Knock Knock Inc.’s Organizational Culture Essay

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For all organizations, it is essential to assess their culture to determine all concerns and make practical recommendations. One organization is Knock Knock, Inc. and its evaluation highlights significant issues in its company culture. Knock Knock, Inc. is an organization that offers cloud-based payroll, human resource management, and benefits for all organizations.

The organization is privately owned in the business software industry. More specifically, the organization handles all payments to workers and contractors. It further handles electronic paperwork required to allow client companies to have easy access to financial management. Knock Knock, Inc. has 2,400 employees in all its locations across the country. The employees are dedicated to offering quality services to the customers, including helping them comply with immigration laws, labor, and tax. Although Knock Knock, Inc. is productive in all aspects, it faces the problem of organizational dysfunction that should be addressed with practical strategies.

A predominant organizational issue that Knock Knock, Inc. faces is organizational dysfunction among the employees. A lack of consensus among some organization members mainly causes this concern. Indradevi (339) points out that employees in a company must share a common perspective on the existing issues that the group must address. This intuition demonstrates that the lack of consensus among the employees is due to the inability of the employees to solve issues in the workplace. For example, Knock Knock, Inc. demonstrates that the services and products offered do not sell well on certain occasions, and a small number of employees recognize the situation. It creates the aspect of a dysfunctional unit since the members of the team are unable to transition in unison to deal with the problem.

In certain situations, team members in Knock Knock, Inc. agree on specific symptoms but differ on the underlying causes. The aspect of a dysfunctional team in Knock Knock, Inc. is also a result of specific individuals thinking that a software product does not sell well due to poor marketing. On the other hand, others feel that poor sales are a result of quality issues that push the target market to consider products from other companies. An additional issue that lies beneath the problem of organizational dysfunction is the lack of team cohesion in specific departments. The problem is brought up by the employees’ lack of belonging and identity. The team members also note that there is a lack of trust between the employees and the leaders, making it challenging to create a cohesive team.

Organizational dysfunction hinders the company’s efficiency since it causes communication breakdowns. A breakdown in communication caused by organizational dysfunction can present itself in sidebar conversations. More specifically, it distorts the ability of the team members to communicate strategic options in the organization, causing issues associated with workplace bullying and reduced morale. An integral approach that the leaders of Knock Knock, Inc. should adopt is obtaining a clear understanding of any form of dysfunctional concerns in the company.

Once the primary issues are addressed, the leaders can utilize team-building approaches to restore cohesion. In addition, organizational dysfunction hinders the company’s overall efficiency by causing trust issues among the leaders and the employees. In this case, the problem causes team members to fail to trust one another and assume negative intentions, which plays a leading role in challenging productivity in the company.

Work Cited

Indradevi, R. “Workplace Spirituality: Successful Mantra for Modern Organization.” Journal of Critical Reviews, vol. 7, no. 6, 2020, pp. 437-440. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). Knock Knock Inc.'s Organizational Culture.

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"Knock Knock Inc.'s Organizational Culture." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Knock Knock Inc.'s Organizational Culture'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Knock Knock Inc.'s Organizational Culture." May 7, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Knock Knock Inc.'s Organizational Culture." May 7, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Knock Knock Inc.'s Organizational Culture." May 7, 2024.

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