As a proverb goes, “birds of feather flock together”. The fact is that a suspicious attitude towards those who are different is natural and attributed to any representative of the fauna. A human is not an exception, and even despite the all over parity, human rights, and democracy development, people stay unequal because of skin color, religious convictions, cultural differences, or just life views.
Margot just differed from the other kids by the feature, that she believed that the sun time will inevitably come, and aimed to defend her position. She was within the minority, and it always appears to be different. (Bradbury, 1980).
As for my personal experience, I had to deal with national minorities. I am absolutely neutral to them, as it is impossible to choose the nationality, but a friend of mine is a xenophobe. The confrontation happened instantly. It started as simply ignoring, and then word abuses, and finally, it came to blows.
Actually, anything could be done to prevent it, as hatred for any particular national minority is groundless, and consequently, any proves could not help to make a xenophobe at least soften the attitude towards Gypsies. I need to confess, that I can not blame my friend for cruel behavior, like that guy (Gypsy) in no way aimed to avoid the conflict, and often provoked it, clearly realizing that my friend is a xenophobe. So, the situation appeared to be equal for both, and at this time I just waited for them to let off steam, the next time, if it repeats (which is rather credible), I will desperately help my friend, as that guy deserves it in spite of his origin, because there are some other factors.
As for the consequences, everything ended with the first blood, but both had black eyes after that fight. Nobody even tried to use against each other, as this is a personal conflict, and there is no need to make it public.
Feelings are rather contradicting, as, on the one hand, I would like my friend did not enter this direct confrontation, but on the other hand I am glad that this gypsy guy was at least punished for his too sharp tongue.
Surely, most people agree that being cruel to those who are different is wrong but often forget it. The fact is that most people who realize this notion will never be cruel only for the reason of someone being different. This cruelty is often reasoned by some other features (like ill-nature, intolerance, impoliteness, ignorance, and others). But those who would never take into consideration that people should be equal, and it is incorrect to be cruel for somebody being different will never agree with it.
The people are not to blame that some of them are different. The only thing that is able to make them more accepted is the change in the minds of humanity. No one would feel accepted until peoples all over the world leave their prejudices.
In conclusion, it should be stated, that conflicts (luckily or unfortunately) are the engines of progress. Even those, who had admitted to being in the wrong, realized it after some conflict, so, when everybody becomes equal, the conflicts will stop, and the progress will also. (Avruch, 1991)
Avruch, Kevin, Peter W. Black, and Joseph A. Scimecca, eds. Conflict Resolution: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1991.
Bradbury, Ray. Stories of Ray Bradbury. Knopf; 1st edition, 1980.