Language Management and Technology Contribution Report (Assessment)

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Language management is important especially in areas where society has to interact in a multilingual environment and a lot of translation has to be done. This ensures the information reaches everyone in the market especially the final consumer of various products. In effort to achieve this objective, language engineering and use of technology have provided a lot of hope through research on the contribution they are likely to make. This will be through application of scientific principles in designing tools to handle information in its natural language. They will then translate it to various languages almost instantly regardless of the volume being handled. Software that will perform the translations as well as program codes to represent information will be designed using the concept of how human mind functions.


A lot of contribution can be made to language management by language engineering and/or the use of technology. Either of this can provide a solution to reducing the current cost and bureaucratic burden of Europe’s multilingualism. Generally, language engineering refers to application of scientific principles in designing, constructing as well as maintaining tools that help handling of information when it is provided in natural language. Natural language in this sense refers to the common form of communication that is used in communication among people. These scientific principles are covered under linguistic which refers to studying of how language works. Language engineering and technology involves use of various tools such as computer to do the work of translation, teaching of language, extraction of information as well as language indexing. Language engineering also makes use of intangible “tools” like dictionaries, author’s guidelines as well as those methods that are used in teaching of foreign languages. Language engineering therefore comprises of entire factors that deal with application of science of language in finding solutions to practical tasks. Translation using machines as well as translation that is aided by machines is the major application of the discipline. Computer systems are produced to perform translations and also support man in translating by considering the process that he/she use in translating. This provides guidelines as well as methodologies to help human in doing his work. Across the professional life and industry, language engineering is performed by different expertises that have the capacity to work as a team in complementing each other’s skills. (Christensen, 1977)


Language and language engineering

The first general terms are language and language engineering which according to Collins English dictionary; language is a system that enables people to express their thought and feelings through use of sounds and convectional symbols. This is a mechanism of communication that uses text and speech as its medium. Language engineering on the other hand deals with computer processing of the two medium. (Crystal, 2003)

Engineering refers to creation of solutions that are cost effective in solving practical problems through application of scientific knowledge. The term can also connote use of scientific principles in designing and making as well as maintaining machines. All these involve rigorous set of methods used in development. Language engineering therefore focuses on use of knowledge in construction of artifacts that are expected to perform tasks according to the requirements of knowledge in the future world. This set of knowledge is important in promoting the science of studying the working of the world. (Beninatto, 2005)

Computational linguistics

Computational linguistics refers to the definition of both science and language and is a major component of science in the study of human language. It normally uses computers as aids during observation of language as well as during experimentation of human language. Computational linguistics focuses on analyzing natural language similarly to how traditional linguistic works. The only difference is the use of computers in the computational linguistics as a modeling tool as well as verifying and falsifying fragments of theories used to explain language whenever such theories are deemed to be of particular interests (Graddol, 2000).

Natural language processing

Natural language processing refers to different meaning that depend on the context in which it is used but much of its work refers to the same thing that is done in computational linguistic as well as language engineering. Natural language processing is a branch of science that deals with study of computer systems in natural language processing. Language management through language engineering is therefore a discipline of software systems that accomplish tasks of human language processing. It is possible to measure and predict the process of construction as well as output in language engineering (Seidlhofer, 2006).

Requirement of language engineering

Effective tools for promoting language management can easily be produced if the expertise has the knowledge in the relevant areas. This includes detailed knowledge of various individual languages and proper understanding of the basic properties of those languages. Other important areas also include linguistic theories that have to be computationally realized and real language properties. A number of profiles are required in language management. For example, an individual may concentrate in learning a foreign language and even want to master it so that he/she can make its effective use in all situations. Such a person may learn the science of language in order to analyze his/her language in a scientific way and be able to compare the two languages. The individual therefore requires translational skills as well as translational theories in both writing and communication. With these skills, the learner can use the current technology such as computers in learning as well as processing of language. Similarly, a person may develop interest in learning various languages without acquiring detailed knowledge in a particular language. Such a person therefore needs general linguistic to acquire basic principles. Such principles would be important in using technological tools in applying the learnt theories in various languages just as he/she would apply them in one language. Other people are fascinated by manipulation as well as language processing using computers and therefore require computational as well as technical skills to advance this application and come up with a tool that can automatically perform the task or help human in performing the same. Such knowledge required by interested people is much needed in language management using language engineering (Congresses, 2007).

