Organizational Change Plan for Accor Company

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Accor Company Change Management Project Team (ACCMPT) will provide Accor Company with methods that will help sustain customer satisfaction for a long time in Accor Company. ACCMPT has significantly involved in Accor Company different changes implementation. The changes included change to spread the company worldwide, change on methods of recruiting workers of Accor Company, and development of an enticing strategy to attract customers.

Accor Company is Europe leader in hospitality industry (Accor, 2011). It is a multinational company handling different customers. This plan identifies benefits that Accor Company will enjoy if it maximize, and sustain customer satisfaction. Research shows that it is not easy to attract customers in hospitality industries. Therefore, retaining them for a long time is beneficial to a business. Customer satisfaction in any hospitality industry depends on the quality of services.

At our service (ACCMPT), we have a responsibility of working for the implementation of changes in the culture of Accor Company to help the company realize profits and survive in today’s competitive market. Accor Company has been enjoying our best services concerning the treatment of customers. In achieving our vision, it will help the entire Accor Company fraternity realize the benefits of customer satisfaction.

Executive Summary


The purpose of this organizational change plan is to demonstrate the ability of ACCMPT to achieve its’ objectives of introducing change in Accor Company to successful sustain customer satisfaction. The plan also describes the activities that the entire Accor Company stakeholders will have to practice during the process of change. The plan will also accomplish the following:

  1. Define the change.
  2. Identify the strategy for change.
  3. Outline the activities for transforming Accor Company.
  4. Explain how the stakeholders are to participate in the change process.
  5. Emphasis the need or importance of commitment or sticking to change.
  6. Define Accor Company structure that is to help the change process take place, and provide for the morale and motivation of the stakeholders.
  7. The plan is to help Accor Company realize the benefits of sustaining customers’ satisfaction.
  8. Give a clear and understandable vision to the company workers and the role they would have to play in the change process.


This plan is to concentrate on the activities that will help Accor Company to realize the success of the delivery of the change program. The plan will also be a long–term document for Accor Company to use as a proof as long as this change is going to last in the company. The plan document will be updated when the company begins to realize the result of the change. The scope of the plan includes the following:

  • A plan to move the company form the old principles to the new change.
  • The way Accor workers will get training that will help them work with the integration of new changes.
  • Description of the communication structure to be used during the change for effective transition.
  • The plan will also give the role to be played by Accor workers during the change process.
  • The plan will explain how the workers will participate in the change process.
  • How ACCMPT intends to shape the future culture of Accor Company
  • ACCMPT vision of change and how the team will operate during the change process.

Need for Change

Historically Accor Company handles a large number of customers worldwide. Accor Company need to ensure that their management and the way they deliver services is able to satisfy customers according to their expectations. Customer satisfaction will help the company to retain their customers for a long time and continue enjoying profits.

Failure by most industries to have ways of measuring customers’ satisfaction is one reason why most hospitality industries do not survive for a long period in today’s competitive economic environment. Accor Company needs to adopt a strategy that will help it deliver to customers the quality that they deserve.

For example, in terms of sex, women requirements on quality that they are to receive in hotels differ from that of their counterparts, men. Therefore, to address such issues, Accor Company requires changing from traditional methods in which the company assumes that all customers deserve same quality.

Accor Company existence in many countries is a crucial thing that requires the company to be vigilant on how it handles customers. The company handles customers who have divergent cultures. This calls for a strategy that will ensure that the customers receive quality service in relation to their cultures.

This is important because customers’ cultures have a great impact on the success of any hospitality industry. Customers’ culture and the way of service delivery in Accor Company will determine the level of customer satisfaction.

The diagram below summarizes the relationship of customer culture and service delivery

Diagram summarizes the relationship of customer culture and service delivery.

Source: (Lin, 2012)

Environmental Analysis of ACCOR Company

ACCMPT find it necessary to carry out the environmental analysis on Accor Company to see the current position of the company. The analysis is both external and internal to help suggest the best strategies during the change process on areas that proves to be weak. The analysis will give the team the roles it will assign to various company workers and stakeholders.

It will also provide ACCMPT with hints on the training that the team will need to design for the workers of the company and other stakeholders. Last, the analysis will provide the team with weaknesses and strength that Accor Company has, and how the change process will help improve this areas.

