Self-Directed Learning Approach Essay

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Self-directed learning refers to the activities that learners engage in so that they can be able to cope with their learning processes effectively. It is a concept that enables students to monitor themselves and evaluate their learning strategies by helping them utilize the learning materials that are provided to them. It is an approach that has been adopted by different schools in order to help them determine whether students can manage to control their learning processes effectively (Knowles 2). The concept of self-directed learning has been under investigation by different educators all over the world for many years. This is aimed at helping institutions to determine whether self-directed learning has any impact on students’ performance (Tobin 12). The goal of this paper, therefore, is to discuss the manner in which self-directed learning has helped me to understand the topic concerning ancient history in Greece and Rome.

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It is important for students taking history to embark on self-directed learning so that they can be able to understand different concepts that are not illustrated in class in a clear manner. History is a very broad subject. This makes it difficult for educators to teach all the topics in a comprehensive manner. I, therefore, put into practice the concept of self-directed learning to help me understand the relevance of the topic. This topic was comprehensive, and in order for me to understand what the topic entailed, I was forced to find free time to study the topic in a broad manner.

The concept of self-directed learning is not easy to implement if a person does not have self-discipline. Therefore, to embrace the concept of self-directed learning in an effective manner, there are certain attributes that a learner must possess (Tobin 24). For example, while I was studying the topic of ancient history in Greece and Rome, I learned that time management is important. Since the topic was comprehensive, I set the topic as my priority before studying other non-complex topics.

To enhance a person’s understanding while studying privately, a person should ensure that the place of study is silent and free from distractions. In this perspective, therefore, I used to go to the library where silence was observed, and all unnecessary movements were restricted. I was, therefore, able to pay attention to the different concepts that I identified in the topic in an effective manner.

In order for a person to understand a particular topic in an effective manner, it is important for one to look at the manner in which different authors approach a certain concept. As a result, I used to look at different history books written by different authors to make it easy for me to understand the topic in a comprehensive manner. Moreover, I used to participate in group discussions, which made me gain a broad understanding of the difficult concepts.


From this analysis, therefore, it is true that self-directed learning is an approach that is effective in terms of enabling students to understand the concepts that are not taught in class in an effective manner. The various study techniques that enabled me to excel in the topic include proper time management, participating in group discussions, and studying in pleasant environments. It is therefore important for learning institutions to allow their students to embark on self-directed learning since it enables students to understand certain topics clearly than when they are being taught in class.

Works cited

Knowles, Malcolm Shepherd. Self-directed learning: a guide for learners and teachers. London: Cambridge Adult Education, 2000. Print.

Tobin, Daniel. All Learning Is Self-Directed: How Organizations Can Support and Encourage Independent Learning. New York: American Society for Training and Development, 2000. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 13). Self-Directed Learning Approach.

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"Self-Directed Learning Approach." IvyPanda, 13 May 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Self-Directed Learning Approach'. 13 May.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Self-Directed Learning Approach." May 13, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Self-Directed Learning Approach." May 13, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Self-Directed Learning Approach." May 13, 2021.

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