Jack Walker founded the corporation in 1995 and he is the current president. The corporation has divisions in the supply of the National Building, which has the RexMag subsidiary. The corporation makes sales of approximately thirteen million dollars, with one hundred and five employees. The corporation deals with national and regional customers who seek to improve their homes and it has outlets, which deal with building supplies.
The corporation deals with items of building and construction such as fasteners, which comprise of screws, bolts, and nails as well as Construction items including flanges and brackets (Plasti-Brack).
The hardware used in the construction of the cabinets includes the hinges, knobs, and pulls. The corporate also deals with decorative hardware such as towel bars, towel rings, soap dishes, switch plates, and outlet plates.
The process of manufacturing starts with headings then proceeds to blank and stamping, which incorporates the zinc die-cast molding and trimming. The next step requires the molding of the plastic in the form of an injection. Plating, brushing and lacquering follow suit in the manufacturing process. Painting is vital in the product and follows the assembly of the various parts. The final steps of the process include the packaging of the commodities.
The particular product line is the Plasti-Brack, which comes from six different angles and Excellent has a patent for this item. The corporation designs different designs for this production line. One of the designs is a simulated finishing to the wood and a careful color to the plastic insert. This product is popular with contractors as it has internal and external usage, for fence, deck, shed construction and home construction.
The process of manufacturing is quite technical and hence requires proper management and thorough supervision. The plastic resin is placed and moved on the molding machine, then dumped into the feeding hopper of each machine being used. The hoppers of the machines then empty the molds as more and more dumping of the resin into the hoppers continues. The plastic parts then emerge from the molding machines, which are then trimmed and collected in 10 cubic feet tubs. The tubs move on to the plastic-Brack assembly area.
Progressive dies found in the Plast-Brack press machine then stamp out the plain brackets. The plain brackets pass on to the ten cubic meter tubs. The tubs then move on to the Plasti-Brack assembly area. Once in the assembly process, the operator does a quick visual check of the plastic insert and the plain bracket right before the assembly. The discarding of the bad parts proceeds after the identification of the bad parts. The next step follows the recycling of plastic through the regrind process.
The plastic steel at this level is usable and as a result, precedes the sale of the steel as scrap together with the rest of the scrap metal. The assembled Plast-Brack items are collected in ten cubic feet tubs and move to the Bulk Pack area. After the packing of the Plasti-Brack, they proceed into the area where the rest of the finished Goods are in the Warehouse. From here, they wait to pick and then the packing of the Plast-Brack continues into the large shipping containers to the customers.
The commissions, wages, and salaries incur a cost that takes twelve point seven percent of the total income for each year. The management ought to trim down on the workforce to incur less on the salaries. The corporation works on a forty-hour shift and this is with little influence on the workforce size. According to Hill & Jones (2007), the corporate can sub-divide the current shift to other sub-divisions, which will pay less per employee according to the fewer hours in duty. This ensures the utilization of the workforce capacity by eighty-five percent.
Excellent Management Corporation does not record a collective inventory of all the products but uses different inventories based on the product lines. The corporation has to ensure that by the end of the financial year it keeps a record of all the collective costs, which the production of various items incurs. This goes a long way in giving a projectile of expenses in the near future with the collective analysis at hand.
The corporation has to ensure it enrolls employees who have the skill required. Skill in a manufacturing corporation is necessary, as the production of the Plasti-brack requires technical skills throughout the process. The experience is also necessary and with the introduction of the shifts, the corporation will have experts to oversee the manufacturing of the products. The more flexible the schedule is, the more likely the corporate will have more freelancing manufacturers to oversee the process (Plag, 1999).
Cutting the expenses will be another option on top of our list. This accounts for forty point seven percent of the annual gross income. The expenses reduction is mandatory through reducing the time, which the electricity on. Multiple similar processes should not run simultaneously but rather every shift should have its independent activity.
Hill, C & Jones, H, (2008). Strategic management: An integrated approach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Plag, I, (1999). Morphological productivity: Structural constraints in English derivation. Berlin: Library of Congress.