Nurses as Leaders Overview Essay

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It could be said that nurses can be considered leaders. It is widely known that being a nurse involves working under high pressure, as nurses are responsible for human lives. Another reason that proves that all nurses are the leaders is the fact that nurses should be able to distribute various duties in emergencies to avoid deaths and fatal injuries. These skills will help perform tasks efficiently and improve the quality of services.

However, a primary proof of the fact that all nurses are leaders in advanced communication skills. Nurses have to be leaders while having a conversation with a patient, as a patient might not provide all information about his condition. Consequently, nurses have to be able to ask the right questions, which will lead to the answers with the necessary information. The ability to communicate effectively helps avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretations, which might be potential threats to the mental and physical conditions of the patient. Furthermore, as leaders, nurses have to be able to communicate with all members of the hospital and patients effectively. Another essential attribute of communication skills is the ability to control emotions while having a conversation with a patient (Ezzatabadi et al. 2012). In conclusion, it could be said that nurses can be always considered leaders, as they work in a stressful environment and have to make risky decisions. However, advanced communications skills are a vital instrument to control the situations, and it is a primary factor, which controls service quality and potential outcomes.

It could be said that all nurses overwork and often make mistakes due to their fatigue. Moreover, they put patient’s life in danger and question their abilities to perform the tasks adequately. According to ANA, nurses have to be able to work in suitable working conditions to perform their duties efficiently (2006). However, the reduction of financing administration of some hospitals makes nurses work extra hours to provide a 24/7 service in the hospital. However, the quality of the service lacks quality, as nurses are not even able to do simple operations effectively. Furthermore, nurses might even injure themselves and other medical staff.

Moreover, administrators and nurse managers have to understand that they are forcing the nurses to provide unsafe practice and break the rules of the ethical code of practice (American Nurse Association, 2006). It could be said, in general, administration and the nursing manager are the primary members of the hospital, who are responsible for nurses’ unsafe actions. The Administration handles financial planning and human resources formation. Consequently, it is responsible for not proving suitable conditions for working. The nurse manager monitors the working shifts of the nurses in the department. A manager can improve the working conditions for nurses by addressing this issue to the administration of the hospital. Subsequently, it could be concluded that the administration and manager are responsible for the mistake of a nurse due to overwork. Nonetheless, a nurse can also improve her working conditions by addressing various support institutions.


American Nurse Association. (2006). Assuring patient’s safety: The employer’s role in promoting healthy nursing work hours for registered nurses in all roles and settings. Web.

Ezzatabadi, M., Bahrami, M., Hadizadeth, F., Arab, M., Nasiri, S., Amiresmaili, M., & Ahmadi, G. (2012). Nurses’ emotional intelligence impact on the quality of hospital services. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 14(12), 758-763.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 16). Nurses as Leaders Overview.

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"Nurses as Leaders Overview." IvyPanda, 16 Apr. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Nurses as Leaders Overview'. 16 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Nurses as Leaders Overview." April 16, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Nurses as Leaders Overview." April 16, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Nurses as Leaders Overview." April 16, 2022.

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