Currently, persons living with HIV face significant stigma from society. From the stories shared by the film participants, mostly, they face discrimination from healthcare professionals who refuse to serve them for no reason. Members of the community may socially isolate themselves from these individuals.
In public places, some people might refer to them as Positives or HIVers. The mental health and emotional well-being of the population living with this virus are affected due to the humiliation and judgment they face from their fellows around them. Some develop a negative self-image and live in an era where others may expose or reveal their status to the community. However, the stigma and discrimination may be minimized through talking and acting positively to the affected.
Through different experiences of victims who have survived the global pandemic, discrimination and stigma must be addressed by every person who comes across them to fight the virus effectively and efficiently. It can help the patients come out well and have exact statistical data on the population that has HIV. The feeling of disgrace is caused by a lack of awareness and information combined with outdated beliefs (Van Ness, 2021). The social workers can resolve this by normalizing the subject and discussing it openly. When people know, there is a chance to correct misconceptions as they help others learn about the ailment.
In conclusion, stigma and discrimination are reduced through the words and actions taken in everyday life. Social workers should train people in society regarding their status. Proper counseling is critical as individuals get tested to prevent denial of their health since it can help fasten their mental healing process.
Healthcare facilities should practice their code of ethics and ensure confidentiality is maintained. Otherwise, their self-esteem and businesses are affected if the community learns about their HIV status, mainly if they operate as sex workers or food vendors.
Van Ness, J. (2021). HIV: The neglected pandemic (and vice versa) [Video]. YouTube. Web.