External Analysis

ACCMPT team will identify the effects of various external forces to Accor Company. This will help understand the way the team will have to respond to these forces during the change process. There are various external forces that demand for changes in the way Accor Company handles its’ customers.

This company direct interaction with customers in operations requires provision of high quality services. Accor Company is affected by various external factors. These factors include Physical or natural factors, social or cultural factors, technological factors, economic factors, competitive factors, and global market factors. Below is a review of these factors and how ACCMPT will integrate the effects of these factors in the change process.

Analysis of Physical or Factors

ACCMPT will identify the physical or natural factors that affect the performance of the company. These factors include floods, droughts and other natural disasters like earthquakes. In the process of change, the team will identify best activities that the company will adopt to sustain customer satisfaction, the team will propose the effective methods to counter these natural factors. Natural factors will help the team to identify the best change strategies for different business branches of Accor Company worldwide.

Analysis of Social and Cultural factors

ACCMPT appreciates the effects of the social and cultural factors. The team understands the effect of these factors to the performance of Accor Company. Social or cultural factors put pressure on Accor Company to adhere to this plan. Accor Company operates in divergent cultures.

The company has its’ branches in 92 countries (Accor, 2011). These countries have got distinct cultures. Customers’ culture greatly affects the activities of Accor Company. In delivering services to customers, Accor will have to ensure they consider the way they handle customers’ diverse culture. This is because customers’ culture together with the way the organization provides their services determines customer satisfaction.

Customers’ culture normally has a direct effect on the way of service delivery. Therefore, every customer who has a particular culture expects the services to be done in a certain way which will guarantee the customer satisfaction. For example, referring to “power distance”, customers with different powers expects the services to be differentiated in the hotel (Lin, 2012). Customers with different powers should not have the same services.

If customers of the same power receive services of the same level, there will be no satisfaction to some customers. The project team will accomplish its’ goals by monitoring the steps that Accor Company stakeholders has to consider in the desire to establish change in the organization. ACCMTP team begins from developing a sense of change in the organization to anchoring the change into the corporate culture.

The team will allocate unique activities to every branch of Accor Company in every country during the change process. This is because different branches of Accor Company experiences different socio-cultural behaviors, and therefore, their handling of customers is different. The ACCMPT will suggest different training procedures to Accor staff in different countries because of their handling of different customers with different cultures.

Analysis of Technological Factors

Technological factors are also key forces toward the adoption of change by Accor Company. This company is a multinational company which requires improved technology services to help it in the process of delivering services.

For high customer satisfaction, the company requires technological services that are up to date. For example, email accounts that are well protected, ability to use credit cards without exposing customers’ personal information. When such activities are well supervised, the company will be promoting customer satisfaction for a long time.

ACCMPT has to understand if the available technology in the company will accommodate the change. Current technology will be able to make the change process quick and reliable. Accor Company has got improved technology that can accommodate the needs of the company. The technology makes communications between various stakeholders of the company easier. These include the company’s website, telephones, and fax. This will offer ACCMPT with easier time and efficiency in communicating the needs of the change process.

Analysis of Political Factors

ACCMPT members understand the role of political force in the process of change. Political factors can obstruct the change process or support the change. Accor Company operates in different political spheres. The ACCMPT team will make sure that it respects the laws of this diverse political spheres under which Accor operates by seeking operation permission in written form. The stakeholders will receive training on different laws of various countries in which the company has branches.

Analysis of Economic Factors

ACCMPT understands that economic factors can limit or contribute to the success of this change process. From various literature and experiences the members of this team understands that economic factors influence the level of Customers satisfaction. The economic changes call for Accor Company to come with strategies on how to satisfy their customers’.

This is because, with a challenging economy, customers become sensitive to issues like prices. Economic recessions affect consumers’ income making their budgeting habits to change (Roberts, 2010). Therefore, ACCMPT team will be careful when addressing such challenges because if the team does not fully control these challenges, during the change process it can affect the customers (Humphreys, 2003).

When stakeholders of Accor do not respond well to the issues they are likely to lose some of their customers. ACCMPT team identifies the investment method to help deal with the economic recession. Holding to past principles will lower the profits of the company during this scenario and create negative perceptions to customers. Mere customer satisfaction is a cause of poor customer loyalty (Jones & Sasser, 1995).

