Obsession is a state of mind whereby an individual is preoccupied with illogical reasons for doing something. It often does not give room for reason. Obsession is involuntary and occurs to individuals unconsciously. The person affected by obsession is often said to be obsessed. These illogical thoughts become persistent and can last for as long as a year and over. As a result of this persistence an obsessed person will more often be depressed.
As such an individual who is obsessed has this pressing feeling towards something or someone. The feeling is so strong that the person may do anything possible even if it means losing his or her life to have what he wants. An obsessed individual often will appear confused from the word go. Some of them end up boycotting or abandoning their duties as a result of the obsession. An obsession will disrupt the normal order and function of the individual’s brain and retrieving the data from the long-term memory becomes a problem.
Obsession is characterized by invasive and disturbing thoughts. It is so gripping that forces the individual to pay much attention to it at the expense of other things. The individual is therefore compelled to do crazy things that end up consuming a lot of time. As a result the obsessed individuals will often tend to keep these behaviors within so that other people do not realize.
There are several things that may obsess individuals, among them food, people, machinery, books, vehicles, and cutlery. My list thus encompasses every other thing that exists in the world. Anything can make someone obsessed. This therefore only varies from individual to individual. Somebody who is obsessed by something will always have a strong passion for that thing. For instance a person who is so obsessed about his or her car will go crazy if this car was withdrawn from existence. His or her affinity for the car is so strong that withdrawal will mean putting a stop to life. As a result the person will often find peace with something or someone that has obsessed him or her.
Ever thought of an individual who would spend more time in the car than in the house? Such a person will even prefer sleeping in the car than in their own houses. As such they will do such irrational things as washing the car more than ten times a day since they can never get convinced that the car is clean. They will spend a lot of time exploring and doing crazy things with this car hence withdrawal of the car means putting a stop on their daily lives.
Nonetheless this individual will develop a disorder called obsessive compulsive disorder. This is a mental disorder that is characterized by unreasonable thinking and natural push to doing some irrelevant and quite irrational things.
These activities are quite voluntary and the victim does them consciously. As a result an individual ends up doing things that consume a lot of time and are quite fruitless. These activities are done by the individual to ease him or her from the anxiety that is brought about by this compulsion. Doctors have since rated obsessive compulsive disorder as the fourth most noticeable disease of the mind in the world. This was reached when over 20,000 adults were diagnosed as suffering from the disorder in the early 1980s.
Obsession is thus so common and medical counseling should be given to those people diagnosed with the disorder.