Managing Diversity in Human Resource Essay

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There are notable impacts of globalization within organizations. One of these impacts is the complexity in the level of diversity. Notably, diversity is an important aspect in business performance.

Organizations that lack the competency to manage diversity might face severe consequences. Particularly, these relate to the socio-economic effects. Ideally, many factors within the workplace environment require different considerations.

A workplace environment with considerable ambience for all employees is critical for the performance of the organization (Cao, Clarke & Lehaney 233). Inadequate morale, low worker turnover and harassment are some of the negative elements.

Other negative factors may include employee discrimination and absenteeism. These factors lead to great losses in productivity.

Organizations recognize the need to engage in the development of diversity (Lauring & Selmer 190). In attaining this, there are several initiatives involved. For four decades, most organizations continue to spend many resources in diversity programs.

The basic aim is to enhance their level of performance. These programs also increase the level of employee welfare and elevate the organization‘s efficiency. This paper examines the significance of diversity management.

Apart from this, it also analyses the debatable influence of training and development on diversity management in organizations. Lastly, the paper discusses the role of human resources (HR) professionals in ensuring sound diversity management and employee development.

The Importance of Managing Diversity

Proper integration of individuals is important within any work environment. Indeed, most sociological theories emphasize on the importance of harmony in the development and continuity of major processes. This is irrespective of whether an organization is profit-making or not.

Ideally, diversity management manipulates all processes within all organizations. Communication and feedback systems are some of the processes that have extensive influences from diversity management.

Without proper communication and feedback processes, there must be a limited articulation of organizational policies. This might be applicable to the guidelines and procedures that are pertinent to all the business organizations (Hebson & Cox 188).

Therefore, it is vital to indicate that diversity management is a fundamental undertaking. It purely remains the role of the management.

Employees within multicultural environments must have an adequate and coherent direction on how to relate with and initiate positive interaction. Principally, this is the core practice behind any diversity management processes. Discrimination of individuals leads to low level of self-esteem.

Most psychological theories indicate that individuals lack concentration and lose their potential focus on performance when under certain unfavourable circumstances. These may include discrimination or marginalization (Muethel, Siebdrat & Hoegl 35).

Observably, these negative processes may emanate from different sources. Some of these might include the fellow employees, the management of the organization or unfavourable organizational policies.

Indeed, it is clear that these diverse negative factors widely influence the level of organizational performance.

Marginalization might emanate from different sources. For instance, cultural discrimination may be one of the basic reasons for the extensive marginalization of certain individuals (Hugh 56). These have potential impacts on the lives of these persons.

According to most investigations, business organizations that practice effective diversity management strategies are likely to benefit. Particularly, these relate to the potential benefits from the worker productivity and retention.

It is important to sustain the programs that help in the management of diversity. This enables the continuity of processes and employee sources even during extensive retirement cases. There is increasing recognition of the need to increase the level of attention to employee welfare.

It is important to note that the practice is crucial in many ways. For example, it is a basic diversity management initiative. It assists in the development of a strong and positive workforce.

Ideally, the management must uphold employee demands and strive for their continuous capacity development and transformation.

Character transformation and the development of integration skills must be observed in all the work processes. There are basic elements that require adequate attention during all diversity management practices (Bogardus 67).

These include people and social skills. From these elements, all employees have the capacity to develop strong and positive skills towards the achievement of most goals. Apart from this, they enable the effective attainment of collective goals within these organizations.

All organizations must focus on the management of diversity. It is a basic step towards ensuring high level of success within the entire organization. Moreover, the process enables the accomplishment of sustainability.

Some of these are notable within the organization’s basic processes. It is observable that diversity management is more than just valuing the personal differences of workers within any organization.

Indicatively, it goes beyond the establishment and practice of policies pertinent to human resources. For an effective performance, various considerations must emerge from different sources. These include the impacts of globalization (Metcalfe & Woodhams 125).

The transformations in the demographic features of the domestic population are also reflective. Therefore, it is obvious that diversity management encompasses a wide array of events and practices.

The technological and global developments pose significant changes to the present workforce. Generally, these transformations are important because they influence the basic processes in many ways.

These explain the fundamental reasons for the development of diversity management programs within organizations. Due to the impacts of multiculturalism, there is an eminent need for the development of diversity initiatives.

Through these processes, organizations become more aware of their weak and strong points. Additionally, the employees also establish positive links and relationships amongst themselves (Nowak 66). These are vital in diverse ways.