Analysis of Competitive and Global Market factors

The project team understands that the change should put into consideration different competitive factors that Accor Company encounters. ACCMPT understands that the main competitive factor that Accor encounters is the retention of customers and sustaining customer satisfaction.

Accor Company needs to sustain their customers for a long period. This is because there is high competition in hospitality industry (Humphreys, 2004). The competition is as a result of several industries in the same sector that offer the same services. ACCMPT has the experience that will help it ensure that the methods of sustaining customers’ satisfaction can show quality results within the first six month after introduction of change in the company.

ACCMPT is sensitive to the participation of Accor Company in the global market. Global market is normally very competitive and requires any planner to ensure that changes touching the company performance in the global market will have to yield positive results despite the global market factors.

Accor is a worldwide company and therefore, it has to meet the standards of global markets. The way it treats customers should be in a way that caters for all global customers. ACCMPT members will ensure that the activities that the staff of Accor participates in are acceptable in the world market. For example, respect to other competitors in the global market.

Internal Analysis

ACCMPT recognizes the importance of checking on the internal state of Accor Company before introducing change. The team member analyzes the company internally to find if the company can easily adopt the changes and improve the relevant areas.

Stability of the Company

From the experience of ACCMPT members, we understand that the stability of the company is vital for the progress and sustenance of the change process. ACCMPT will use two members from the team to thoroughly compare the financial records of the company between 2010 to early 2012. This is to provide the team the capability of the company to finance for the change process in all the company’s worldwide branches.

ACCMPT will use two of the project team members to check on the way the company services worldwide are perceived. The perceptions will determine the degree of the change process.

Risk Taking or Risk Aversion Culture

ACCMPT understands the importance of understanding the risk behavior of the company as it prepare for the process of change. This change is a risk that Accor Company is going to undertake. ACCMPT requires stakeholders to understand the risks that this business will undergo in the whole process through various structured trainings.

The ACCMPT needs this analysis to advise Accor Company managers on what they are to expect during the change process. It is hard for managers to get rid of the old models management.

This is because they fear such moves can destroy relationship that they have build for years. They have to recognize that change cannot be an ally but an enemy (Harper, 1998). This plan is to help the managers to participate and appreciate the change to maximize the consumers’ satisfaction by supporting the responsibility of relating the change with corporate culture.

ACCMPT team has to familiarize itself with different people in Accor Company. This will help identify the ideal people who will be affected by change and create a relationship that will promote a two way communication.

Stakeholder Analysis and Management

Understanding the stakeholders and management of Accor Company is of importance in promoting the desired change in the company. ACCMTP team will post the list of the stakeholders that will have to be involved in the change process to develop strategies for sustaining and maximizing customer satisfaction in Accor Company.

The list will help to inform the targeted stakeholders to get ready for the changes. This will give them convincing information to accept the change. The table below indicates the stakeholders that will have to encounter changes as the business works toward maximizing consistence in customer satisfaction. The table has the stakeholder’s name, their influence on organization, and plan.

A table showing stakeholders who will be affected in the organizational change plan

Stakeholders NameInfluence on the Organizational change projectPlan and responsibilities on the project
Accor workers and ManagersHigh
  • More training on receptionist activities.
  • Focusing on the project processes and carrying out their current job responsibilities
ACCMTP membersHigh
  • Reporting on the ability of the change to take place.
  • Driving the organizational changes
  • Change Accor Company processes to meet the best practices expectations.
ACCMTP DirectorCritical
  • Justify the success of the implementation of the change and accountability
Accor customer relations managerCritical
  • Assessing the change in the behavior and perceptions of customers’ during implementation of change process.
  • Participate in the measure of the quality of services Accor will be offering to customers during the implementation of change.
Customers (these are the people who come to the company for services like renting of o rooms and refreshment)Medium
  • Depend on the services of Accor Company workers and provide give feedback
  • Depend on the improved methods of service delivery in Accor hotels and rooms and other refreshment joints.
External stakeholders (Governments of the countries that Accor has branches, legislation, judiciary, and Local governments agenciesHigh
  • They will be interested on consumer information. This will result from observing of safety measures and health measures.
Change ExpertsCritical
  • Justifying when the change is to occur by participating in various programs organized by the team like workshops.
  • Help focus the project on time and concentrating on their current job activities.
  • Responsible for the potential changes in Accor Company.

