, Morty, and in most cases, they go on adventures together. Jerry Smith is a laid-back man who sometimes feels that he has lost control of his family because of the active involvement of the father-in-law. He also comes out as an insecure person who lives in constant fear of losing everything that he has.

Beth is a hands-on parent who is keen on providing for the family and ensuring that everyone undertakes his or her specific responsibilities. She is an assertive woman who takes seriously her career as a veterinary surgeon. Summer, a 17-year old girl, is a conventional teenager who is mainly concerned about self-image and how people, especially her peers, perceive her. Morty, the youngest member of this family, comes out as a naïve and easily distressed boy. However, he is a kindhearted person who has embraced morality as instilled in him by the mother. The first episode of the first season of this animated sitcom was aired on December 2, 2013 (Siciliano and Roiland 23). Currently, they are shooting season 5 of the series.

The Audience

Brady insists that it is important to define the audience of a specific film to ensure that it can be classified easily into a specific category (89). The process of classification is based on various factors. One of the factors that define how a film is classified is the language used in the film. When the language is sexualized or has words generally considered obscene, then it should not be meant for children. Another factor is the actual activities in the film. If it has scenes of nudity, then it should be classified as one meant for adult audiences.

The goal is to ensure that the film does not erode the morals of children who are still trying to understand the abstractness of the environment around them. Other factors of classification of films into comedies, sitcom, documentary, and horror among others only define personal preferences and may not have much to do with the age of a person. It is important to define the audience of the film, Rick and Morty.

The primary audience of this film, based on its rating, includes both adults and children. It explains why the show is classified under the program Adult Swim and is often presented after the watershed hours. According to Lee et al., there is always a general perception that animated movies are meant for children (54). Scholars have revealed that even though it is true that cartoon movies are massively popular among young children, many adults also find them entertaining.

As such, composers are finding ways of meeting the need for a unique niche of adults who find animated films entertaining. They have come up with ways of using content meant for adults but acted by cartoons. Rick and Morty is one such animated film that targets adults. The presence of actors, Morty, and his sister Summer, who are below 18 years, may give the impression that the film targets both adults and children. However, that is not the case. Adult Swing is an adult-oriented cartoon network program for children.

Appropriateness of the Language and Images

The language used in this film further confirms the fact that it is meant for adults. In one of the episodes, the characters talk about oral sex. According to various laws and regulations relating to the production of films, producers are expected to avoid the use of languages that do not reflect the age bracket of the audience. In this case, introducing children to the concept of oral sex may erode their morals. Rick, the irresponsible scientist and the grandfather to Morty and Summer, takes off his dress before other family members in the episode, Ticket Theory. Such practices are unacceptable to a film that targets children. Such indecencies are reflected in various episodes in this film. The choice of words used in the film also reflects the audience of this film. Words such as bastardization are not appropriate for children.

Shelley et al. believe that it is not appropriate to use cursing words when targeting children (56). They are expected to learn how to be respectful and to react to challenges and issues that affect them with decorum. They can learn to be responsible in life only if they are exposed to content where people are respectful, responsible, decent in their language and actions, and committed to solving socio-economic and political problems in conventional ways. Rick and Morty’s show lacks the basic characteristics that would have made it suitable for children. The fact that the film has kid actors, therefore, does not make it suitable for children. The presence of these children is taken in the context of adults trying to lead a normal but challenging family life.

Indecency Law

Public indecency refers to any action that involves sexual act or nudity in public view, to arouse, shock, or offend people. The First Amendment in the United States Constitution outlines the freedom of expression among American citizens (Lunceford 32). It means that the government has no mandate to prohibit an individual from engaging in any religious exercise, freedom of speech, assembly, or expression.

However, the same Supreme Law states that when one is enjoying their rights and freedom, they have a responsibility not to violate the rights and freedom of others. As such, people must act with decorum when engaging the public. Some of the things that an individual would do in private, such as engaging in sexual intercourse or being nude may be illegal when they are done in public. It is important to review some of the laws and court rulings relating to the concept of indecency before explaining how they are related to the issue under investigation.

Laws Relating to Indecency

In the United States, individual states have laws and policies relating to indecent exposure. However, some laws are universal across the country. Article 120c of the Uniform Code of Military Justice outlines how military officers should dress when they are on official duty, within the military camps, and when on a mission out of the country or away from their regular stations (Sterken 56). The law is meant to ensure that their officers remain decent at all times and do not become a source of distraction or temptation to their colleagues. The United States Armed Forces has been strict in implementing this law as presented in the Courts-Martial Manual of 2012 (Lacey 64). These stringent measures have helped to eliminate cases of indecency among uniformed officers.

Most states around the country prohibit women from exposing their nipples while in public. The practice is considered a direct provocation to members of the opposite gender or lesbians. However, the United States Public Law 106-58, section 647, which was enacted in 1999, provides for an exception to the application of this law (Kosseff 67). The statute holds that breastfeeding women are exempted from the law.

