Scenography can be described as the creation of a theatrical presentation and it includes making the setting, costumes, and scripts that are in the context of theatrical and practical function. Essentially, scenographers do their work from the building of a space that is rationalized; transformed and filled. The function of a scenographer in this case is likened to that of a drama director. What is Scenography, a publication by Pamela Howard has enjoyed wider coverage as it has helped people to understand theatrics and has enriched their scope of how the aesthetics of acting can be maneuvered.
Modern Movie Acting
Over the past few years, greater advances have been observed in art especially Movie performances. Notable is the use of lighting to create different moods, multiple scenes and the use of virtual actors (Carlson 123). Currently, Scenography is at the threshold of technological advancement where the dynamic, sophisticated and creative applications of technology can be able to be applied and bring out the imaginative intentions of the playwrights and reflect on the cultural values that inspired the play (Baugh 67). The visual way of communication in our culture is to saturate the viewer with cascaded ideologies via complicated imagery and sound system. Characteristically these images are created by the computer assistance and use of video technology.
Computer usage in scenic design has become very extensive in the new era of information technology. There are several tools that have entered the field of Movies and are being used to bring Movies to a new level of performance. Computer-aided design tools (CAD) and IT tools are increasingly becoming standards in the Movie industry rather than optional (Howard 72).
There are also a series of other commercial software that are being invested specifically for the Movie or are targeted at designer consumers (Baugh 67). Other applications that are specifically designed for the clients; There are however very many applications that are being produced specifically for the professionals and they include plug-ins or templates specifically for Movies. The technical drafting programs are manufactured and cover stage lighting designers (Baugh 89).
The thesis of the paper will be that “New technologies are taking acting and art performances to a new level of screen entertainment”. This hypothesis will be supported by addressing the advantages of using technology in Movies and all the new features that have been able be achieved. Simply it can be explained this way – The background is created on computers backstage and then projected to the onstage screens (Baugh 89). Most of the scenery is produced in real-time through the use of computer-generated images (virtual reality). Projection of the scenery is stereoscopic three-dimensional and outfitting the audience with three-dimensional glasses produces the false impression that the virtual views share the Movie with the performers (Griffiths 78). In doing so, the producers are able to create a bridge or bridge the gap between the cinematic images of the stage and the three-dimensional existence of the live actors.
Modern scenography has better performance and finds use in a wide range of applications and therefore should be given serious consideration. Due to the advancement in technology, scenography has now embraced digital technology. Various elements of scenography have proved quite useful for application by such individual professions as stage directors, film producers, actors, lighting technicians, and other artists in advertisements.
Works Cited
Baugh, C. The Developing Scenography In The 20th-century Movie and Performance Practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Print.
Baugh, C. Movie Performance and Technology: The Development of Scenography in the Twentieth Century. Movie and Performance Practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Print.
Carlson, M. Digital Scenography. Bringing the Movies into the Information Age. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005. Print.
Gillette, M. J. Theatrical Design and Production (4th Ed). Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000. Print.
Griffiths, M. Exploring Scenography: Theatre Design Research. London: Society of British Theatre, 2004. Print.
Howard, P. What Is Scenography? London: Routledge, 2002. Print.