ACCMTP members

ACCMTP has to provide guidance of these project activities. The members of the project team will manage the resources that they will get from Accor Company finance department to manage the change.

The analysis is to provide the ACCMTP team with information on the people of the organization that ACCMTP project is going to affect. It will give the project team the kind of audience it has to give to different stakeholders. Last, it helps suggest the right kind of training for different stakeholders and the best communication approach for that group of stakeholders.

Degree of support

ACCMTP will work hand in hand with Accor stakeholders to support the change. ACCMTP members will provide the stakeholders with relevant information that should help win the desired stakeholders help. The company has various stakeholders whose degree of support will determine the speed of the change. The government fully supports the change because it is under the laws of the government for consumers to have best services from the producers.

The customers’ degree of support is very high on this change. Customers are interested on high quality services for them to get satisfaction that they desire. The change in Accor Company is aiming at ensuring that the customers are enjoying quality services.

Driving and Restraining Forces

ACCMTP project recognizes the driving and restraining forces. These forces are emerging from the stakeholders. Many people are always not ready to accept change. They always perceive that if change comes in they will lose their traditional power. It is the responsibility of ACCMPT members to deal with obstacles to change.

There are numerous obstacles that ACCMTP members will face during the change process. They include a threat to the relationship that the organization has with different stakeholders which is a source of its power and influence (Rondinelli, Middleton & Verspoor, 1990). Second, the resources available in the organization are not enough to support the change that the organization admires. Last, different relationships in the various sections in the company are an obstacle to change.

ACCMTP identifies that the managers in the company sometimes find it hard to maintain customer satisfaction. They need to know the importance of sustaining customer satisfaction. The inability to sustain customer satisfaction has led to the company making low profits which make it hard for it to make changes that need more funds. These forces are also explained in the communication approach section.

Embracing the change

ACCMTP has to ensure that the stakeholders are realizing the change to come. The ACCMTP team will have to overcome the obstacles to ensure that stakeholders of Accor Company are embracing change. When the project team deals with obstacles successfully, the next step is to build on the change that the organization has at hand. Building on change is to make the organization realize what ACCMPT has been claiming from the beginning of preparation to change.

Developing of the organization or the business is the ability of the business or organization to increase its’ effectiveness systematically as a result of changes made in the organization or business (Middlemist & Hitt, 1988). Here the business begins to adjust to the new anticipated changes. This requires ACCMTP team to motivate and make closer supervision to ensure that the company stakeholder does not surrender at the beginning.

This is because the procedures may seem difficult to apply because as a result of addiction to old procedures. In Accor Company, workers find it hard to adjust on changes made on specified time of offering services. Changes on time will help Accor attend to customers for 24 hours, unlike, when the company in some branches initially operates during the day only. At the beginning, workers will find it difficult working at nights. ACCMPT will use the rewarding programs to help motivate night workers.

Accor stakeholder will undergo training and get rewards for contributing to change. They will be of help in recognizing and promoting the company’s change vision.

Strength and Weaknesses

ACCMTP identifies the strength and weaknesses of Accor Company to help build on change. This project strategy is to position Accor Company in a manner that it will use its’ internal strength to exploit the environment (Humphreys, 2007).

Accor Company has the strength on the ability to operate for 24 hours providing an advantage to make extra profit. It is also easier for the company to make relationships with customers for a long period because the company has branches in many parts of the world. The plan will therefore have the following strength from the beginning:

  • ACCMTP will be able to meet customers who have been receiving Accor Company services for a long time.
  • Have enough time to implement the change.
  • Test similar changes in different parts and asses the results.

The weaknesses are that: it is not easier to satisfy the customers’ expectations, sustain the customer satisfaction, and deliver quality services depending on customers’ cultures. These factors will cause the following weaknesses to the outcome of the project:

  • It will not be easy to change the customers’ perception on the business at the first six months of implementing change.
  • The plan will not be able to cater for the desires of all customers because of the nature of the company. This industry offers their services in regard to customers’ culture, and therefore, making it hard to single out every customer’s culture.

Sense of Urgency

Change in the organization does not affect an individual though an individual may be a cause for change in an organization. When there is a need for change it is important for the part of the organization that wants a change to create a sense of change in the organization. ACCMTP will have to ensure that it creates a sense of need for change in Accor Company. The ACCMTP director and ACCMTP members will have to use relevant communication method on various stakeholders o inform them on the anticipated change.

