Memorization is one of the basic capabilities of the human brain and is indicative of its development. If one stops straining memory and thinking, one will not only lose neural connections at an accelerated rate, contributing to the deterioration of thinking abilities, but will likewise become worse at learning and any subsequent activity. By getting better at this skill, a person learns to improve at any other skill, not necessarily directly related to thinking activity. This fact can be explained by the verity that absolutely any task a person performs requires brain involvement.
When learning anything and unlocking one’s potential, experimentation is essential. It allows you to determine the optimal methods for each activity for each person. Improving perception and memorization through experimentation helps a person’s cognitive development, especially when there is doubt about one’s abilities. One fundamental trick to improve memorization is named in the material. Lieuw (2017) states that the invention and association of any bizarre images tied to the thing to be remembered are crucial. It is recommended to relate to something well-known or the order known for better construction of the associative series (Lieuw, 2017). In addition, three steps are distinguished – verification, experience, and experimentation. Verification can be described as the actualization of data and incoming conditions. Experience is readiness for new possibilities and their testing to further application and subjective adaptation in the third stage – experiment.
It is impossible not to agree with the obsolescence of absolutely any skill. Making a fire or building a shelter with one’s own hands can be helpful or be used as a hobby. Another reason not to characterize in this way the cognitive processes on which the length of an individual’s qualitative existence depends. On the contrary, the age of technology and information provide humans with more necessities and opportunities for memorization.
Because of the belief in oneself and the desire to learn new things, the process of memorization becomes one of the main ones in the most critical skill of self-learning. As technology advances, everyone must be able to transform themselves, as Lieuw (2017) argued, to maximize their efficiency and sanity. The ability to actively work with the masses of information available to humans today is impossible without a developed ability to learn, memorize, and think. In the age of mind development, only the most short-sighted will be able to call the skill associated with the work of the brain obsolete.
Lieuw, R. (2017). How to triple your memory by using this trick | Ricardo Lieuw On | TEDxHaarlem [Video]. YouTube. Web.