Most and Least Important Points on Deming’s List Essay

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Every organization has key principles to guide its operations toward business effectiveness and sustainability. Dr. W. Edwards’ management principles focus on enhancing the organization’s success through business improvement. The 14 principles provided an in-depth understanding of management transformation and optimization to Japanese manufacturers after World War II. From the list of Deming’s 14 points, some points are more important than others. The principle of creating constancy of purpose in product and service improvement is the most important while putting everybody to work towards accomplishing transformation is the least important point.


Companies require strategies that foster a more competitive organization in a dynamic business environment. I think constancy of purpose is the most important point in Deming’s list because it provides a company with a competitive advantage to outperform its rivals. Putting a priority on continuous improvement of the products and services in an organization ensures that the business remains competitive to meet the customers’ needs (The Deming Institute, 2015). The constancy of purpose brings every stakeholder of an organization on board and everyone works toward the success of the business. This point promotes ownership of the company among the members and enhances long-term business sustainability.

Deming’s point on a company’s transformation being everybody’s job is the least important because it is not a strategy that any organization would adopt to remain successful in unstable environments. This point cannot succeed without the company understanding the building blocks of organizational transformation and measuring its readiness, agility, and resilience (London et al., 2021). I believe that companies should consider the application of value-based thinking to deepen their competitive advantages. I think the point is the least important in the list because if all the other 13 points are fulfilled, transformation by everyone is achieved automatically.


Deming’s philosophy of an enriched society is pegged on 14 points among which others are more important than others. Deming’s principle of creating a constancy of purpose is the most necessary strategy that every business needs to achieve long-term success. Companies should work towards remaining competitive through the services they offer and the products they sell to customers. I think tasking everybody in a company with a transformation role is the least important principle because a company can remain competitive and successful without it. However, management should understand their businesses and adopt the most important principles to remain competitive.


The Deming Institute. (2015). . Web.

London, L., Madner, S., & Skerritt, D. (2021). McKinsey & Company. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 24). Most and Least Important Points on Deming's List.

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"Most and Least Important Points on Deming's List." IvyPanda, 24 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Most and Least Important Points on Deming's List'. 24 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Most and Least Important Points on Deming's List." May 24, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Most and Least Important Points on Deming's List." May 24, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Most and Least Important Points on Deming's List." May 24, 2024.

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