The business organizations with these considerations are bound to gain a very high or elevated competitive edge. From this, other evident benefits may arise. These include the establishment of strong and vibrant brands within the market.

Other than this, the organization might also enjoy a constructive organizational culture. Ultimately, these positive cultures remain transferable to other employees within the workplace.

Perhaps, an analysis of the behavioural and cognitive theoretical models presents a lucid picture of what might be observable in such instances.

According to the behavioural theory, most personalities are more likely to adopt the practices that are most eminent within their immediate environments (Billsberry, Graeme & John 89). Diversity management helps to create a positive way of conflict resolution amongst the potential employees.

This process enables the development of a fair methodology of interaction and communication. This is very vital for the effective performance of an organization. For the achievement of basic organizational goals, it is important to consider the influence of harmony.

Thus, it is significant to indicate that harmony and peaceful co-existence remains attainable through coherent systems of diversity management. Most organizations without proper diversity management programs incur several severe losses.

These may emanate from the legal suits filed by certain employees who may feel harassed or discriminated in a particular manner. Generally, there are serious negative resource implications likely to emanate from such failures.

The worst implications emanate from the discriminations based on demographic characteristics (Syrett 56). These may include gender, age, or race, amongst other factors.

Therefore, it is important for the relevant human resources departments to recognize the need for an effective institution of various diversity management programs.

The Debatable Influence of Training and Development on Diversity Management in Organizations

Presently, most organizations engage in diversity-training programs within their operations. The basic aim of such undertakings is to establish an effectively performing organization. Training and development on diversity management have different impacts.

Arguably, these have both negative and constructive implications. It is vital to recognize that the process is helpful for the development of individual capacities (Mor 34). Particularly, these relate to the competency to interrelate in a positive manner.

Various studies emphasize on the capacity of these training and development processes to create a positive workforce. Such work environments remain appropriate for effective communication and feedback processes.

Ideally, these are the fundamental measures appropriate for the optimal performance. According to the core principles of strategic management, the training and development processes are important in many ways. For instance, there is a positive development in the employee talent or skills.

An efficient talent management process is attainable through the establishment of a proper diversity management program (Peters 54). Observably, employees gain the capacity to relate effectively and share their personal skills or talent.

However, these are only achievable under strict training and development projects. The role of the human resources department in the development of diversity management initiatives is eminent.

The training help individuals within organizations to be able to relate in a positive manner with their peers. This also includes the positive relation with the management and other line managers or supervisors. There are different impacts of these projects.

These depend on the kind of management training model applied in any case. Therefore, different organizations adopt and practice diverse training models. Consequently, diverse implications arise from such initiatives within organizations.

There is an eminent role of this training in the development of a vibrant organizational culture and identity (Shakhray 89).

Most management specialists indicate the significant role of fostering organizational principles through constant training. As indicate in the cognitive principle, most persons comprehend, articulate and practice the ideas they frequently access.

In such instances, the training programs help in the communication of ideas and knowledge that relate to the development of individual capacities. These have potential manipulations on the level of positive interactions amongst different personalities within the organization (Schwabenland 88).

Individuals are more able to act in a rational manner. In addition, they have the capacity to appreciate and respect their fellows. This regards to the understanding of the importance of multiculturalism and individual disparities.

Organizations become more competent and gain the capacity to influence the perceptions of individuals concerning diversity. The training helps individuals and the management to develop adequate conflict resolution skills.

In this consideration, they are able to handle quarrels and disagreements amongst themselves. These require people skills that enable all kinds of personalities to appreciate and manage the diversities constructively.

The trained personnel may be able to gain familiarity about the relevant regulations applicable within the organizations. Generally, there is a limitation in the level of indulgence of resources in the initiation of peace (Turner 66).

Training on diversity management is critical in the development of problem resolution skills. It is an indicator of basic decision-making approaches applicable within organizations. The diversity training enables the acquisition of interpersonal skills is most employees.

These are also applicable to the managers. Through this, the trained personalities are able to manage, direct and control different groups of individuals. Particularly, leaders gain positive leadership competencies.

The follows may also comprehend different instructions and avoid the relation of these managerial directives to discrimination. Employees engage in riots and insurgency against their employers in several instances.

The basic reason is due to harassment and marginalization. It is vital to recognize the importance of training in the diversion of this detrimental trend.

Employees develop better and peaceful methodologies of fostering advocacy and lobbying against specific maltreatments. These might be launched either towards their employers or towards fellow workmates (Peters 154). It is important to develop proper and hospitable work environment.

