Case Management Plan
Enumerating List of Katie’s Needs
With regard to the case study, Katie has a number of needs that should be fulfilled to improve her emotional and psychological state. The analysis of her behavior and responses to the external stimuli also refers to the necessity to satisfy her needs for communication. In addition, the girl lacks socialization with her peers because her mother disapproves her interaction with neighboring girls who, as she stated, have a bad influence on her.
Second, Katie lacks independence and self-awareness because she has serious problems with self-help skills. She experiences difficulties in dressing herself and, therefore, her mother and her aunt help her to do this every morning. Finally, Katie needs the coping mechanisms that would allow her to restrain her temper and emotional fluctuations. Therefore, mother should engage her child into the activities that she loves most of all.
Prioritizing Needs
Attention deficiency and abusive treatment are among the prior underpinning for Katie’s delays in emotional and intellectual development. Therefore, the first need that should be fulfilled includes communication and attention of Katie’s relatives, including her mother, aunt, and grandmother.
The next set of needs will include practicing socialization with peers that can help Katie understand how she should behave outside her home. Other skills, such as self-helping, will be worked out as soon as the previously mentioned are achieved.
Presenting the Plan That Focuses on Each Client’s Need
According to Piaget’s theory of development, Katie should be at the stage of analyzing environment through mental symbols, such as images and words that help her develop her own perception of events, objects, and situation (Bukatko, 2008). Due to the fact that Katie fails to carry out certain cognitive operations, she needs a specialized treatment that can allow Katie to develop sufficient communication skills.
The transition from egocentric orientation to a more intuitive one must be introduced (Bukatko, 2008). Second, communication skills should be premised on developing specialized games that can allow the patient to cognize how she may react to the external stimuli (Friedman & Schustack, 2011). Finally, self-help skills should also be enhanced through establishing role-play games that will permit Katie to develop specialized mechanism for coping with the splashes of anger.
Time Line for Reassessing Client’s Needs during a Six-Month Treatment Plan
Communication skills assessment and development will cover the greatest part of treatment. At this point, the sessions will be conducted two times a week during 3 months for the counselor to understand Katie’s major concerns, as well as the nature of her reserved behavior. Karen and Annette should attend the sessions to provide Katie with support.
Second, self-helping skills development will premise on the sessions that will help during the subsequent 2 months. The session will resemble a game during which Katie should take care for other children during the tea party to learn the rules of interaction and self-help. In such a manner, it will be possible for the client to understand how she can achieve independence.
Description of Recommendations for the Client’s Mother to Teach Katie to Identify Her Needs
Mother should change her work, or negotiate for flexible working schedule to be able to look after her daughter and constantly communicate with her. Jessica shouldalso make efforts at spending time with granddaughter instead of criticizing Karen for insufficient attention she pays to her daughter’s education.
Bukatko, D. (2008). Child and Adolescent Development. A Chronological Approach. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Friedman, H. & Schustack , M. (2011). Personality: Classic theories and modern research Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.