Music Industry: Apple’s iTunes and Profitability Case Study

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Identify the current state of the music industry?

The majority of current big names in the music industry, such as Bruno Mars, are unreachable icons set on stands, kept away on pillars. The operations and undertakings of these artists are displayed all over headlines each day among a clamor of hackneyed and inappropriate gossipy narratives claiming to inform people about who they are and their achievements.

The public and fans are habitually supplied with images planned to boost their aspirations and leave them attached to an industry that supports the mostly referred to as attractive images while the music assumes a back bench. In this regard, the public and fans relate to images and turn out to be unhealthily preoccupied with an obsession that results to another. The condition proceeds through abundance of resources being created for the few that have a clearly devoted concern in maintaining it that way. Some key players in the music industry are the famous Lady Gaga and Madonna to mention a few.

People are stimulated to follow the opinion of the majority, which feel secure as they have a conviction that it has to be correct since many are doing it. Successful musicians along with their music do not fade away as they only become inundated under a trend of exceedingly proscribed, deeply bound, mass generated celebrities that are ready to do all that is required to thrive.

The outcome of this is that the fans are being starved of readily available bona fide endowment that leads to unauthentic, lusterless, mind-numbing, and re-worded tunes roiled severally. Apart from ethics and principles, the music industry has developed, concealed, and weakened an entire range of musicians whose capacities are disregarded much to the detriment of the music lovers.

Evaluate the extent to which Apple’s iTunes has helped and hindered profitability in the industry

Apple’s iTunes has assisted in resolving some problems in the music industry thus boosting profitability. Apple’s iTunes is presenting a legal option to Napster in addition to other download services at no cost. This has become a period of a fresh start with a major change happening and resulting to the upshot of musicians that are directly involving their audiences.

Apple’s iTunes is offering profitability in the music industry by generating equally beneficial union for all. On this note, musicians are not intending to sell their music for fame and fortune, but are aiming at having their music appreciated and leading a decent lifestyle. This advance is beneficial as it promotes mutual esteem amid all relevant parties and generates a comprehension of the extent of personal dedication of the artists in composing and recording their music.

Conversely, Apple’s iTunes is hindering the profitability in the industry as less significant stars have insufficient support. For instance, EMI has lost its autonomy, and Warner could be among the best run group, but its hope of maintaining profitability in the industry does not appear healthy. Google thus sees music as a vital setting in its battle against Apple’s iTunes in a growing cell phone globe.

The services of Google are likely to offer a substitute to the iTunes application thus presenting subscriptions ensuring the accessibility of the music of every user in any place, with any supported gadget, and shifting from Apple’s fatality caused by its unsuccessful approach. The entry of Google will greatly influence a market dominated by Apple and, perhaps, this way, the music industry will generate profitability from the composition that will play on the gadgets.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 30). Music Industry: Apple's iTunes and Profitability.

Work Cited

"Music Industry: Apple's iTunes and Profitability." IvyPanda, 30 Apr. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Music Industry: Apple's iTunes and Profitability'. 30 April.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Music Industry: Apple's iTunes and Profitability." April 30, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Music Industry: Apple's iTunes and Profitability." April 30, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Music Industry: Apple's iTunes and Profitability." April 30, 2020.

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