The film “Parasite” directed by Bong Joon Ho (2019) is not a political but rather a social movie that explores the issue of class inequality. The inability of one family to live happily due to a constant lack of livelihood prompts its members to go to the trick and obtain good jobs through deception. Despite the fact that the plot of the film touches on the dominance of one class over another, this context is not related to politics and is associated with social and ethical ambiguities.
As an integral property, humanity fades into the background when the threat of the disclosure of a conspiracy hangs over the low-income family. Ho (2019) offers viewers to assess how quickly the situation can change if an interpersonal conflict becomes public and entails consequences for all interested parties. Therefore, social and moral-ethical issues of human relationships are raised in “Parasite” but not political ones.
Ho, B. J. (2019). Parasite [Film]. Barunson E&A.