This is appropriate for the effective performance of various organizations. It is achievable through the institution of appropriate diversity training programs. There might be highlights on the different regulations that dictate employment and promotion initiatives within various organizations.

These remain attainable through the integration of effective policies on diversity training. It is noteworthy to indicate the various negative implications associated with diversity management training (Mor 89).

For instance, most theories advocate for the natural development of coherence and social interactions amongst different personalities. According to these arguments, training on diversity management might merely foster the wrought knowledge on individuals or specific target group.

However, it does not provide an adequate room for the consecutive development of pertinent skills appropriate for effective integration.

The training increases a wide comprehension of the basic ways in which diverse perspectives remain vital. Particularly, this relates to the improvement of organizational performance. In addition, the training is appropriate as a critical crisis prevention and mitigation tool (Kreitz 2007).

Although few specialists and scholars identify the negative influences of training, most results usually remain productive. However, it is important to indicate the huge monetary implications associated with the training processes.

These might have considerable resources influences on the general organizations. Therefore, there might be a negative effect on the development of the entire business organization.

The Role of HR Professionals in Ensuring Sound Diversity Management and Employee Development

The human resource department is a critical unit within all organizations. They deal, specifically, with the recruitment and deployment of new personalities or workers. The human professionals also have vital roles in the processes that ensure sound diversity management (Nelson & James 47).

The human resource professionals engage in the monitoring and evaluation of various employee or work-related processes. The employee welfare is one of the critical initiatives that the human resource professionals play an important role.

These embody the integration of appropriate guidance and employee counselling programs. The professionals frequently hold group therapy and collective feedback sessions for most of their personnel.

These programs enable most of the workers to elicit their potential concerns about particular processes (Metcalfe & Woodhams 130).

The initiatives are widely applicable as basic diversity management and training approaches. The professionals stress on the significance of communicating integration messages to various workers.

Strategic management principles have important indications for such processes. For instance, the human resource professionals acquire and exercise their coaching skills on other employees.

These coaching roles are achievable through active monitoring and establishment of appropriate benchmarking standards. The human resources also engage in the provision of crucial psychological support and interventions to other workers (Kathy 114).

They assist these workers to stay free from job-related stress and depressions. The establishment of an ambient and interruption-free environment is a basic initiative undertaken by the human resource personnel. Observably, these also assist in the development of a positive workforce.

The human resource professionals also help in the development of effective and strategic recruitment processes. These provide the basic springboard for the development of multicultural and effectively performing working groups.

Human resource professionals have potential obligations towards the development of successful diversity management schemes (O’Keeffe 110). These are also vital to the development of the capacities of other workers.

For example, talent management provides a basic step towards the achievement of employee goals. They must also set up management operations that enable all workers to be involved in basic processes.

Consequently, the process ensures a maximum exploitation of the talent and potentials pertinent to the workers. The professionals have to be aware of their fundamental responsibilities (Bach 112).

Predominantly, the observation of equitable treatment of all workers remains a crucial role of the entire human resource department. The initiation of transformative programs that ensure adequate employee welfare is an important role of the human resources personnel.

The process creates employee loyalty to the basic principles and collective objectives of the entire organization. Through constant capacity building and apprenticeship programs, employees are able to practice their inherent skills.

The human resource professionals might also engage in other constructive programs such as job sharing (Muethel, Siebdrat & Hoegl 42). Through external linkages, an effective employee monitoring processes are appropriate.

These roles are only attainable through the engagement of pertinent human resource skills. It is evident that the human resource personnel have important roles in the management of employee development and welfare.

These initiatives stream from the general human resource principles. Therefore, it is vital for this personnel to recognize and practice these obligations.


There are evident transformations in human resource markets. This trend is globally notable. Organizations presently recognize the need for effective diversity management.

Indeed, diversity is one of the most important elements that have different implications on the performance of organizations. Generally, there are many benefits associated with the management of diversity.

Adequate management of diversity issues enables organizations to achieve a high level of performance. The employees within such organizations also become competitive. This is, particularly, vital for the effective performance within the highly competitive global market.

There are different literature and debates on the effect of diversity training. Notably, these effects have potential impacts on the general organization. They also affect the management.

However, most sources indicate the constructive impacts as the most predominant within different organizations. It is necessary to evaluate these different effects. In these processes, the application of various theoretical models remains appropriate.

It is crucial to analyze the role of HR professionals. Specifically, this relates to their contributions to diversity management and development of employees.

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