Language engineering contribute to management language

The most important factor in promoting human progress is language but unfortunately it is becoming the biggest barrier to the same objective. Even though research has shown that there is just a slight difference in DNA between human species and primates, language has helped man to be always ahead of primates. If technology can therefore be used to improve the existing knowledge even further, man would communicate and cooperate with others globally in a better way. It would be possible to store knowledge more safely and for a longer time to benefit future generations in learning the wisdom of current as well as past generations. Formulation as well as expression of thought would be effective if technology is used in language management making descriptions of concepts competent and subtle. It is only language engineering and/or technology that can save man from the current situation of slow and difficult change in language. Human thought and language like any other self-organizing system is inherent in reaching a stable equilibrium commonly known as local equilibrium. When mind and the language are in this state, it seems inferior for any change to take place and therefore difficult for the human to detach from the state. Any attempt for change gets human back to the same state (Tsui, 2004).

Complex technology is needed for complex world

Without use of language technologies as well as language engineering, the current system will definitely cause the language to attain a stable state of complacence. If this state is reached, it will be very difficult to describe the complexity of the world that is increasing day by day. Research indicates that, although language has offered the biggest help to mankind in past in making progress, the help may not be obtainable beyond the current point if language engineering will not be used. This will in fact be the most significant barrier to future progress. Failure to use language engineering and the modern technology in language management can only be compared to children’s clothes that looses their value even when they are wonderful when the child grows up no matter how important or suitable they used to be. Language engineering would therefore resolve the apparent contradiction because when the general concept of language is still valuable as always it has been, it is currently a barrier to human progress (Ess, 2001).

Language can be compared to the encyclopedia of ignorance where words as well as concepts form language that is relative to the current knowledge. A person may therefore see the world in an old fashioned way if this state of relative ignorance is not broken. This explains why language is now a major barrier of progress in the life of a human being. Human being in the current world has not been able to develop updated perceptions because of his superb ability in word description that makes him/her feel he can describe different situations perfectly using the already existing language. Research has shown this to be a risky mistake as perception and descriptions have different meaning. Language engineering can therefore contribute towards language management by giving human brain complex concepts that will consequently enable the brain to perceive the complex world in the right way. This is because the human brain only has the natural capacity to see the world according to how it is prepared. For example, the current technology can be used to create new words that can enable man to perceive the world in a richer way that is more powerful. Creation of new concepts for new perceptions is possible through use of numbers to form codes just as it is done in forming telephone numbers. A number like 7/15 for example may be used in a general sense to imply that, a person is not pleased and therefore not happy with how things are being done. This response is a general implication of what one sees taking place and therefore is a mood code. Language engineering therefore helps human brain to acquire a higher-ordered language and thus increase in capacity to perceive the world in new perception. This change in language management is gradual and can take a relatively long time but with proper understanding of its importance, the goal can quickly be achieved. This analysis provides a basis for human to construct as well as evaluate systems of infrastructure. The systems include software architecture and developing surroundings in order to promote language engineering research as well as development (Borrego, 2007).

History of language management through language engineering

Designing of software that uses natural language processing has been in existence for along time. An example is the MT system that was designed in 1960s and since then, technology has been streaming steadily changing into different products over years. A good example has been in the compiler construction. In the system, formal language theory has been used which later advanced to dictionary spell-checking using word processors. Systems for processing language as well as language engineering activities have been in application for a long time where a body of practice has been established especially in the engineering discipline but the specific application of language engineering has been more recent. Language engineering is a creation that has occurred during the last decade when the term and the respective body learning on the practice as well as the relevant science and associated experience began being heard (Christensen, 1977).

