- Shot 1: The camera captures the Wayne family: Thomas, his wife, and son. The long-shot frame with the center on Bruce Wayne is implemented. Such a frame choice expresses the idea of the hidden comparison between Arthur and Bruce. Bot of the character lost everything they had. Arthur killed his parents, Bruce, in order to see revenge done for all the violence he got from Thomas. The calmness of Bruce being surrounded by the dead bodies of his parents shows that the young boy understands the central “joke” Arthur mentions. Cut to:
- Shot 2: The following big closeup frame depicts the emotions of Arthur during the dialogue with his psychiatrist. The previous frame is supposed to be the images his cognition generated. Arthur finds the horrifying death of the Wayne spouses funny, saying to the psychiatrist: “You would not get it” (Top 10 Joker (2019) Moments). By implementing such a reverse-angle shot, the director shows the insanity of Arthur, whose mind is distorted, lacking the mere concept of empathy and love. However, this closeup expresses not only the insanity of the main character but also his deep suffering in associating himself with the lost child. The combination of shots shows that there is a direct correlation between Bruce’s and Arthur’s suffering. The main character wanted someone to experience his pain. This is the reason to kill Bruce’s parents, which proves his insanity of Arthur. Cut to:
- Shot 3: The last long-shot frame of this scene depicts the loneliness of the Arthurs’ insanity. Others will never understand the irony of his life. Only merciless violence can be a suitable punishment for the world which rejected Arthur. That is why his steps are in the blood, conveying the idea that the character made his choice to destroy the world, which was cruel to him. The world which cannot accept his joke should cease to exist.
Works Cited
“Top 10 Joker (2019) Moments.”YouTube, uploaded by WatchMojo.com, 2019.