Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software Essay

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The operations of many modern manufactures depend on the effective and highly controlled work of the legacy manufacturing software and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems which can function independently or as the integrated systems.

Today, manufacturers are inclined to choose the legacy manufacturing software integrated with ERP systems to facilitate productivity and reduce the costs (Stair & Reynolds, 2013, p. 411). That is why it is rational to discuss the feasibility of selling the service of integrating the legacy manufacturing software with the ERP system with the focus on making the Java interface.

The legacy manufacturing software is the developed control system which is used to manage the working process at factories and plants.

The legacy manufacturing software can work as the self-contained system, but today there is the tendency to integrate it with ERP systems because the ERP system is effective to store the information received from all the company’s departments to create the advanced system of the information circulation (Stair & Reynolds, 2013, p. 410).

The focus of modern manufactures on the integration of the legacy manufacturing software with the ERP system is explained with references to the fact that the result of the integration is the effective management and coordination of all the company’s real-time processes and activities basing on the received reports and data. Thus, the manufacturer’s productivity increases with references to reducing production costs.

Making the interface with the Java technologies to allow the ERP software to access the legacy software data, the producer of the service can benefit significantly because many clients choose to use the Java interface because of its easiness and orientation to the user. Java technologies allow the effective use of the legacy manufacturing software along with responding to the complex character of the ERP systems.

Java technologies can be discussed as effective to address integration challenges. Furthermore, the Java interface is characterized by the flexibility associated with the specifics of the platform’s development (Stair & Reynolds, 2013, p. 416).

One of the most important advantages of using Java is the focus on SAP-synchronous and SAP-asynchronous communications. As a result, the flexible Java interface can be discussed as contributing to allow the ERP software to access the legacy software data with the focus on the import to its programming.

From this point, such producers of the services as the Apriso and Trebing + Himstedt can become interested in selling the service of integrating legacy manufacturing software with current ERP software with the focus on the Java technologies because the use of Java contributes to increasing the service’s price, and it provides more benefits for clients.

That is why, such companies as, for instance, Ultradent Products Inc. can become interested in purchasing the product because of its exclusive features.

It can be rational and advantageous for the IT company to sell the discussed service with the above-mentioned qualities because today many small IT businesses which cannot spend many resources on the research and development sector are interested in improving their technologies with the focus on the advanced services, and many manufacturers are interested in facilitating their businesses with the focus on services to integrate the legacy manufacturing software with the ERP systems because of improving the production processes and supply chain management.

The Java interface can be discussed as standardized and flexible. Thus, it is an effective IT platform for the service to be sold.


Stair, R., & Reynolds, G. (2013). Principles of information systems. USA: Cengage Learning.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 18). Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software.

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"Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software." IvyPanda, 18 Mar. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software'. 18 March.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software." March 18, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software." March 18, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software." March 18, 2020.

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