Leadership: Role, Benefits, and Limitations Expository Essay

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Leadership is practices that influence other parties in completion of managerial aims and targets by directing the organization to become coherent and cohesive. For example, the mayoral role in a town is leadership, whereby he takes the responsibility of guiding the people to support the laid down policies for the development of the town. Leadership must involve responsibility.

All leaders use this process for outstanding results and productivity. They only do this through a leadership process that entails them applying their skills and what they know to influence actions. Different leaders have different traits influencing their actions as, ‘Trait leadership’ ascertaining that people are never born already leaders, but they are made.

However, exemplary leadership does not involve responsibilities alone it incorporates the main concepts of leadership such as the role played by a good leader, excellent leadership skills, the effectiveness of the leadership activities carried out and the best leadership approach styles used by that leader.

This paper’s aim is to discuss what leadership involves, the role it plays in adapting and dealing with organizational change, the benefits observed when using the approach of leadership in an organization and its limitations.

Ensuring Effectiveness of Leadership

The first concept of leadership is an exemplary leader: he may be a boss in the sense that he is somebody who has the responsibility of guiding and supervising a certain group to get the job done. The effectiveness of leadership must involve an exceptional leader who is creative and capable of inspiring more future leaders in his team.

A principled leader deals with the group and the job because one without the other would mean no need of his leadership. Characteristics of a strong leader determine the efficiency of the group that he leads and the best leadership for increased productivity in an organization (Lencioni, 2002, p. 52). Some of the key things that contribute to the best leadership entail what the leader does, knows and who he is as a person.

Effective leadership must put in consideration the followers in an organization; this means the leadership styles used by a leader should be unique and related to the uniqueness of every group. For example, experienced employees need less supervision than the newly hired and the same applies to the under performers and motivated employees.

Each group has their own characteristics hence one leadership style cannot work for all job groups in an organization. A leader would therefore need to base his leadership styles on the specialization of each group entirely. Understanding and caring for employees needs is also extremely beneficial in building a working relationship.

Another aspect that cannot be ignored in ensuring effectiveness in leadership is the leader. One must have an understanding of his personality, capabilities and the knowhow. In leadership, the person in charge ought to display a good sense of command, use his knowledge on the task and incorporate this in what he plans to do for the organization.

Notably the followers determine the success of leader so if they distrust the leader then the organization is likely to face leadership challenges. A worthy leader would convince his followers that he is visionary and can be trusted.

Additionally communication holds the key to exceptional leadership it is often nonverbal, but must work both ways. Relay information to the followers and let them have room to be able to raise their views and give feedback. The information that a leader relays to his followers either enhances his relations with them or destroys the same.

Furthermore, situations determine the different styles applied by a leader and as a result, they carry much weight in predicting the effectiveness of leadership; in that different situations call for different approaches. Leadership and situation co-relate in that one cannot exist without the other; a certain situation prompts leadership and the leadership style approach used.

For example, when an organization is undergoing change due to a major budget cut in the economy, a wise leader would apply the participative style of leadership in order to have everyone contributing in keeping the organization afloat.

While traits changes with time in different situations, situations remain stable, hence they have more effect on the traits of a leader. Different forces affect and influence these four factors, the followers’ skills, and their relationship with the seniors, the organizational strategy and the informal leaders within that organization (Northouse, 2007, p. 49).

One can be either a boss or a leader. An assigned leader gets his authority through that position he holds in the organization but this does not qualify him as a leader. Leadership is different in the case that it motivates the followers into desiring to achieve the highest goals, (Emergent Leadership) as opposed to dictating your employees.

Hence, assigned leadership is driven by the position one holds while emergent leadership influences the group in doing positive things. The Bass’ theory (Bass, 2008, p. 47) explains better, how people become leaders. Leadership development for a small group of people is defined using three different theories.

First is the Great Events Theory; in this theory, unique leadership qualities portrayed by a common person may be prompted by a serious event or crisis that pushes them to act. In the occurrence of a crisis, one can respond in a way that brings his outstanding leadership qualities or show his weakness in leadership.

Secondly, in leadership development, there exists Trait Theory; certain qualities possessed by an individual naturally lead them into management responsibility. An individual with an outgoing personality is likely to focus on leadership as a career or an area interest as opposed to someone who has a laid-back personality.

Lastly the Process or Transformational Leadership Theory is also crucial in explaining how some people learn leadership skills while others just get to be leaders by own choice.

Transforming to become a leader would mean going through a training process to learn and adapt skills that lead to leadership development. On the hand, other people just choose leadership as a career and work tirelessly until they become exemplary leaders in the society.

A group of people work exceptionally well under a certain leader who has total control in playing his role as a leader; this is what defines total leadership. Followers always desire to be guided by those leaders whom they respect and have a defined sense of direction; attained by someone who is ethical and visionary.