Why language engineering needs to be established

There are several reasons for establishment of language engineering and these include advances in computer hardware that has a high processor speed as well as memory capacity. The speed for these processors has also been going down. This has been making the computationally more expensive processes with typified language processing to have increased viability. There are also more available online resources that are in large scale and which are related to language. These include dictionaries and thesauri as well as ‘designer’ corpora. Language engineering and technology would also satisfy the world demand for application of electronic text that has undergone an exponential growth in volume as well as availability. Multilingual communication in Europe has also become more important as a result of increase in electronic communication and increased mobility. Research has also shown that, natural language processing has undergone maturity and it can, for some task, attain high level of accuracy even when tested repeatedly. All these reasons are cited as why language engineering should be established as a contribution to language management (Crystal, 2003).

Contribution to Europe multilingualism

Use of technology can be of much benefit to the advancement of human language in Europe which has been considered by many individuals as a distinctive progressive achievement in the revolution of human being. Positive contribution to the existing language management using technology would improve the means of communication of ideas and emotions as well as the required knowledge needed to express their cultural identity. If technology can be used to empower language, this would consequently empower entire human achievement which covers science and technology, art and culture as well as philosophy because all of them require effective communication for proper understanding (Beninatto, 2005).

Cost effectiveness in European’s language translations

In Europe, various languages form a fact of life and even the European Union recognizes the diversity of tongues as a key component in their cultural heritage. Therefore, language equality in Europe Union is a principle that was part of their founding treaties. Much effort has therefore been done to preserve the diversity of linguistic through several policies for a long time. However, this diversity requires substantial investment to enhance sustenance. Therefore, most institutions in Europe find it very costly to run interpretation as well as translation services and end up spending huge amount of operational budget on this. Language diversity therefore posses a major challenge for the industries as well as business in Europe even though it is perceived as an asset. New strategies for multilingualism have now been pointed out by the commission during its first communication (Graddol, 2000).

If there is investment in communication technology to language management in Europe, it would be easier to access new emerging markets regardless of their location in the world and this is a vital factor for the general success in Europe. Technologies for human language in Europe have the capacity to provide ability to citizen and their government as well as commerce in acquiring easy communication among people and across business administrations. There has been collaboration between the European Union and the member states for the last more than twenty years. This has helped in sponsoring several actions in effort to build expertise and more resources as well as pan-European infrastructure in language. Europe can therefore be termed as having achieved part of its major objectives in using technologies for language management. It has some of the most stable markets that are currently using these technologies as well as machine translations. Future targets regarding language technologies in Europe are to see that, the required tools and entire resources are easily accessible and available for the entire languages in Europe. This will also ensure that key commercial languages in the world have provided a way for multilingual information in the entire society in Europe. The technology is aimed at deploying several products that are required to provide multilingual services that include retrieving cross-language information as well as systems for machine translations. It is possible for the European commission to achieve this ambitious goal of providing general access to all kind of information to all citizens in Europe by the year 2010 which was the key target initiative. Language management for European multilingualism has now been made a policy in Europe with several actions being done such as education and training as well as various research programs that include language learning and linguistic diversity (Seidlhofer, 2006).

Information exchange as part of communication in multilingual Europe is of major importance in handling the official languages that amounts to twenty. In Europe there are190 pairs of language and these require 380 directions for translations. This amounts to a huge cost as well as effort on the entire cross-lingual activities both in government and business and the community at large. Without technology being put into place to manage multilingualism in Europe, the cost would be large enough to act as a barrier for some transaction and communication from taking place. Use of technology is therefore targeted to provide a dramatic change in the current situation because translation capabilities will be made available through use of automatic systems. Although automatic systems may not be as good as human professional translators, they will be cheaper and faster and readily available whenever needed as well as efficient enough for a wide range of purpose. The major progress in using these technologies will be realized in using automated systems across several languages in Europe. However, there will still be gains in the efficiency regarding traditional human translations as a side benefit. Translations of the spoken language in addition to machine translations is expected to begin in the markets and latter quickly progress in scope. It will have minimal dependence if any on already existing translations. The technology is much expected to stimulate commerce as well as industry in Europe. In Europe it has become necessary in line with the laid down strategies to provide technology for human language as a way of facilitating communication. This is also aimed at providing information exchange within current multilingualism to the greatest possible extent (Congresses, 2007).

