Modern principles of psychosocial counseling require changes in the client’s perception and understanding of his needs. Therefore, the human-centered approach, in which the patient is considered as an individual whose personality is not limited by the diagnosis, is introduced into the daily activities of every healthcare worker.
The need for understanding and support is key in treatment. Human-centered design is a strategy that bases product creation on data gleaned concerning people and environments that will eventually utilize such goods. Application of the latest psychological research to the development of psychosocial assistance, notably service-recipient-facing treatments and methods of implementation, is a feature of modern psychotherapy. The “core tasks” of psychological workers performance include (a) identifying multistage intervention factors and frame of reference configuration; (b) tailoring approaches; and (c) assessing understanding the aspects and consequences. Psychological workers concept of function is related to implementation characteristics such as tolerance, affordability, and suitability (Lyon., Brewer, & Areán, 2020). Despite that most medical professionals in the realm of psychology do not follow the most modern research and theories of providing assistance to patients with psychological illnesses, their personal qualities indicate appropriate treatment strategies.
The COVID-19 pandemic confirmed the vulnerability of the human mentality and the need for qualified psychological assistance not only to infected patients but also to medical personnel who, despite the stress, fought with epidemics consequences. Psychological treatment strategies evolve in the face of exacerbating factors such as epidemics, but once they are overcome, the positive impact of new ideas continues (Ornell et al., 2020). The assistance provided by psychological staff without being in the spotlight is extremely valuable and significant because overcoming the psychological consequences of epidemics is a longer and more exhausting process than overcoming the virus itself.
Lyon, A. R., Brewer, S. K., & Areán, P. A. (2020). Leveraging human-centered design to implement modern psychological science: Return on an early investment. American Psychologist, 75(8), 1067. Web.
Ornell, F., Halpern, S. C., Kessler, F. H. P., & Narvaez, J. C. D. M. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare professionals. Cadernos de saude publica, 36, e00063520. Web.