This will be through notifications on the benefits of why Accor Company has to adopt strategies that are to help in maximizing and sustaining customer satisfaction. The ACCMTP members will use dialogue to explain what the organization experiences in the market place. The stakeholders will give their feedback to the ACCMTP members to help them to make more clarifications.

The ACCMTP will work in conjunction with the change experts who are to guide and account for the right time of developing the sense urgency. The change experts will advise the ACCMTP to propose the best communication method that the ACCMTP team will have to use in informing the entire Accor Company during the change period.

The ACCMTP will identify threats to change. The ACCMTP members have to convince the workers by starting discussions and show them comments from customers. The project team will collect the comments from the guest comment cards in hotels which are the best to identify and rate customer satisfaction in hotels (Gilbert & Horsnell, 1998; Su, 2004).

This will help the team to find areas that the company will exploit in the future activities when they apply change. The business will spend less on attracting customers in the future hence save resources for other purposes.

The ACCMTP project will find support from other stakeholders, and similar businesses to help convince a big part of the organization. Similar businesses are important because they may have done similar changes. The stakeholders will give there support and opinions why they need that change. This will put the organization on a move to confidently start the process of introducing change in the organizational structure.

The company can provide information to customers on the changes it would like to make. The customers will in turn give their support and recommendations. Therefore, the stakeholders support change by providing information, financial support, and showing their participation in implementing new changes.

This step is a crucial step. It is a preparation step and requires great work from ACCMTP. This is because in this step, ACCMTP has to win a large portion of the organization that will help in completing other steps of introducing change. This step may witness many people surrendering on their goals of introducing change. Those who do not panic end up preparing the organization ready for change by winning a big section of the organization that support the change.

Stakeholder Future Expectations

From the ACCMTP stakeholder analysis we expect that the Accor Company stakeholders should expect the following in the future:

  • Reduced expenses on customer attraction,
  • Provision of customers services in relation to their cultures,
  • Maximized level of customer satisfaction, and
  • Long tem sustenance of customers’ satisfaction.


ACCMTP project appreciates that the vision part is the most exiting part in any change plan (Humphreys, 2004). Satisfaction gives the business the power to serve the same customers for a long time. In ensuring that there is change to maximize customer satisfaction, the ACCMTP will have this vision: “Quality services for customers’ satisfaction”.

The mission expects every Accor Company worker who operates in various capacities like hotels to practice set standards that will provide quality services that are key to satisfaction of customers. The ACCMTP team that is to enhance the change will be describing the vision often and present it in any material that is meant to spread the information for change. This will help in executing the vision of this change.

In the plan, the vision is going to be achieved through the delivering of objectives. Measurement should indicate the attainment of objectives which are to reflect the change vision.

Accor Company is currently a leading hospitality industry in Europe (Accor, 2011). The company is also spread in other foreign countries. Through implementation of this change, this company expects that it will take the position of becoming a world leader in hospitality industry.

Short Term Objectives

ACCMTP project has the following objectives that are to be achieved in a short period to help motivate the stakeholders and build on the long change process. The short term objectives are:

  • Win more than 70% support from all the Accor Company stakeholders in the first two weeks of the preparation stage
  • Realize a 40% increase in the customers’ positive comment on Accor businesses during the first six months of the change implementation process.
  • Develop suitable communication approaches to all company stakeholders in the first three weeks of introduction of change in the company
  • Immediately begin the training of the stakeholders after the first week of introducing change

Long Term Objectives

ACCMTP realizes the need of continuous measurement and assessment of this change. The project team has got the following long term objectives concerning the change process:

  • Sustainable customer satisfaction to all Accor customers in all the branches.
  • Increased Accor profits by 65% as a result of the new change.
  • Good stakeholder’s coordination in the company.
  • Reduced expenses in the business on customer attraction by 50%
  • Fully implementation of the whole change process in all the branches of Accor Company by the end of the first five years of implementing change.

Communication Approaches

There is a need for effective communication from the top management, to ACCMPT to the end user, the customers. The project communications will be in five distinct categories. First, the communication to start the change – this will be the first communication to inform people the need for change to make them prepare for it. Second, the communication to understand the various stakeholders in the corporate and the communications they traditionally use.

