Concept of Individual Liberty in Society Expository Essay

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Liberty argued moral and partisan code that seeks to discover the form in which human beings are able to govern themselves. Liberty is how we visualize the roles and tasks of the distinct in society in connection to the idea of free will. Individual liberty entails the freedom of a person from outside obligation (Mill, 1).

People ought to act in agreement with their own free will. In the administration, perspective, Government has a duty to ensure distinct liberty whereas at the same time improving the condition of those with least benefit.

Liberty proclaims that freedom established in a person’s aptitude to trial agency has resulted from the right to develop funds to move out their own will. John S. Mill was the first to know the diversities among liberty as the choice to act, and liberty as the lack of force (Mill, 1).

Why is an individual liberty of interest?

Individual liberty is an admirable thing because it delivers protection from the ruling class or political rules. Social liberty limits ruler’s authority, so that they would not be capable to use the influence on their own desires and make verdicts which could be detrimental to society.

People should have the right to air their own opinion in the government’s resolutions (Mill, 1). Mill said that social liberty was “the nature and restrictions of the supremacy which can be rightfully used by humanity over the distinct”.

The attempt can be done in two ways: by gaining credit of certain political rights and also by the formation of a structure of legitimate checks (Mill, 1). Mill’s on liberty discourse the nature and restrictions of the power that can be lawfully applied by the society over the distinct.

Individual is coherent enough to make choices about their moral being and select any belief they want. Government should restrict when it is openhanded guard to the society. The power can be lawfully applied over a member of enlightened community, in contradiction to his wish, in the imperative to prevent harm to other people (Mill, 1).

The primary challenge of government in all ages has been the understanding of distinct and social interest. The protection beside popular administration, is as crucial as a safeguard against political dictatorship. The people may wish to harass a part of their population, and protection must be taken against any other abuse of power (Mill, 1).

The only drive, for which authority can be fairly applied over any member of enlightened community, is to avert harm to others, by either his action or indecision. The only share of the behavior of any person is the one which worries others.

The only freedom concern is the one which pursuits its own right in societies as long as we do not rob others. The peculiar wicked of quieting the expression of view is to rob the whole human race, present and future (Mill, 1). Mill’s prominence on human feeling and other human characters are vital improvement and response in contradiction to the unemotional.

What are principal arguments, which favor maximizing liberty?

Argument in favor of liberty states that persons can make superior decisions alone, and there is a risk of letting society agree with the finest way for people to overshadow any benefits that such meddling may incur (Mill, 1). Mill says the tussle for distinct liberty can be rewarded against dictatorial governments.

This battle can be won with the formation of democracy in which the administration was accountable to the people. The government could not be trusted with authority, as it was the citizen who uttered the use of such power. This belief evidenced to be untrue.

In a democratic society, the people with power are the popular, and the freedom of the rest of people still not protected against “the dictatorship of the popular”, and against the administrative authority, which is submissive to “modern popular”; opinion. Individual liberty in such a condition can be endangered both by cruel rules, and use of extra-legal ways to force the prevalent views (Mill, 1).

Mill’s put “onward”, his “one truly basic principle” to cure this problem. This principle states that the sole finales for which mankind are defensible, discretely or together, in meddling with the liberty of action of any of their people, is self-protection.

The only reason for which authority can be correctly used over many in an enlightened community is not to cause harm to other people. His own right is not an adequate warranted. He cannot lawfully be forced to do or abstain because it will make him cheerier, since, in the view of others, it would be the right thing to do.

The only portion of the behavior being amenable to the society, is the one which concerns others (Mill, 1). Mill’s theory reviews the dictatorship as a terrible thing that must be protected against. Mill facts come up with two kinds of actions plan.

The actions which hold damage to people, other than the agent and one” which does not embrace harm” to people. Mill maintains that, the government must legislate regarding actions which are harmless to other people in order to uphold the presence of a civil society.

Mill’s argues that the rights produced by the harm principle grow out of useful. It is useful being standard for the genuine range of the administration (Mill, 1). The Mill’s utilitarianism principal states that activities are right in proportion as they have a habit of approving happiness.

Mill argues that the right can be chastised in usefulness. The reason that an individual has a right to his belongings is “without the safeguard from thieves”, his helpfulness can be reduced when his properties can be stolen (Mill, 1).

Does his use of the distinction between self-and other-regarding acts weaken his case?

The self-regarding argument conducts work like a safety net for the Harm Principle. The Harm Principle still embraces factual information on justification of the reaction caused by the government intrusion.

Mill describes this subject harm as “conduct which neither disrupts any precise responsibility to the public, nor occasions noticeable hurt to any assignable distinct except him”. It does not warrant government intrusion (Mill, 1).


Happiness is what people ought to chase in life; this means that joy and desire should be a final reason for undertaking any task in life (Mill, 1). The insight brought to the forefront of the notion of the matchless human aptitude of reason through the growth of this reason, had the prospective for excellence (Mill, 1).

Works Cited

Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty, ed. Elizabeth Rapaport. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. 1978. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 3). Concept of Individual Liberty in Society.

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"Concept of Individual Liberty in Society." IvyPanda, 3 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Concept of Individual Liberty in Society'. 3 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Concept of Individual Liberty in Society." April 3, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Concept of Individual Liberty in Society." April 3, 2019.


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