Mobile Manufacturing Inc’s Marketing Plan Essay

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The intended product has the potential to increase sales and profits at Mobile Manufacturing, Inc. (MM). However, a powerful marketing plan that is informed by the trends and variables recorded in the external environment will be necessary. The proposal outlined below can make it possible for this organization to achieve its goals within a short time.

Issues to Include in the Marketing Plan

The new mobile phone is capable of performing effectively in the United States and Europe. However, specific factors are essential for MM’s board to take seriously to present timely results. First, the technological forces recorded in the local and foreign regions are worth considering since the product needs to resonate with the expectations of people. This industry is also revolutionizing fast, thereby forcing companies to embrace the power of modern innovations and meet the changing needs of customers (Janković et al., 2016). Second, the economic aspects of the targeted markets are essential since they influence the purchasing power and the availability of disposable income. Finally, cultural attributes dictate the manner and willingness of individuals to use different media platforms and promote certain social practices, hobbies, and norms. When the team takes these three issues seriously, MM’s chances of achieving positive results will increase significantly.

Someone with an opposing suggestion might argue that political factors are the most crucial. They might go further to indicate that such forces determine the available business opportunities and economic stabilities. However, the strength of this attribute is quite low since the US and Europe have been associated with stable political conditions (Seo & Lee, 2019). Chances of deterioration in democracy or leadership also remain low. The consideration of this option will eventually deliver positive results for MM.

Evidence-based solutions are needed to ensure that this company emerges more competitive and profitable. The first one is for the managers and members of the board to develop a powerful plan that focuses on the local and foreign markets. This strategy will attract more customers who might need superior or high-quality mobile phones. The second one is to stretch the limits of innovation and research and development (R&D) to produce a superior mobile device that can compete successfully in the selected markets (Janković et al., 2016). For instance, this corporation can learn new ideas from Apple Inc. to produce high-tech devices and eventually achieve similar goals. The third strategy or solution is getting the right people with appropriate skills to support the marketing model.

All the above three solutions are recommendable to this corporation’s board if it is to record positive results. The reason for this argument is that the organization will attract more customers while at the same time delivering high-quality products. The company will have a new opportunity to engage in R&D and meet clients’ demands. Additionally, the proposed marketing plan will be characterized by effective logistical systems and constant customer support (Seo & Lee, 2019). From this analysis, a compromise is possible whereby all stakeholders will reconsider a new model that takes into consideration the external factors of both the selected markets. Such an approach will result in horizontal business expansion and attract more customers.


The above discussion reveals that cultural, technological, and economic factors are critical forces to consider if MM is to achieve positive goals. The consideration of political aspects might not deliver greater results at this organization. A compromise is also essential to ensure that the implemented decisions and strategies resonate with the aims of MM and eventually make it more profitable.


Janković, M., Mihajlović, M., & Cvetković, T. (2016). Influence of external factors on business of companies in Serbia. Ekonomika, 62(4), 31-38. Web.

Seo, Y. W., & Lee, Y. H. (2019). Effects of internal and external factors on business performance of start-ups in South Korea: The engine of new market dynamics. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 11. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 15). Mobile Manufacturing Inc's Marketing Plan.

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"Mobile Manufacturing Inc's Marketing Plan." IvyPanda, 15 Feb. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Mobile Manufacturing Inc's Marketing Plan'. 15 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Mobile Manufacturing Inc's Marketing Plan." February 15, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Mobile Manufacturing Inc's Marketing Plan." February 15, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Mobile Manufacturing Inc's Marketing Plan." February 15, 2022.

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