Significance of technology in human language management

The significance of technology in European language management can well be illustrated by first describing the current state of affairs as well as the general perspective of language management in the global context. A specific reference is also made between Europe and the United States, Asia and India. An outline will also be made regarding development of future markets based on the expectation made after an exploration of the current art in research as well as in business. The research in use of technology will achieve these objectives by making several interviews with key specialists from business in order to have a broader perspective and insight in this technological advancement (Tsui, 2004).

Human language technologies (HLT) are a set of technologies with a capacity to fundamentally bring a revolution to the world especially in the neighboring environment and thus change our lifestyle. Research has shown that, there has been a dramatic global change that has been brought by computing and use of efficient digital networking. It has also been noted that, the entire revolution progressed gradually taking several years and providing a remarkable change but this was not a shock at all. Today, enough studies have shown the existing computing technology has enormous potential that has consequently led us into facing more advanced revolution. Although the new revolution is being seen as rather a slow process to an extent of several research topics giving up hope after being addressed for many years, future technology is still being expected to provide a solution to many challenges (Ess, 2001).

Major contribution expected from technology

Technology in language management is expected to “teach” computers on how to analyze human speech. Computers will also analyze language whether it is in spoken or in written form in the same way that it is possible for the human to master these in various ways. This means that, future technology is expected to enable computers naturally speak and have the capacity to understand spoken language including the meaning on what is being said. A computer that has been installed with such a technology will therefore be able to summarize any document as well as conversation. Even when it is given contents of audio recording, computers will be able to find the contents and make translations across various languages. Human will then be able to link with machines through interface by voice. All these will be possible because these are the same communication means that human use. Advanced technology is expected to enable computer process such information in the best way human considers useful. (Borrego, 2007)

Although there are quite a large number of technologies, the one that involve automatic speech recognition and machines that can translate written text into speech are the more targeted significant technologies in language management in Europe. Another contribution of the technology will be to install computers with software that can enable them alter the way human think about. The way human work with received information will also be altered because it will be possible in accessing as well as processing information that has been coded in language using fundamental new methods. Therefore, the main objective in using technology in language management will be to break the language barrier in the communication among humans and in handling unstructured information in natural language text form. All these will be making use of the core technologies based on machine translations as well as spoken translation. Efficient set of application are designed by having a summary of retrieval information that is cross-lingual together with data assimilation. Another corresponding set of application contains cross-lingual communication such as machines that translate written text as well as spoken language and even translating a speech to another speech (Christensen, 1977).

Significance of human language technologies in Europe

There is a lot of relevance on the importance of progressive technology regarding human language management in Europe especially when it comes to transfer of good and services across global markets. Before the introduction of internet services, it was still difficult to distribute goods in form of physical goods but it is now faster and much cheaper to an extent of having an item of order within a few hours after placing the order. However, even when these barriers were overcome, there was still left another problem of language barrier concerning trade between various countries. Research has shown that, it is vitally important to have efficient communication among different languages within various cultures across the world for effective trade. This is very important especially because of the advancement of globalization in the world economy that has consequently resulted from use of internet. A varying amount of effort is needed regarding the language that should be used in presenting a particular product to the final consumer. Such a decision will largely depend on the type of product being transported or involved. Use of technology will therefore greatly reduce the high cost of production depending on the information services being handled. In Europe, if technology can remove the language barrier, researchers feel that there would be no other remaining obstacle for accessing global markets. When all these are done, the only allowed exceptions to be observed are general interest to ensure they are not overridden. These interests include health and protection of consumers as well as environment which means even when technology is used to achieve these objectives; it has to be under strict conditions. The simplification of language management using language engineering and technology will definitely ignore besides language issue; cultural differences that always have impact whenever a good or service is being placed into the local markets. However in comparison with other major problems that will have been solved through such an efficient technology, it is obvious that this will be a minor issue. Regarding information services, the crucial language barrier will have been overcome through the technology and information will be delivered easily across several countries. Application of human language technology is therefore the main theme in the European markets in solving the significant obstacle within common European markets. This will also have paved way to access various domestic markets located in the United States of America and this will be of much significant economic benefit (Crystal, 2003).