This will be through interviews and checking the organization records. Third, the communication of working on the project and relate it with the stakeholders. Fourth, the communications to market plan of maximizing and sustaining customer satisfaction to stakeholders. Last, the communication of evaluating the progress during implementation of change.

ACCMPT will employ various principles that will guide the communication process. First, Writing to stakeholders where possible will be helpful especially when in need of confidential information. ACCMPT project will provide training to the stakeholders in various contexts and promote two way communications.

Communication Environment

The table below indicates communication medium survey that ACCMPT will use.

A table indicating communications mediums

ParticipantEmailTelephoneFace to faceSupervisor
3Project teamXXXX

ACCMPT will asses the business environment and through stakeholders’ analysis determine a communication matrix.

A table for preliminary project planning matrix

StakeholderTasksHow to get informationWhen
ACCMTP members and Change Experts
  • To asses and evaluate the progress of change.
  • Scheduling for various activities.
  • General meetings
  • Business websites
  • Customer comments and opinions.
  • Emails from workers and other selected stakeholders
  • Daily during the First week of September before creating the urgency for change
  • 25thJanuary 2013 to discuss change progress
  • Periodically every 20thof October yearly.
Accor Management and the ACCMTP team
  • Relating changes into corporate culture.
  • Supervising project data and status
  • Review of project reports
  • General meetings
  • General observation
  • Daily during the First week of September before creating the urgency for change
  • Second week of week of September during the preparation to implement change.
ACCMTP Workers
  • Practicing change.
  • Training, realizing the impacts of the change.
  • Monthly briefing, notices, annual meetings, seminars and workshops
  • The Project team quarterly meeting Second week Friday of March 2013.
Accor Customer relation Manager
  • Responding to changes, testifying on the effectiveness of change, and upcoming events
  • Television, radio, telephone, interviews
  • Daily during the First week of September before creating the urgency for change
  • 30thDecember 2013 during the compiling of the assessment of the project.


ACCMTP project will require various resources for complete implementation of change. The team will require the following resources in the whole process:

Type of resourceTotal
Human resources12 staff, four leaders, and 11 non-staff
FinancesAvailable $79,809 expected= $100,000
Additional human resource2 non-staff members

Key Elements Involved in Change

The plan has different functions and activities for various individuals who will involve in the change process. They are as follows:

  1. The customers will have the responsibility of giving opinions about the new changes in the business.
  2. ACCMPT will advise Accor management the activities that they are to participate in to embrace change. ACCMPT will recognize the project achievements that the management demonstrates. Humphreys (2005) says that organization leaders have to recognize and reward the big picture. This way they will battle their own resistance and not fall into their own trap (Schaffer, 2010; Goldberg, 2005).
  3. Accor workers will participate in educational meetings to be informed about the change in order to eradicate negative perceptions about change.
  4. ACCMPT team in conjunction with the change experts will develop the urgency for change, asses the change, see the anchoring of change in the corporate culture, and improving on the change.

Education or Training Needs

Implementation of the change in the corporate culture is one of the challenges that ACCMPT understands. The team will use the training of various stakeholders to enable them understand and appreciate the change. The training is to inform the stakeholders their place of involvement in the change process. The team will spell the roles of the stakeholders and how they are to play them in every ACCMTP and stakeholder meeting.

ACCMPT has a well developed training section. The trainers will deliver customer satisfaction skills during the first six months of the change process. This will be from September 2012 to January 2013. The team will also seek a large number of trainers from the user group for onward training.

Training Plan

There will be training plan for different ACCMPT project activities. This will be together with the implementation of the intended communication plan. The training plan will encompass the date for training delivery, responsibilities of those to carry out the training process, and the timetable for training. The table below summarizes the training plan

ActivityDurationTargeted stakeholder
Creation of the sense of urgency1stto 10thSeptemberAll Accor Stakeholders
Implementation training20thSeptember to 20thOctoberAll stakeholders in their various capacity


ACCMPT understands that Successful cooperating of change into the corporate culture will depend on the benefits that the change has brought to the business since it began. ACCMPT has various responsibilities that different people in the organization will attend to ensure that the change is a success. These people are the workers in various sections of Accor Company, the supervisors, the management, and the project planners.