Leadership that turns out exceptional depends on a dedicated and respected leader who sacrifices all his time and effort to benefit the organization. From the employees’ perspective, ethical leadership entails what one does that affects and contributes to the accomplishment of organizational objectives and its wellbeing (Northouse, 2009, p. 47).

On the other hand, components exist that contribute to the key factors influencing key leadership. In reference to the Hay Group study, Consultancy in global management, 75 components are significant to employee satisfaction hence effective leadership.

The study concluded that effective communication was crucial in winning organizational confidence and trust. This can be achievable through assisting employees comprehend the business strategies, their contribution to the achievement of principal business objectives, and share with them information about the company’s progress and employee’s division in relation to the business strategies (Giuliani & Kurson, 2002, p. 61).

Moreover, self-confidence and reliance in the top management was the only way to foretell employees’ fulfillment. The other key concept of leadership that contributes to effective leadership is the principles of a leader. Tools to this effect involves: the knowledge one possesses and uses to improve himself in the sense that he must be able to understand his do’s, dont’s, his knowledge capacity, attributes, and constantly strengthen them.

In addition, a leader must be familiar with their job and employees tasks if they plan to lead effectively and accomplish the company set goals. Another aspect is responsibility for one’s actions; in order to propel the organization to new heights one must know the situations at hand, analyze, correct and offer solutions before proceeding to other new challenges (Northouse, 2009 p.40).

Additionally the best decision-making, planning and problem solving play a leading role in determining the effectiveness of leadership if well timed. Setting the example is very crucial when blending with employees because they need an excellent role model who not only gives instructions of what is to be done but also follows the same.

For effective leadership, having the knowledge of your followers is very necessary in caring and understanding their human nature in order to also keep the employees satisfied.

Communication is also important since workers need to be informed through constant interaction with other seniors in getting views and feedback that effect to exemplary leadership. An added advantage would be training these workers on responsibility to equip them with traits that become useful when performing their respective tasks (Giuliani and Kurson 2002, p.61).

Furthermore, delegation of simplified duties to workers determines the level of leadership effectiveness for example, when giving instructions on tasks to be accomplished; leaders should ensure the clarity of what each employee is expected to do.

In addition to the above, leaders should advocate for more team-building training and workshops with the aim of attaining organizational cohesiveness in order for leadership to be successful. Lastly, utilization of organizational capabilities should be activated in that the developed togetherness of the team assists a leader to drive the organization to its full potential and capabilities.

As an added advantage, the attributes of a leader determine the level of trust and respect from his employees and a certain framework of leadership aids him to do so. The do, know and be, attributes must be acquired through constant education of self, study and work in order to achieve the best leadership and leadership skills.

The process of leadership involves the leader’s knowledge and skills, but his unique attributes make his leadership exceptional (Posner & Kouzes, 2009, p. 66).

Some of the characteristics of an outstanding leader entail a visionary leader who has the understanding of the people and the task to be able to shape the image of the organization. For example, the exemplary leader Christopher Columbus, who is a strong leader someone who has thick skin to stand and accept any criticism about his plans and still stay focused?

Strong opinioned and hardly compromises their work or lose focus from their goal due to mishaps. Exceptional leaders are not born, but they are made. An individual with passion and a strong sense of command makes the best leader. Developing an exemplary leader takes a lot of effort put in studying the right person for the task, educating them and building their experience (Khurana & Nohria, 2010, p. 81).

The Role of Leadership in Organizational Change

In an effort to do organizational change, management leadership is the most crucial element needed with the top management playing the most pivotal role in this change. This leadership has its limitations and benefits that affect and influence the employees work lives respectively.

Effective and un-manipulated leadership guarantee the success of wiping out the unpleasant effects that arise from the change. The success of wiping out the unpleasant effects of change depends on successful leadership.

First impression of a leader’s competitiveness and qualities in dealing with change matters more than the change-taking place. For effective management of change, one needs to be knowledgeable about the three distinguished zones of time such as, the preparation stage, surviving through the change and the period after the change.

The role of leadership in an organization undergoing change depends on the abilities of the leaders. Often during change in the organization, employees would expect the best from their leaders in terms of dealing with the change hence communication plays a key role in implementing change.

Leadership comes out as support, commitment and concern of the employees’ welfare during the change times as well discovering the need to make tough decisions (March & Weil, 2005, p. 75).

The first step in dealing with change is to have leadership that employees can believe in to give them new vision into the future of the organization. Able leaders deal with the impacts of change practically by mobilizing the employees and applying the best leadership style approaches to get through the change.

The existence of leadership from the point change begins until the phase after the change is the key subject to note when dealing with change. However, for easy transition and coping during change effective leadership must be established first before the unpleasant organizational hits.