World Languages Data

Research has shown the relevance of introducing efficient technology and language engineering to manage the large number of the world languages. The data collected from the global scale indicates that, the number of existing languages is totaling to 6,912 and most of them are based in Asia and in Africa. Among these languages, the major ones are English which is the most important followed by Chinese which even beats English as far as first-language speakers are concerned. To be specific, there are 350 million people speaking English as their first language but if the number would be added to 750 million people who speak English as their foreign language the number would amount to 1.5 billion people who can effectively communicate in English. This makes the English language to be the most important on the global scale. This figure include an error of identifying some languages as the living language here implies one that has at least a speaker whom it is his/her first language. Therefore the figures may be inconsistent as they depend to a large extent on proficiency level in case of foreign languages (Beninatto, 2005).

Technology will save endangered languages

Research has shown that, there are some languages that are currently being endangered and this is happening in two dimensions: the number of people who can communicate in the language and also the role performed in the use of the language. Typically, people who are bilingual usually start using the second language when they already have children and research has shown that, some even end up using their first language less frequently especially when commutating with their children. As this report on the research is made, the number of languages on the global scale feared to have undergone extinction is about 500. There is therefore great concern regarding further endangerment of languages because of the close link between culture and language. The impact of the link becomes negative when the language is threatened by extinction because when the language is lost, what follow almost immediately is social as well as cultural disruptions. Further loss is also likely to occur regarding the academic community that studies the languages being endangered. Multilingual management using technology will therefore be of much help in saving further language from undergoing extinction. This will be in a big way a protection of the indigenous social and cultural aspects of many communities globally and more so in Europe (Graddol, 2000).

In European Union, language has a close link to culture and it is used as a component to symbolize their national unity. This is the reason why when Europeans were forming their union, they made a noble decision not to have a primary language but decide to maintain a variety of languages all with equal rights. Although English is the language widely used, European Union by design is multilingual. The union even has a commissioner for multilingualism and culture and most of the documents are made available in various translations and also in particular laws as well as parliamentary debates. Advanced technology is therefore very necessary in order for this translation to be cost effective as well as fast. The union has three working languages that are used internally in all the operations and these are German, English and French. It is therefore evident that, there are enough reasons for the European Union to protect it cultural heritage but it has to adopt the right technology for multilingual management for the maintenance of those languages to be cost effective. Economically, the cost will be greatly reduced as there will be reduction in the bulk of translations for various products and also regarding the extra effort by individuals to learn an additional language (Seidlhofer, 2006).

Language engineering and technology will definitely reduce the cost of these translations and therefore upholding cultural heritage in Europe. It is needles to say that, stopping these translations cannot be an option because citizens in Europe have to be taught law in a language they can understand. Localization of the products also needs to be done using various languages before they reach the market for sale. So the main objective in introducing technology is to reduce any cost even when it is very low because it can be a big hindrance for progress in the local and international market. However, European Union is optimistic that, technology will bring substantial cost effective management and improve the accessibility of various products all of which will impact positively on the European economy. That number of languages in Europe is definitely a heavy burden in the entire society as well as economy but a way has to be found to manage the same multilingualism because it act as a social model among European culture and thus provide diversity. The positive contribution of the technology to the language management in Europe will make multilingualism a wealth as well as a dynamic element and therefore the several languages will never be a hindrance. Several markets will open up as a result and the several languages will have their fundamental freedoms as well as diversity in their culture. Through this, societies will have new ideas and thus impetus to the European economy. It will no longer be a burden for those individuals in need of freedom of movement within their single labor market and they have only one language they can communicate in. This is one of the major reasons why technology as well as language engineering will promote European knowledge of their diverse language as well as learning of new languages (Congresses, 2007).

