In today’s world, research is a fundamental segment when it comes to nursing as well as expanding the nurses’ roles. From what I learnt, nurses nowadays want to conduct thorough research on as many problems as they can, as well as observing patients more as compared to the traditional hospital systems. This move sets the grounds for multi-disciplinary research, as it is a plausible feature in scientific study. I agree with Woolf when he says that any new treatment as well as research knowledge should reach different populations or patients. In many cases, once there is a new treatment, many patients are not in s position to get to it simply because they do not have enough resources to purchase the same. Having access to patients is usually not an easy task, which explains why when it comes to independent research, quite a huge number of nurses are obligated to get permission from physicians.
From what I have read, it is clear that multidisciplinary research has quite a number of benefits like being in a position to get to patients who otherwise may be unreachable. Additionally, it gives chance to share as well as broaden each other’s ideas particularly from other disciplinary views. Consequently, this move leads to the prevention of focus from being extremely narrow and widening the viewpoint. I am also of the opinion that the soul value of a discipline is in its system of values and ethics, its scientific knowledge body, as well as its societal worth. Collaboration with other disciplines in my opinion is greatly advantageous as there is access to information especially in matters concerning diagnosis and psychological testing.