The paper is connected with the analysis of the quality of the current child abuse report systems because of the serious problems in the sphere of childcare. There is a great problem in terms of identifying the nature of child abuse, as well as information received by childcare professionals. Therefore, the proposals seek to establish alternative training programs both for the clinicians and for parents.
Problem Statement
Nowadays, the state of affairs in the sphere of child abuse reporting system is uncertain because of the rise of maltreatment among children. Apparently, the situation is predetermined by the negligence of the government to child abuse reporting system, as well as the quality of information obtained by the clinicians. As a result, many children suffer from continuous abuse.
Lack of funding in the sphere of reporting can provide even more financial problems to the government because of the additional resource for children to monitor their emotional, psychological, and physical state. More importantly, lack of education among the professionals taking care of children should also be improved because it depends largely on the reporting services.
This chain can be distorted and, therefore, the government will have to search for other efficient strategies for monitoring the children health.
Purpose of the Proposal
The purpose of the proposal is to introduce a new action plan for enhancing clinicians’ awareness and improve transparency of children abuse reporting. In particular, it is strongly suggested that the professionals dealing with children take up program on enhancing their communication skills to be able to meet children’s concerns and needs.
Background of the Proposal
In this respect, there is a serious problem in terms of the cooperation between reporting systems and professionals’ perception. Before presenting the solutions and a sequence of tasks, it is also indispensible to define the nature of the problem, as well as highlight various forms of child abuse, including maltreatment and child neglect.
In this respect, Levi and Portwood argue that differences in definitions often prevent the physicians from making reasonable reporting on the fact of children abuse (63). Though the extent of suspicion is not justified, there should be some barriers for the clinicians to establish child’s maltreatment.
Lack of up-to-date psychological research on family upbringing often contribute negatively to deciding whether the current criteria are sufficient for reasonable child abuse reporting because there are cases revealing no evidence for actual injuries. The pie chart below also visualizes information on age ranges of child abuse, which stipulates that earlier ages as the most vulnerable to maltreatment.
Victims of Child Abuse in Relation to Age (Gill 31)
Sources of Information
The program description provided by Gill will be used as a basis for organizing the training meetings for childcare professions. In particular, Gill argues that health care professionals should be much more attentive and sensitive in case they suspect the case of child abuse (36).
Previous research also demonstrates problems with child protection in the past. Specifically, there is evidence that the properly arranged child abuse reporting systems significantly reduced the number of childe abuse fatalities (Lindsey 41).
In order to define various dimensions of family relations, it is necessary to refer to White et al who express their concerns connected with the quality of the reporting systems, as well as the laws sustaining the proper regulation of all reporting procedures (White et al. 34).
Communication analysis is also presented the reporting system analysis. According to Appleton and Nicky Stanley, “…the importance of good multi-agency and interdisciplinary working and effective communication and information sharing is continually espoused in policy documents and practice guidance” (153). Therefore, this tendency should also serve the basis of the given project.
Proposed Tasks
Introducing a program for clinician on learning the behavioral patterns and action plans. Because there is no an accurate standard that can identify the case of child abuse, the program should be aimed at deepening knowledge of the practitioners taking care of child mental and physical health.
Specifically, they should be knowledgeable of all risk factors and definitions of child abuse, including neglect, maltreatment, sexual and physical abuse, harassment, etc. In addition, the program also seeks to blur the professional boundaries to consider children maltreatment.
Encouraging educational programs for child’s parent to prevent the case of child abuse. The importance of reporting should also concern parents should realize the usefulness and necessity of high quality children abuse reporting systems (Bunting et al 187).
Establishing regular meetings and conferences for the purpose of sharing experience concerning children with special needs. Establishing meeting and conferences will significantly enhance shared decision-making both between childcare professionals and parents and between parents and children.
There should be a consensus between the two parties concerns because it will allow not only to reduce the frequency of children maltreatment, but also to prevent the actual abuse on the part of parents.
Organizational Pattern
All the above presented tasks can be initiated simultaneously because they perform various functions that do not depend on each other. In particular, the first one is designed for clinicians, the second task seeks to improve parents’ attitude, and final stage is concerned with the overall opportunities for child health care sphere.
So, about 1 month will be required to work out the strategies of training and establish the rules and standards for attendance.
The initiators of the program have conducted in-depth analysis and research of psychological, social, and economic factors influencing the relations in families that could lead to maltreatment and neglect. Their experience is sufficient to meet the requirements of the program.
The funding should focus on staff salaries, as well as premises for organizing conferences, presentations and meetings. For a month program, $ 10000 will be enough to provide improvement to children’s treatment and health.
Works Cited
Appleton, Jane V., and Nicky Stanley. “Communicating With Children’s Social Services And Reporting Systems.” Child Abuse Review 19.3 (2010): 153-157. Print.
Bunting, Lisa, Anne Lazenbatt, and Isla Wallace. “Information Sharing And Reporting Systems In The UK And Ireland: Professional Barriers To Reporting Child Maltreatment Concerns.” Child Abuse Review 19.3 (2010): 187-202. Print.
Gill, Donna, F. “Identifying Child Abuse”. Clinician Reviews, 22.3 (2012): 29-36. Print.
Levi, Benjamin, H., and Sharon, G. Portwood. “Reasonable Suspicion Of Child Abuse: Finding A Common Language.” Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics 39.1 (2011): 62-69. Print.
Lindsey, Duncan. “Mandated Reporting and Child Abuse Fatalities: Requirements for a System to Protect Children.” Social Work Research 18.1 (1994): 41. Print.
White, et al. “Effect Of Child Protective Services System Factors on Child Maltreatment Rereporting.” Child Welfare 89.3 (2010): 33-55. Print.