Infertility Issue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Essay

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Infertility is a common problem in women, but it also affects several men. Normally, infertility is associated with stress and depression among women. Generally, infertility is the inability to conceive or contribute to conception within one year (fertility neighborhood, 2005). According to Lykeridou, et al. (2009 p224), “infertility is described as the fourth most traumatic experience in a woman’s life, compared to death and unfaithfulness of a partner.” In the contemporary world, the rate of infertility continues to increase, forcing many couples to wait for longer periods before conceiving. It is a devastating state, keeping in mind that the chances of infertility increase with age; therefore, most couples result to adopting babies. Statistics indicate that 25% of women between the age of 15- 45 have difficulties conceiving at some point; however, 57% of women experiencing difficulties in conceiving are treated (Fertility Neighborhood, 2005, p.6).

Infertility in Reference of Professionals

The rate of infertility increases due to the change of an individual’s lifestyle; therefore, there is an increase in depression and anxiety among the affected parties. Given that infertility is a shared experience between men and women, there is a tendency for each spouse to assist the other to cope with the situation (Torrez, 2010 p3). According to Omoaregba (2011, p.20), infertility can be a stressful experience, as it is stigmatized in some cultures; in women, it affects their faith, self-esteem, and relationship with spouse, friends, and family.

The common symptoms associated with infertility are psychological, which include depression, anxiety, and even suicide attempts. Stigmatization is common among African cultures who relate infertility with the wrath of gods, therefore a cause of distress for such women (Omoaregba, et al., 2011, p.22). A study conducted in South West Nigeria revealed that there was a high trend of delaying childbearing among the employed women until late reproductive years. Abortion cases were common in this group of women, which contributed to high infertility rates compared to the unemployed women (Omoaregba, et al., 2011, p.23). However, there is an increase in the number of couples seeking treatments globally, with Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) becoming increasingly popular.

Failure of treatments to provide positive results can be rather stressful. Marriages are also affected by infertility, especially the couple’s sex life. A study conducted on the infertile individuals undergoing fertility treatments proved that most women who experienced infertility were highly educated, and most of them had undergone various therapies in an attempt to conceive. Only 14% of women had one child, the rest were childless. These women experienced higher rates of anxiety even while undergoing the infertility treatments; however, personal, social, marital and trait stress were common in both male and female patients (Lykeridou, et al., 2009, p.231).

To cope with infertility, attachment stability is necessary, which is determined by the relationship between the individual and his/her family and friends (Torrez, 2010, p.24). The author further adds that positive caregiving behavior is important to the patient since it contributes to the development of acceptance and confidence, which are adaptive coping strategies. Omarabad, et al. (2011, p.23) insist that gynecologists should undergo a training program that assists them in dealing with psychological stress in a patient, therefore providing holistic care for infertile patients.


  1. This two-hour program aims at educating the primary caregivers on the causes and impacts of infertility on the affected.
  2. It provides ways of dealing with the affected individual, both medically and emotionally.
  3. The primary caregivers should be able to recognize infertility as a medical problem and not a taboo.
  4. At the end of this program, the caregivers should be in a position to recognize psychological issues associated with infertility.
  5. This professional should involve both spouses while trying to treat the affected spouse.
  6. This program aims at educating the caregivers to encourage the patients not to lose hope.


  1. The above objectives have been measured using both the present and previous questionnaires, evident in the academic journals.
  2. The use of surveys is also evident in this study, in finding how frequently patients seek medical assistance without success.


Infertility is a very difficult experience faced by both genders; however, with adaptive coping strategies, an individual can survive this ordeal until she can conceive via the aid of treatments. Assisted Reproductive Technology can result in either a positive outcome or a negative one. In case of a negative outcome, the quality of attachment is necessary to avoid stress. Nevertheless, medical practitioners should provide moral support to such couples, giving them hope for positive results in the future.


Fertility Neighborhood. (2005). Infertility defined. Freedom fertility pharmacy. Web.

Lykeridou, K. et al. (2009). The impact of infertility diagnosis on psychological status of women undergoing fertility treatment. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 27(3); 223–237. Web.

Omoaregba, J. et al. (2011). Psychosocial characteristics of female infertility in a Tertiary health institution in Nigeria. Annals of African Medicine, 10(1); 19-24. Web.

Torrez, B. (2010). Psychological stress of infertility. UMI Dissertation Publishing. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 25). Infertility Issue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.

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"Infertility Issue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment." IvyPanda, 25 Apr. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Infertility Issue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment'. 25 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Infertility Issue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment." April 25, 2022.

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