Farewell to Manzanar, by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston, is a profound narrative recounting Jeanne’s experiences at Manzanar, a Japanese-American internment camp. The book presents several profound life lessons, three particularly compelling: the power of resilience, the importance of identity, and the need for acceptance.
First, Jeanne’s life in the confines of the Manzanar camp taught her the power of resilience. Her family was uprooted from their comfortable life and thrust into a harsh, unfamiliar environment (Houston & Houston, 1973). Despite the difficult conditions, Jeanne and her family never lost hope and continually adapted to their circumstances. This resilience is encapsulated in Jeanne’s commitment to her education amidst the chaos of the camp. This lesson is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to persist and adapt to adversity.
Second, living in Manzanar forced Jeanne to grapple with issues of identity. As a Japanese-American child in a racially biased America, she struggled with her duality. This struggle became more pronounced in the internment camp, giving her a deeper understanding of her heritage (Houston & Houston, 1973). She learned to accept her Japanese roots without renouncing her American identity, finding a balance that allowed her to appreciate her unique cultural blend. This lesson underscores the importance of accepting one’s identity in a diverse society.
Finally, Jeanne’s experiences in Manzanar revealed the necessity of acceptance. She faced discrimination inside and outside the camp but ultimately learned to accept the things she couldn’t change (Houston & Houston, 1973). She saw the need for acceptance in society, too, as she observed the racial prejudice that led to her internment. This lesson is a poignant reminder of the need for empathy, understanding, and acceptance in our interactions with others.
To conclude, Jeanne’s experiences in Manzanar taught her valuable lessons that shaped her into a resilient, self-aware, and empathetic individual. These lessons, as captured in Farewell to Manzanar, remind us of our capacity for resilience, our need for identity, and our inherent desire for acceptance. Through Jeanne’s journey, the book offers profound insights into the human experience, particularly in times of hardship and tension.
Houston, J. W. & Houston, J. D. (1973). Farewell to Manzanar.