They can breastfeed their children on Federal property or in public without their action being classified as indecent. It was a major milestone in the United States because it remained largely unclear how the issue had to be addressed. Walker explains that before the enactment of this federal law, breastfeeding women would not be arrested if they did so in public, but they are not allowed to breastfeed their children at work (75). The law clarified how they were expected to behave.

The California Penal Code 666.2(a) is another major statute that prohibits indecent acts and words when one is in public. According to Wheeler, the code holds that an individual who deliberately sends or causes to be sent into the state for distribution or sale, or possesses, publishes, prepares, prints, or produces, or exhibits to others any obscene matter is guilty of a misdemeanor (41). This law was specifically focused on cracking down on rising cases of public display of pornographic materials. At this time, Hollywood had become a major global hub for film production and adult films were becoming a menace.

The distributors of these materials did not observe the moral requirements of distributing the materials. As such, minors could access them easily. Members of the public were also complaining that they were being subjected to the content they considered morally acceptable.

Court Rulings

Indecency is one of the most controversial issues in the modern-day United States. In many cases, the justice system has been invited to interpret the law regarding the issue of public nudity and other acts considered indecent. It is necessary to look at some of the landmark rulings made in the recent past and their implications regarding this issue. One of the main court cases that addressed the issue was Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc. 501 U.S. 560 of 1991 (Kosseff 54).

In this case, the Supreme Court had to address the question of whether Indiana’s ban of the total nudity of a sane adult in public places contravened the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. In its ruling, the court held that public indecency statutes directly reflect moral disapproval of sane adults appearing nude in public places (Seo 113).

The court held that these statutes were also in line with rules and regulations of different states within the country that banned public nudity. In answering the question, the court opined that state statutes that ban public nudity do not contravene the First Amendment. As people enjoy their freedom of expression, they cannot ignore morality and the way their actions affect other members of society. As such, states were at liberty to ban this practice and set punitive measures against those who break it.

Another landmark ruling by the United States Supreme Court over the issue of obscenity was the Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15, 24 of 1973 (Kosseff 32). In this case, Marvin Miller, an operator of mail-order business in California that specialized in pornographic books and films, sent out a brochure to a restaurant within the state (Citron 87). The owner of the restaurant, who at the time of receiving the mail was with the daughter, felt offended by the pornographic displays in the mail and the brochure. He filed a case and Miller was arrested.

The Orange County Superior Court made a ruling that by deliberately mailing the sexualized content to an individual who did not solicit for the same, Miller had broken the California Penal Code 666.2(a) (Kaufman and Kaufman 29). He appealed against the ruling. The California Court of Appeal for the Third District upheld the ruling of the lower court. When Miller went to the Supreme Court, the same ruling was held. It was a landmark decision by the superior court that has redefined the approach that producers and distributors of adult content use to sell their products. It was a reminder that although the law does not prohibit the production and sale of adult entertainment materials, these products must be distributed in an ethical manner that does not cause obscenity.

It is also important to review Roth v. the United States, 354 U.S. 476 of 1957 (Kaufman and Kaufman 78). In this case, the Supreme Court was expected to define what constituted obscene materials and whether banning them would be against the First Amendment (Kaufman and Kaufman 79). In its ruling, the court held that materials whose dominant theme appeals to the prurient interest of a person based on community standards (Kaufman and Kaufman 79).

It meant that works with themes crucial to the morality of the society but with minor aspects of nudity, when properly rated, would not be considered obscene. Although many legal scholars were critical of the ruling as it made it possible for producers to include graphics that society considers immoral as long as it was not the central theme. Kosseff believes that the ruling was a major milestone towards defining the content of films that people produced (53).

The Indecency of Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty’s show has gained popularity since it premiered in 2013 and it explains why its production has continued. It is important to note that a significant number of those who watch this cartoon program are children. It means that even if the program comes late at night and is classified as adult-oriented, its content should reflect the age of the audience. As discussed above, various statutes in the United States and rulings made by various courts define public indecency as the exposure of nudity in contexts where they are unacceptable, especially to those who are not soliciting for it and those who are below the age of majority. It is important to note that there are various instances where Rick and Morty, as a film meant for both adults and children, can be considered indecent.

In the episode ‘Ticket Theory’ Rick, the grandfather of Morty and Summer, father to Beth, and father-in-law to Jerry Smith, strips before other members of the family. Such an act is indecent based on American moral standards. As Sterken explains, the film industry has a massive influence on actions that children and teenagers take (39). Whatever they see their favorite actors do or say becomes normal to them even if it is unethical in society.

Children watching the film regularly would consider dropping their pants before other members of the family as a normal practice. As the senior-most member of the family, Rick is expected to guide other members of the family. However, he is doing the opposite. Such a practice goes against Article 120c of the Uniform Code of Military Justice discussed above which requires people to be decently dressed at all times.