Technological strategies that are already being implemented

The directorate general of translations in Europe is currently dealing with most of the challenges facing the European communication’s enlargement. Currently, more than 500 new staff has already been recruited within the last one year to develop new terms and also improve the quality of translations. Technologically, this is important because currently some terms within the European policy are non existent within new languages and actually this is the main challenge. Legislative text is usually translated from the scratch usually this being the first time, where sometimes the process of translation is relatively complicated. Technology will therefore enable the integration of the new languages to go rather well.

The tools to be used as machine translations are already being developed that have a good memory and that is giving the language managers a bright future. One of the great advantages about the technology being introduced is that, it is in no way going to reduce human element in language translation. This development is focused more in the combination of new element of technology with the human element that has been in the market to come up with an intelligent translation. Trained personnel will then be recruited to ensure highest quality and coherence as well as the usage of the correct terminology throughout the process of translation. This will enable the final product to be understandable to the common citizen as well as have improved status (Tsui, 2004).

Technology will create a new profession of language translators

Implementation of language engineering and technology for language translation will make the language industry to be the fastest growing in the world. This is because, as globalization as wel as the multitude of different languages continue increasing, there will be a greater need of services regarding multilingual management. This by implication will mean better re-organization of translation profession because of it importance in reducing the many challenges and consequently the entire profession will undergo tremendous change. Those who will be employed to translate will no longer be just doing the work of transforming texts but will also be involved in the advisory matters regarding linguistic as well as editing. All this will mean diversification of this profession as well as it’s continued befit to the European society and the entire globe (Ess, 2001).

Already there is a good contact among the universities through their associations that is focused in developing effective curriculum. It will also offer training in the application of the new technology to come up with a European master of translations and this will serve as a standardized qualification. The other target will be to make that everybody has recognized this application of the technology so as to make the recruitment of personnel easier. Therefore, at the end of the day there will be much progress in the profession of language translation in Europe.

Contribution to the general communication

Research has shown that many European use two or more language in their communication. However, more than half the European population speaks just in one language. Therefore, introduction of new technology for language management and translation will provide a great progress in making such Europeans easily talk with each other. Even a slight progress in any form of communication through language engineering as well as technological advancement, will translate into a great progress in comparison with the current situation. To begin with, the translation does not have to be perfect or even well formed though that is the main target in the new technology. Any slight improvement on translation will impact on the market forces especially regarding prospects of those who are entering new markets. With proper engineering in language and introduction of technology, translation of languages in various forms will be seamless and also reduce the cost and this will mean a lot to human effort in improving communication. In the same way people have experienced technology performing a great deal towards promoting communication among people in different geographical locations and bridging space as well as time, the same impact will be felt with the targeted advancement in language management through the same concept of technology combined with language engineering (Borrego, 2007).

Research has indicated human writing to be the initial major step towards advancing human culture as it allowed transfer of human knowledge from one generation to another. Bridging of space is a concept that started in the ancient times where information was transmitted between boarders of the Roman Empire and Chinese empire through optic signals. This was followed by postal and telephone services that were introduced as well as transatlantic telecommunication lines. Today, there are cellular phones and other giant steps like internet and all these are clear indication that, even language management will achieve major progress no matter how the process will be. What the world is currently lacking is instant as well availability of cheap translation of languages in order to connect various cultures. The problem of connecting space and time has already been solved. This means the future is heading to a point where one will be having instant translation of speech including written text translation. This will be at a cost that is reasonable bearing in mind that such a communication at present does not take place. Researchers are making a fair assumption that, if these kinds of tools are designed, their effects would be equally significant in a similar way as was witnessed when telephone and internet were introduced (Christensen, 1977).

