Important Aspects of Democracy
According to Freire, democracy is about trying to bring social equality. He argues that equality can only be achieved when people stand up against the rich, who embezzle resources. He also believes that the people in the low class should not show respect for those above them. He also observes that many people resign to their fates by accepting that politicians are meant to be as they are.
In my opinion, the most important aspect of practicing democracy is fighting corruption and other activities that cause disparities in social classes. This will ensure that everybody has equal opportunities and influence. It will also ensure that some people are not entitled to other people’s respect. My opinion is based on the definition of democracy as a situation where people have equal rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.
Importance of Modeled, Interactive, Shared, Guided and Journal writing and Writer’s Workshop
Modeled writing, interactive writing shared writing, guided writing, journal writing, and writer’s workshop help ELLS acquire language skills from the foundation. In shared writing and modeled writing, for example, the teacher corrects sentential errors while helping the learners acquire the vocabulary needed in different situations. In interactive writing, the teacher has the opportunity to correct the elements of language transfer since ELLs are more likely to use their L1 sentence structures. Therefore, these methods are needed since ELLs need to acquire all the basic skills in their new language, including the alphabet. The entire process of writing to, with, and by providing scaffolding for ELLs to become proficient writers. Firstly, the teacher helps them before letting them work independently. Therefore, all their mistakes are corrected since the teacher is always close enough to notice all their mistakes.
Identity and Education
The argument that we are conditioned and programmed, but not predetermined is what resonates with me in this discussion. This argument implies that we inherit the ability to do things, but not always in a predictable manner. This argument carries extensive weight since it shows the real picture of how people behave. Human beings are always ready to change their attitudes and beliefs after learning new ways and ideas. When the learning process begins, every learner, usually, has some background knowledge that is shaped by culture and inheritance. These two elements do not affect the learning process. They do not always determine the way an individual learns because of the readiness of human beings to change whenever it is necessary. Therefore, the argument correctly summarizes this reality.
Challenges of Content-area Instruction and Textbooks to ELLS
Content areas use ambiguous terminologies and vocabularies that are beyond the level of ELLs. Worse still, textbooks are written with an emphasis on the content and not the level of ELLs.
It is very difficult for me to read textbooks without help from a teacher or colleague because textbooks for my class use difficult terminologies. Some of them even have more than one meaning.
Strategies for Sheltering Instruction and Modifying Textbooks
Outlining instructions and the contents of the textbooks is one of the best methods of helping ELLs understand. This entails picking out the main ideas in the textbook or instructions. Teachers can also read aloud to their learners to help them hear pronunciations and content. In the process or reading, they can pause for the purpose of paraphrasing the main ideas.