The most general, fundamental changes that have taken place in engineering and led it to an unprecedented flourishing before: in the technical sphere – this is the mastery of new sources of energy and the creation of new materials; in the social field – the transformation of the engineering specialty into one of the most widespread, as well as those changes in the social essence of engineering work that is associated with the establishment of a new social mode of production; in the field of science – the progress of engineering is based on the formation and development of technical sciences. Increasingly, stories embraced a growing range of means, processes, and ideas in addition to tools and machines. Technology and engineering define the standards or actions by which a person seeks to change or manipulate their environment.
In his article, Fry says that in response to the problems faced by rural people, publishers and editors have turned to the answers offered by rural life reformers. Farmers’ newspapers became the most popular medium for reformers to communicate their ideas to rural people. In many respects, the farmers’ papers were not just organs expressing the preference of the rural population for the reforms of rural life but also forums in which these reforms were discussed. Thus, the author says concerned that people are no longer forming their own opinions and are increasingly influenced by those who are subject to newspapers. Howard argues that the latest thing about national threats is the “chain” or gang activity of newspapers. The author says that the media is the primary propaganda tool, so its wrong or selfish use can lead to irreversible consequences. Media workers should be free from financial, social, and political problems. That is a matter of paramount importance for the public, which depends on the newspaper.
Linotype: The Film is a feature-length documentary about a typing machine that was patented by the German watchmaker Mergenthaler in 1884 and introduced to the New York public in 1886. The engine, called the Linotype, was the culmination of decades of hard work inventing the machine that revolutionized printing. Both articles emphasize how rapidly society began to change as a result of the development of the press. The authors also describe the influence of the media on society, which, over time, only grew and strengthened. It revolutionized the media, creating a massive demand for printed publications, driving down the cost of newspapers, and creating a giant leap in literacy rates.
Daily newspapers allowed news to spread more widely and quickly than ever before. They transformed political communications and encouraged critical self-reflection in society. Citizens have become dependent on the latest news, which has broadened their horizons beyond their experience. They began to demand the right to freedom of speech without persecution. They placed great importance on being enlightened and well-informed to act responsibly, a trend that started with the Linotype’s creation and continues to this day.
Fry, John J. “Good Farming-Clear Thinking-Right Living.” Agricultural History 78, no. 1 (2004): 34–49.
Howard, Roy W. “Newspaper Mass Production.” The North American Review 225, no. 842 (1928): 420–24.
Linotype: The Film, 2012.