Impact of language management on industrialization

If the low cost translation will have to be made available, there will have to be some fundamental changes. For example, a few years ago, what could only be done by human, is currently being accomplished by machines effectively. A picture of the contribution that would be brought by language engineering as well as technology in language management can only be well understood if we look back at 1960s. Around this time, there was a massive spread of information technology from the government offices, scientific analysis and military applications to applications that were commercial. Such applications included banking and insurance services and within a short time the applications found their way to almost every area of human life. Processing of information using machines was no longer a dream but a reality. Previously, the much work that needed skilled personnel begun being done by machines that were even faster and cheaper as well as effective. By then, there were only a few challenges such as processing of a language that had been fed into the machine if it was beyond structured data. For example, names and addresses were out of scope but written documents such as newspapers and books were well produced in a process that was largely supported by information technology. It was very difficult to process incoming information before the introduction of internet. When internet was introduced globally, a lot of information processing changed. This led to enormous growth in necessity to process individual languages in different aspects including searching and summarization of data. Translating and data classification also became an aspect of necessity. Today, customer self service has been introduced through internet and this has consequently caused massive increased communication between the sender and the end customer of the products across companies as well as government. The expectation of the customer on the final products has also gone up to an extent of a customer expecting an e-mail being answered within a few hours after being sent. Another major application of the recent technology is searching of document in the internet based on the word commonly known as Google search. This technology is today being used in almost every home and it is being offered in several languages depending on the locality of the consumer. Even with this advancement, two major challenges are still apparent; the first being the word search being only substitute for the information search. In this case, it is preferred for one to be able to search for content than just words. On the other hand, the adoption of the internet by people has become extremely large and this has caused the need to localize the products especially with the language that would fit consumer. This is where the language engineering as well as technology will find most of their applications. Technology through language engineering will solve the problem satisfying huge demand needed for large scale translations that should also be real-time (Crystal, 2003).

Technology will also enable designing and production of web sites that are multilingual to be the major driver of all sort of translation industry globally. The web sites will also be for the benefit of documents that are cross-lingual to enhance for their easy search. This will promote considerable activities in various companies such as IBM, Google and SAP as well as Yahoo impacting positively in the market economy as far as translations is concerned. Language engineering will be of paramount importance in reducing the cost of translation in European economy because other than reducing the direct cost, the language barrier will also be removed and this will promote exploitation of more as well as new opportunities (Beninatto, 2005).

A market operating on traditional translation has been found to be very stable and as a presentation of human process similar to writing and this is to the disadvantage of the markets. On the other hand, machine translation provides services and application of translations that are real-time and web-based. It is therefore practically viable to use machine translations in dealing with problem of multilingual publication. This is especially when the volume of materials to be translated is very high and has to be linked with user control source text (Graddol, 2000).


In summary, language engineering together with advanced technology will provide software that has automatic processes. This will enable understanding of foreign languages and their contents into various native languages at a low cost and on real-time. It will also be possible for companies to publish high volumes of contents in a variety of languages within real-time and this will be achieved by effective control of source text. Currently, there are a lot of budget restrictions in Europe and this reduces the volume of localized text compared to the original text. It is also challenging to maintain contents in the localized versions because the cost is very high. This is even made worse by the slow human process in fully resolving terminology problems that are not consistent. Language engineering and use of technology will contribute positively to language management and this will be a solution to reducing the current cost and bureaucratic burden of Europe’s multilingualism.


  1. Christensen C. (1977): The Innovator’s Dilemma. When new Technologies Cause Great success: Harvard Business School Press pp45-57
  2. Crystal D. (2003): A Global Language: Cambridge University Press: pp. 32-36
  3. Beninatto R. (2005): Ranking of Top 20 Translation Companies: University of Chicago pp. 19-29
  4. Graddol R. (2000): Europeans and languages: University of Chicago pp. 45-56
  5. Seidlhofer B. (2006): English as a lingua franca in Europe: challenges for applied linguistics: Cambridge University Press pp. 72-93
  6. Contexts: Blackwell Synergy pp. 3 2-47
  7. Congresses A. (2007): International Journal of Applied Linguistics: Blackwell Synergy pp. 56-67
  8. Tsui A. (2004): Contributing to Global Management language: Springer pp. 304-315
  9. Ess C. (2001): Culture, Technology, Communication: Towards an Intercultural Global Village: Springer pp. 27-36
  10. Borrego M. (2007): Development of Engineering Education as a Rigorous Discipline: University of Chicago pp. 19-28
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