Integral Philosophers: Handel, Bergeson and Whitehead Essay

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George Hegel

The philosopher became the first integral philosopher to revolutionize Western philosophy. He expanded the concept of reason and order in human history. However, his contradiction did not affect the revolution of integral philosophy. He revealed the significance of logical arguments that unfold history. As a result, he proposed the idealist system that contradicts factors of interaction. He developed an ideal system of dialectics and consciousness. However, he had many contradictions of philosophy. He rejected Kant’s views on timeliness and consciousness.

He was the first to accept the dynamics of consciousness and knowledge. The philosopher believed that the human mind evolved through developmental stages of contradictions and consciousness. Thus, he became the first philosopher to accept the concept of the absolute spirit (McIntosh 156). His contribution to philosophy developed the dialectical concept of conflict, contradictions, and truth. Thus, he revolutionized the power of history. In summary, his integral philosophy revolutionized the mind, nature, subject, religion, object, and history.

Henri-Louis Bergeson

He was the first philosopher to interpret human evolution using a spiritual perspective. He was called a post-Darwinian philosopher because of his correlation with Darwin’s theories of species. However, he rejected the ideas of Spencer’s synthetic philosophy. The philosopher revolutionized the significance of intuition and analytical reasoning. He maintained that things do not just happen as conceived by many philosophers. Thus, his spiritual interpretation of human evolution was welcomed by many as a step towards freedom.

His artistic and poetic style of expressing ideas influenced his contributions to the integral philosophy (McIntosh 159). As a result, he rejected the fallacy of metaphysics and dialectical evaluation. He became known as the father of process thinking because of his contributions to the integral philosophy. In summary, he believed that the mechanist concept of nature was not significant as intuition. He argued that things happen out of intuition and unmediated process.

Alfred Whitehead

He presented a spiritual view to human consciousness. The philosopher harmonized integral consciousness with spiritual philosophy. His contributions to the integral philosophy were accepted by many philosophers. Thus, he revealed the relationship between human science and spiritual interpretation. He suggested that the gap between science and spirituality can be closed by philosophy. As a result, we can harmonize science and religion using philosophical perspective.

The philosopher was known as the father of process philosophy because he used the concept to explain the dogmas of science and religion. He argued that human evolution and consciousness could be interpreted with a spiritual perspective. Thus, his contributions to the integral philosophy referenced God as the promoter of peace. Events of experience and processes characterized his philosophical doctrine. In summary, his contribution of integral philosophy was influenced by his docile persuasion and relativity.

Works Cited

McIntosh, Steve. Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution, New York, USA: Paragon House, 2007. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 31). Integral Philosophers: Handel, Bergeson and Whitehead.

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"Integral Philosophers: Handel, Bergeson and Whitehead." IvyPanda, 31 Mar. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Integral Philosophers: Handel, Bergeson and Whitehead'. 31 March.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Integral Philosophers: Handel, Bergeson and Whitehead." March 31, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Integral Philosophers: Handel, Bergeson and Whitehead." March 31, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Integral Philosophers: Handel, Bergeson and Whitehead." March 31, 2020.

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