Accor Company expects that the corporate will have to increase its’ profit within the first two years after change by 30%. The profits will be useful to fully anchor the change in the business. The change is to help the business to at least serve the same customers for more than five years. This will indicate that the corporate is in a position to sustain customer satisfaction.

Successful anchoring of the change into the corporate culture should indicate stakeholder satisfaction. The management should make commendable remarks on the change, appreciate the profits made form the change, and recover resources spent on the change.

The customers should get the service that they expect which should be in line with their cultures. The project team should easily make assessment of the project and make improvements on areas that show complexity. When these expectations come into reality then the change will be effective.


Measuring provide ACCMPT with information on whether change is on the right track. Through measuring ACCMPT will identify the areas where there is need for improvement. Accor Company as it change toward maximizing customers’ satisfaction, it will measure the quality change by use of several instruments. These instruments will give the project team information about the quality of their services as they work to help the industries on sustaining customer satisfaction.

While building on change, ACCMPT team will use the “SERVEQUAL” scale as an instrument to measure quality which determines customer satisfaction (Parasuraman, Berry & Zeithaml, 1985). This instrument identifies the key dimensions of service. The first dimension is reliability, which refers to the ability of the customers to depend on the service from the industry without uncertainty. Second is tangible, which refers to the way the industry present quality in a physical way.

Third, is responsiveness, which refers to the ability of the industry to respond to the demands of the customers regarding service delivery. Fourth is assurance: this refers to the ability of the business to enable their customers to have confidence in their services. Last is empathy, where the business values every customer and responds to their needs as they demand (Parasuraman, Berry & Zeithaml, 1985).

Guest comment cards are also another instrument that the ACCMPT team will use to measure their quality. They are the common instruments which industries in hospitality services use to determine customers satisfaction (Gilbert & Horsnell, 1998; Su, 2004). For example in hotels, customers can receive them while in their rooms and give their comments by answering questions that are the cards. ACCMPT will collect the cards and analyzes the responses to help them check on their quality if it satisfies the customers.

A table summarizing monitoring tools

Monitoring and evaluation toolsDescription
SERVEQUAL scaleThis scale for measuring service quality. Have five dimensions which are reliability, responsiveness, assurance empathy and assurance. It has 22 items which help evaluate perceptions and customers’ expectations on quality service. A seven point-linkert scale is used to rate the gap difference between the expectations and perceptions to indicate the level of service quality. Positive results indicate good quality and negative results indicates low quality (Parasuraman, Berry & Zeithaml, 1991).
Guest Comment CardsThe cards will have questions that will be clear, valid, and arranged in order.

ACCMPT will measure the stakeholder’s satisfaction to rate the effectiveness of change. The stakeholders will present there views during interviews and seminars. Their comments will help to identify areas that require improvement in the change project.

We expect that the change has to show a proportional increase in the profit of the business in the long run. ACCMPT team expects that the corporate will have to increase its’ profit within the first two years after change by 30%. The profits will be useful to fully anchor the change in the business.

The change is to help the business to at least serve the same customers for more than five years. This will indicate that the corporate is in a position to sustain customer satisfaction. In the period of five years after fully implementation of change, the company should have improved profits as a result of sustaining customer satisfaction for a long time.

The change should be relevant with Accor culture. The relevance will be as a result of achieving the proposed objectives. The benefits should be enjoyed by all the stakeholders in Accor Company. The change should also break the initial old ways of handling customers in Accor Company. Last, after fully implementation, the total cost of the change should not exceed the budgeted cost by 60%.

Sustainability of Change

ACCMPT will use the trainers to train the management on its’ role to anchor the change into the corporate culture, and sustain it until next change. The team will ensure that during training the management is informed on the right change procedures. This requires the project team to motivate and make closer supervision to ensure that the business stakeholder does not surrender at the beginning.

The procedures may seem difficult to apply because as a result of addiction to old procedures. Workers may find it hard to work with the new changes. Through repeated educating seminars and workshops the workers of Accor Company will have to appreciate change into cooperate.

Last, ACCMPT team will promote have to promote communication among all stakeholders in the organization. Communication will generate areas in the change program that require improvement and make the project effective and valuable. Focus groups all over the world will be asked to give their views concerning the change during Accor Company annual general meeting.

Achieving our vision will help Accor Company as a hospitality industry easily sustain customer satisfaction for a long time, and reduce its’ expenses on attracting new customers.


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