Individual Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth Essay

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Telehealth has become an increasingly viable option for medical care in recent years, and as an INS (Inpatient Nurse Specialist) there are several practice areas and standards that support its use. This essay will discuss three of the most important standards and practice areas that INPs can use to support telehealth, including the standards of practice for nurse practitioners, nurse practitioner scope of practice, and clinical decision support tools.

The standards of practice for nurse practitioners are paramount for INPs to consider when providing healthcare services via telehealth. These standards provide detailed instructions for the appropriate use of telehealth for a range of conditions, including the utilization of electronic communication and/or video applications to diagnose, treat, and follow up with patients (Schweickert & Rutledge, 2020). Additionally, they offer guidance on the use of telehealth to assess, diagnose, and manage acute and chronic illnesses, as well as the ordering of tests, treatments, and other related services.

NPs should remember the nurse practitioner’s scope of practice when utilizing telehealth in their practice. This scope of practice establishes the NP’s responsibilities and duties, such as utilizing evidence-based protocols and guidelines to evaluate and supervise acute and chronic illnesses and employing technology-based communication and/or video platforms (Sorkin, 2021). Furthermore, the scope of practice outlines the appropriate use of telehealth for diagnosing and treating acute and chronic diseases, as well as for ordering tests, treatments, and other services.

Finally, INPs should take advantage of clinical decision support tools when utilizing telehealth, as they can be a valuable asset in providing the best possible care for patients. These tools provide access to patient data, clinical guidelines, and other resources, as well as real-time data and analytics, which can help INPs make more informed decisions about the appropriate use of telehealth. Examples of these tools include electronic medical records and electronic health records (Sorkin, 2021). Utilizing clinical decision support tools can help INPs make well-informed decisions about patient care, both in terms of the use of telehealth and other treatments.

In conclusion, INPs can rely on a number of practice areas and standards to back up their use of telehealth. Utilizing telehealth allows for the provision of quality care to patients regardless of their geographic location, as well as assurance that the most up-to-date treatments and care are being provided. Telehealth is beneficial to INSs, as it can boost patient outcomes, decrease costs, and increase access to care, making it a fundamental component of furnishing quality healthcare.


Schweickert, P. & Rutledge, C. M. (2020). Telehealth essentials for advanced practice nursing. SLACK, Incorporated.

Sorkin, C. (2021). Field guide to telehealth and telemedicine for nurse practitioners and other healthcare providers. Springer Publishing Company.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 22). Individual Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth.

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"Individual Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth." IvyPanda, 22 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Individual Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth'. 22 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Individual Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth." May 22, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Individual Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth." May 22, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Individual Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth." May 22, 2024.

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