A solid foundation laid down through leadership should put an organization at a better position for any changes that occur in the future. For effectiveness in transition to organizational change, a leader needs to establish a proper record of decision-making and credibility. Hence, the employees would trust one’s ability to figure out solutions to get them through the change (Wooden & Jamison, 2005, p. 29).

Surviving through change is the second time zone when leadership plays a valuable role during the implementation of change. The period of change renders the organization most vulnerable and unstable due to many changing characteristics in the employees.

Hence, a wise leader would concentrate on identifying ways of motivating and improving the welfare of his employees. Secondly, leaders assist employees in transitioning after change through pulling all the resources and finding solutions as a team. The key role that leadership plays in this phase is balancing the time to focus on change, pain and move to the future (Daft & Lane, 2011, p. 63).

Arrival period is the phase after the change, has taken place characterized by less emotion, more stability and workers ready to forge a new direction with a fresh mandate. Therefore, more responsibility is dumped on leadership to effect new ways that work to the organization’s advantage.

Additionally, the leaders make a better future for the employees by offering long lasting solutions that improve their lives at work. The ultimate role of leadership in this period is completing the change by convincing employees accept the current situation and understand their new roles in the changed organization.

Collaboration and communication are some of the leadership behaviors that contribute to support and adaptation during organizational change (Clampitt & Dekoch, 2001, p. 54).

Benefits and Limitations of the Leadership Approach

The benefits and limitations of the leadership approach can only be realized in the different leadership styles used by various leaders in their respective organizations. A leadership style is the manner of approach that leaders use in providing direction and implementing the plans of an organization to get things done.

Benefits of the leadership approach

Leadership is extremely useful in urgent circumstances and the military in determining the direction and success of sound decisions. Some time, the people in the field of combat may prefer direct instructions from someone in control on what to do than think and make wrong decisions.

The best leadership approach in this case is the Autocratic styles where by the subordinates receive orders on what to do and without questioning or disputing; they carry out those orders to the latter.

Limitation of arguments is another beneficial role of the leadership approach. In any work environment, there exist different employees with different views and personality’s hence lengthy debates may likely occur if all those employees were to be given room to have it their way in performing the organizations tasks.

Hence, leadership through autocratic style limits the chance of such occurrences by having one leader delegating all the duties, supervising and dictating order at the workplace (Kouzes & Posner, 2002, p. 34).

Leadership offers intellectual stimulation: it inspires people into creative and diverse thinking by suggesting new dimensions of looking at things as in the case of business. For example, this was evident in Martin Luther King’s role as a leader (Phillip’s,2000,p.31) because he constantly inspired and motivated his people through his fluent speaking style and gave them a compelled vision on life.

It has charismatic influence in politics especially for people who apply this approach. It gives them the poise and confidence to be able to address and convince an audience in supporting their political stand.

As in the 1970’s case when James McGregor Burns developed it to guide all the leaders in politics, (Burns, 1979, p.15) Leadership made the political leaders energetic, dynamic and gave them a strong sense of command.

Whenever good leadership exists in an organization, employees and other members of staff get individualized attention basing on their varied grievances. Leaders using transformational leadership style attend and constantly monitor the well-being of employees through team building and motivational activities. This ensures meeting of individual needs leading to employee satisfaction hence increased productivity.

Additionally, leadership approach dictates the foundation and direction of solving problems in instances of clashes on behavioral standards or values. Leadership plays a significant role in this by laying down strategies that act as a guide in solving the clashes conflict.

An example of this benefit existed in U.S. through Martin Luther King’s leadership he successfully appealed fair play by advocating for the outlaw on buses’ segregation (Wise & Kowalski, 2010, p. 37).

This approach strengthens employees’ position in an organization through team spirit. Involving the employees in decision-making in the same way leaders do in the democratic style of leadership ensures efficiency of leadership and satisfaction on the part of the employee. Hence, increased input resulted because they feel as part of the organization.

Reduced gap in communication through leadership: for example, application of the democratic style of leadership clears tension in any work environment. This is achievable only through giving employees the freedom of speech and contribution into the organizational decision-making process.

This addresses problems and issues just as seen in the Obama’s regime. Obama’s rule is more effective than for any leader in the past; his democratic leadership style ensures the hearing of common citizens and their needs met (Laszlo & Laugel, 2000, p. 52).

Leadership approach creates a positive environment for working in several organizations. It encourages fair distribution of challenges and responsibility among the junior workers as witnessed in a school setting. When the vibe is right among workers in a company work, becomes more fun.

Any learning and working environment utilizing the use of leadership approach inspires creativity during problem solving and task performance. Leadership with this motive ensures that all ideas as different as they may be included in one box for reaping of greater benefits to an organization. Hence when that happens creativity resulted from the complexity of the final idea reached.

