Management Information System: Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making Case Study

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Businesses require constant information to be processed and disseminated to the relevant stakeholders on time. To achieve this, they need Management Information systems.

A Management Information System is a set of connected apparatus, mostly computerized combinations that continuously acquire raw and needed data from within and outside a particular firm. Consequently, the data is processed and stored in a central place called database, where it is always updated and availed to those with authority to access it (Business

There are several applications that are described in the case study. In a community medical center known as Doylestown, an application, Meditech, is in place. In the same medical center, another application, titled Epocrates Essentials is described. Another application, which is ChainLinq Mobile application, is described as used in D.W. Morgan, being a supply chain, transportation and logistics service provider. Lastly, the iPhone camera is described in regards to a firm known as Aedas Sport.

Business Functions Supported

Meditech conveys data on crucial signs, drugs, lab results, aversions, notes by nurses, results from remedial treatment, as well as patient food straight to the doctors’ phone. Epocrates Essentials, an aesculapian reference tool is used to help doctors to decode laboratory outcomes and procure medical data.

ChainLinq assists in updating of shipment information, collection of signatures, as well as provision of global positioning system locations to each individual box delivered. It has afforded Morgan the ability to present an attestation of delivery promptly. The iPhone camera has been used by designers and architects to take pictures of designs, models, and construction sites which are in turn sent to prospective clients to Aedas Sport.

How do they Improve Operational Efficiency and Decision Making?

Meditech application enables doctors to be on call wherever they may be through sending them sensitive alerts through their emails from their work stations. This allows the doctors to make decisions quickly and long before they even get to the hospital.

ChainLinq application has reduced the time needed to provide proof of delivery from half a day to immediate. The iPhone camera has enabled Aedas Sports to productivity jump to 400 percent. In addition, iPhone has facilitated the building of a large chronicle of observable assets almost effortlessly.

Problems Solved.

First and foremost, the problem of mobility was solved for doctors in Doylestown meaning that doctors can still communicate even while not in the vicinity of the hospital. Thanks to ChainLinq, Morgan does not have to make numerous phone calls so as to track and proof deliveries. The customers as well are in a position to be aware of the status of their deliveries by logging in to the company’s website which is updated by the servers throughout.

Businesses most likely to Benefit

Among other businesses, the following will likely benefit. The Health sector will benefit when their employees are equipped with mobile digital devices. This will assist them in keeping in touch with their employers as well as patients’ history whenever needed. They can make decisions and communicate immediately. In addition, they will be able to make accurate calculations on laboratory results using the devices.

Courier businesses are to benefit as well through tracking of their parcels as well as tracking the exact position of the mode of delivery, for example, trucks among others. In addition, these businesses will get proof of delivery in real time thus increasing efficiency and therefore, staying calm without having to make numerous phone calls to track the process of delivery.

Designers and architectural businesses also stand to benefit from mobile devices. The iPhone will especially make it possible to get clear and professional photo shots, compile them into journals and send them to potential and actual clients.

Supply store chains like Wal-Mart are likely to benefit, too. As soon as a customer buys a certain item, the supplier through the iPhone is alerted to ship replacement for the item. The supplier is able to know what quantity is needed as well.

The banks are the ones that get lot of beneficiaries. The managers get real-time data in regard to customer complaints, network performance and line outages.

The motor industry is set to benefit greatly too. For instance, Toyota uses Toyota Production System to achieve high levels of efficiency and quality. This gives them a competitive edge over their rivals. This arises from the fact that they charge less for superior products, as well as give better responses to suppliers and customers through the system.

The iPhone is an Industry Changer

This statement is about the change in communicating with suppliers and customers. The industry has changed through using iPhone since communication is conducted in real time. In the supply chain, transportation and logistics industry, where D.W. Morgan belongs, the firm is able to track every detail; it takes few minutes to do so. In other words, they make delivery in real time while it takes their competitors up to twelve hours to do the same task.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 28). Management Information System: Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making.

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"Management Information System: Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making." IvyPanda, 28 Nov. 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Management Information System: Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making'. 28 November.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Management Information System: Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making." November 28, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Management Information System: Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making." November 28, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Management Information System: Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making." November 28, 2018.

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