Indigenous Peoples of Canada in Mainstream Media Essay

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Lack of Funding and Support

Since the early 1990s, residents of the Kaska community, who live on the Ross River in Yukon, have struggled severely with mental health and addiction problems. Currently, the community consists of about 400 people. It is also notable that recently, many people are died of unnatural death only in the Yukon region. There is a lack of doctors and health care, and people require hours to get mental or physical support (Connors, 2022). The fact that there are so many addictions is because these issues have not been talked about for years. The Kaska community needs help quickly when it may already be too late for some people.

The news in this article is based on real events. In fact, this is evidenced by the fact that a woman named Ladue was interviewed before writing this article. This lady is part of the Kaska community and talks about the problematic situation in the community and what her husband is in. Her husband has suffered from mental and addiction problems for many years, and she speaks from experience. Moreover, the problematic situation is substantiated with examples (Connors, 2022). Thus, this article gives a realistic picture of the actual situation.

Investing in Mikmau’s Health Care System

The issue of health care and access to it for Indians in Canada it the forefront. Even though the Canadian health care system is one of the most progressive in the world, quality health care is not always available to the indigenous population (Roi, 2022). Analyzing the information presented in the media of indigenous people of Canada, it is possible to conclude that it emphasizes the necessity of creating and financing health care programs. Furthermore, new programs should be culturally sensitive and focus on mental health and cultural support, given the trauma Indigenous people have experienced.

Unlike governments and various social institutions and systems, diseases do not discriminate. If infectious diseases affect certain population groups to a much greater extent, this is the result of centuries of prejudice and inequality (Roi, 2022). The most socially disadvantaged members are those with the least ability to take precautions, have limited access to proper medical care, and are judged or persecuted. It is especially true in the case of indigenous peoples in Canada, which is the subject of this article. Immediate action, issue revealing, and funding for health care are needed to save the lives of thousands of people.

Native Canadian Veterans

The foremost of the article is based on the need to respect the role of Canada’s veterans on a par with others. Like other military members, they fought for freedom, justice, and equality. Moreover, they are also credited with having volunteered for combat, for which they have sometimes been punished. Indigenous people were often deprived of status or denied any benefits. Nowadays, Indigenous Veterans Day should be celebrated nationally, not regionally (Needham, 2022). It would promote understanding of Indigenous people and their role in the country.

The issue of respect for the cultural and national identities of Native Canadians is still relevant. Although the source presents an interview with an aboriginal person and raises an important issue, the manner of writing and the author’s comments indicate that Canadians do not understand the role of the issue. The article emphasizes the hard work of the Canadian military and only the negative aspects of the duties of the Canadian indigenous military (Needham, 2022). It is a severe societal problem; the press often overlooks the positive aspects of Indigenous communities but often discusses their issues or shortcomings.

Innu-aitun Culture and Identity in Danger

The Innu-aitun community of Pessamit in Quebec is greatly affected by climate change. Both the culture and way of life of this group of people are at risk. Moreover, they are in close contact with nature. An example of a threat to the Innu-autism community is coastal erosion (Guevara-Rosas & France-Isabelle, 2022). This prevents certain cultural activities from being carried out and this causes the loss of territory. The UN recognizes that indigenous peoples have suffered injustices, including colonization and dispossession of land, territories and resources.

The news in this article is reliable as Amnesty International is an internationally known organization that stands up for the people. Furthermore, research was conducted on the human rights violations of the Innu-aitun community (Guevara-Rosas & France-Isabelle, 2022). This involved looking at the impact of climate change on several fronts. The reliability of this article is also increased by the fact that the researchers actually visited the territory of the indigenous people to learn of their struggle to protect the environment and their culture.


Connors, S. (2022). . APTN National News. Web.

Guevara-Rosas, E. & France-Isabelle L. (2022). . Amnesty International. Web.

Needham, F. (2022). . APTN National News. Web.

Roi, B. (2022). . Mi’kmaq Maleseet Nations News. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 25). Indigenous Peoples of Canada in Mainstream Media.

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"Indigenous Peoples of Canada in Mainstream Media." IvyPanda, 25 Nov. 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'Indigenous Peoples of Canada in Mainstream Media'. 25 November.


IvyPanda. 2023. "Indigenous Peoples of Canada in Mainstream Media." November 25, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "Indigenous Peoples of Canada in Mainstream Media." November 25, 2023.


IvyPanda. "Indigenous Peoples of Canada in Mainstream Media." November 25, 2023.

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