For example in Skype leadership focused more on results and not efforts as highlighted by Terry Brock in an interview about their leadership styles. He asserted that Skype’s leadership motivated employees through team play to get the job done; additionally they cultivated and supported creativity (Tangri, 2010) by awarding their employees.

Increased safety at work enforced through the leadership style in use. Safety and health rules enforced by certain leaders in the bureaucratic leadership style ensure maintenance of health and save lives thus increased safety at work. The people who benefit more from this leadership approach are the construction workers and the medical staff in hospitals.

In addition to the discussed benefits, exemplary leadership increases the quality of work in an organization. It is common sense that supervision is crucial in any work environment for the achievement of excellent result. Hence leadership plays that role in supervision, and as a result, only the best piece of work achieved; high quality.

Influential parastatals and successful companies like the Microsoft company headed by Gates benefited from his visionary leadership(Prince, 2005, p.20) where by he led by taking part in reforming the products to meet the customer demands hence the quality of Microsoft product increased tremendously.

Leadership approach encourages the division of labor where by the managers, junior workers team up, and work together for the same course in a company. In participative leadership applied mostly at construction sites, division of labor is common. It allows the efficient utilization of skills and talents in a certain job hence resulting into increased input that is profitable for the company (Burns, 1979, p. 25).

Limitations of the leadership approach

Leadership limits the social appeal and autonomy in an organization. The pushy and dictatorial leadership applied by some leaders kills the whole essence of interactive cohesiveness at work because the employees had worked in fear and close supervision by their respective leaders.

Employees become afraid to communicate to each other or interact with their supervisors because of tension and distrust they have. For example of leadership in prison and army camps, they viewed the juniors as robots to follow orders from the superiors (Wise& Kowalski, 2010, p.40).

Secondly, there prolonged decision-making has been observed in many cases applying this approach; the process depends entirely on the leadership style used by a leader. A longer decision-making process means a democratic or situation leadership style while autocratic style of leadership has the shortest process of making decisions.

The top leaders word is always the final decision as to a family where the parent makes the decision most of the time for the young kids. Decisions are long drawn in the case of democratic leadership. Here, all the team members undergo consultation and feedback collected from each one of them before making decisions (Kouzes and Posner, 2002, p. 43).

Another limitation is the dehumanization of humanity for instance, the bureaucratic leadership approach removes the potential of errors by a human and all enjoyment sucked by the rewards of their hard work; work becomes just a routine rather a passion.

As for the example of leadership under Muammar Gaddafi’s rule; he dictated every thing and anyone opposed to his rule got killed or imprisoned (Ezro & Frantz, 2011, p.22). He started ruling Libya when at 27years and stuck in power where he set the committees of how people lived and even ruled the media; depriving the people their humanity freedom.

An additional negative impact of leadership approach occurs in instances of obsession in the power of a position by some leaders. The power and authority that enforced by certain working environments makes the leaders self absorbed in power and greediness of a certain position that they forget the critical aspects of their leadership.

This not only kills the team spirit but the organizational overall productivity. An example of such a limitation is evident in politics in most countries, where the leaders fight for power and forget all about the people, the sole reason why they are in power (Lencioni, 2002 p. 40).

Furthermore, personal growth sometimes stagnated with the wrong leadership or obsessive leadership. Some leaders obsess on leading others, and they bar any chances the employees would have in expressing their creativity and growing professionally. This example was experienced by many immediate subordinates to CEO’s of most organization they want to remain in power in power.

Lastly, misappropriation of funds is almost top on the list in limitations of leadership approach. Most leaders use their power and positions in their respective organizations to embezzle and misuse funds. Additionally, they hide the accounting blanks under so many less weighty projects.

For example, this is a common occurrence when it comes to college and students’ trust funds like in the Philippines, college trust funds have really been misused in the past, through bad leadership hence, you will notice the dwindling level of education in some parts of the country (Posner and Kouzes 2009 p. 52).


In conclusion, leadership is not just the responsibility of leading others but, as an employee, it entails dealing with the situations that are present and making professional sound decision that favor the group, the organization and the objective tasks to be accomplished.

In time of change, a leader should show support for the situation and play his role in implementing leadership skills that would give direction of the organizational future after the change. All in all leaders are made, not born but, true leaders are made in a long process of leadership.


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Giuliani, R W & Kurson, K 2002, Leadership, Hyperion, New York.

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Lencioni, P 2002, The five dysfunctions of a team: a leadership fable, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

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Northouse, P G 2007, Leadership: theory and practice (4th ed.), SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks.

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Phillips, D T 2000, Martin Luther King, Jr. on leadership: inspiration & wisdom for challenging times 1st. print. New York: Warner.

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Wise, P S & Kowalski, K 2010, Leadership, Saunders, Philadelphia.

Wooden, J & Jamison, S 2005, Wooden on leadership, McGraw-Hill, New York.

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