The California Penal Code 666.2(a) is particularly relevant to this film. As discussed above, it prohibits the production, distribution, and sale of indecent materials to members of the public. It also requires people to behave decently while in public. First, this distribution of this film may be considered an indecent act. The fact that some of the actions taken by Rick and other adult members of the family are meant for family consumption means that it should be classified appropriately and its distribution limited.

The use of alcohol is restricted to adults. As such, it is expected that films where actors abuse alcohol should be restricted to adults. Walker observes that when children are exposed to films where adults abuse alcohol, they develop the urge to do the same (77). In this film, this form of indecency is presented in two ways. First, Rick takes alcohol everywhere, even when he is with Morty, a 14-year-old grandson.

It creates an image where Morty feels that talking alcohol is a normal thing. Secondly, the fact that the audience of this film includes children is another aspect of indecency. They get to embrace alcohol as a normal beverage that can be taken at any time. Kosseff notes that some children can learn from such experiences that alcohol is not good (92). However, others would become curious and develop a desire to know the kind of experience that one would have after taking alcohol. As such, the depiction of the use of alcohol in the film was wrong.

The language used in various episodes of this film is also indecent given the fact that it was targeting children as a major audience. According to Lee et al., modern-day children do not get the opportunity to learn how to use respectful language because of many factors (81). Parents no longer have time to be with their children and teach them how to behave in specific ways and use specific languages. The majority of them leave early in the morning and return late at night when children are asleep (Kosseff 63). They expect these children to learn about Mannering at school. On the other hand, schools do not have a specific curriculum that can be used to teach these children how to use respectful language.

The only alternative that these children are left with is the mass and social media. It means that films such as Rick and Morty have a major role to play in shaping the kind of language that children use. It is unfortunate that in some episodes, characters use sexualized languages that may distort the choice of words of these children when engaging with their peers, parents, teachers, and other members of society. Cases, where Rick uses cursing words in presence of Morty the grandson, is also considered obscene. Children watching such a film may end up using the same words when talking with the parents, which is unacceptable behavior.


Rick and Morty is an animated sitcom cartoon series that has been airing on Channel 101 from December 2013 to date. The adult-oriented cartoon series primarily targets both young adults and children. It is based on a family setting in the United States. Parents have their role to play and so do children. There is Rick, the grandparent to Morty and Summer, who is also expected to play the role of parenting. However, he is engaging in acts, which are contrary to what is expected of a parent. He is an alcoholic who cannot function properly before taking alcohol. In his adventures with Morty, he does not shy away from taking alcohol despite being in the presence of a minor. When drunk, Rick becomes an irresponsible grandfather.

Rick does not believe taking off his clothes before the rest of the family to be indecent, including the daughter and son-in-law. His choice of words in some of the episodes in the film is obscene. As shown in the discussion above, such films play a crucial role in informing the decision that children take when dealing with various socio-economic issues that they face. They learn about so many things that parents may be unwilling to discuss with them because of the sensitivity of the issue. The indecency of this film means that it exposes children to content that may erode their character. Sexualized images and languages and constant use of alcohol are practices that society considers immoral. Films should reinforce such beliefs through the content of their films.

Works Cited

Asmus, James, and Jim Festante. Rick and Morty Presents: Mr. Meeseeks #1. Oni Press, 2019.

Brady, Matt. The Science of Rick and Morty: The Unofficial Guide to Earth’s Stupidest Show. Simon & Schuster, 2019.

Citron, Danielle. Hate Crimes in Cyberspace. Harvard University Press, 2014.

Kaufman, Michael, and Sherelyn Kaufman. Education Law, Policy, and Practice: Cases and Materials. Wolters Kluwer, 2018.

Kosseff, Jeff. Cybersecurity Law. John Wiley & Sons, 2020.

Kosseff, Jeff. The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet. Cornell University Press, 2019.

Lacey, Nicola. In Search of Criminal Responsibility: Ideas, Interests, and Institutions. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Lee, William, et al. The Law of Public Communication. Routledge, 2019.

Lunceford, Brett. Public Nudity and the Rhetoric of the Body. Lexington Books, 2019.

Seo, Sarah. Policing the Open Road: How Cars Transformed American Freedom. Harvard University Press, 2019.

Shelley, Mack, et al. American Government and Politics Today, 2017-2018 Edition. Wadsworth, 2017.

Siciliano, James, and Justin Roiland. The Art of Rick and Morty. Dark Horse Books, 2017.

Sterken, Robert. Bill Ratliff: A Profile of Courage and Leadership in American Politics. Lexington Books, 2016.

Walker, Samuel. The Color of Justice: Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America. Cengage Learning, 2018.

Wheeler, Leigh. How Sex Became a Civil Liberty. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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