Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming Coursework

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This attire and grooming manual provides the guidelines appropriate for workplace appearance for all members of staff. The issues covered include clothing, hygiene, as well as natural and artificial scents. It is expected that departmental heads will use the guidelines to create an appropriate work setting for all the employees under them. In addition, the manual will help employees to be presentable to their superiors, colleagues, and clients. The guidelines provided in this manual will also cover attires to be worn in exceptional times when one is on duty. Such occasions include holidays, cold seasons, and weekends. In addition, the guide provides corrective action for employees who fail to abide by the set guidelines.

The figure below illustrates the contents of this manual:

Manual content
Figure 6: Manual content


The organization will create an environment to help the workers and other stakeholders optimize their productivity. Distractions from some of the workers will be eliminated. Such distractions may affect the delivery and performance of the entire workforce. To achieve this objective, the company requires all employees from the executive level to maintain neat and clean grooming levels. The appearance is deemed appropriate for the workplace and the work being carried out. To this end, the head of each department will determine the right attire and grooming for their subordinates.

The picture below is an Illustration of appropriate attire for men and women working in a formal setting:

Appropriate formal attire for male and female employees
Figure 7: Appropriate formal attire for male and female employees


Every employee is required to carry themselves professionally. Neat and acceptable personal appearance is one of the requirements for employment in the organization. New employees should be made aware of the company’s dress code. This should be done by heads of departments during orientation. Any queries concerning the issue should be forwarded to the immediate supervisor (Greenleaf, 2010).

Appropriate action should be taken on any employee who fails to adhere to the grooming guidelines. In addition, the member of staff may be forced to leave the workplace and change their clothing or get rid of the annoying scents. It should also be noted that part-time and hourly paid employees will not be compensated for work missed as a result of punitive action. In addition, all employees, regardless of their rank in the firm, must wear the organization’s identification badge at all times when in the workplace. The aim is to enhance transparency in the workplace.

Specific Requirements

Certain employees may be required to meet special attire and grooming guidelines. Such guidelines include putting on uniforms during specific work occasions. During such times, the uniforms will be provided by heads of departments or the line supervisors. In special situations, such as during hot or cold seasons, members of staff may be allowed to dress in other attires other than the normal. However, the employees will still be expected to groom in an acceptable manner and not take advantage of such situations.

Grounds for Religious Beliefs

The organization acknowledges and appreciates the religious and cultural diversity of the employees. As a result, the company will accommodate some dressing codes related to certain pious groups, such as the Muslims and the Hindu. Some Hindus, for example, tie turbans on their heads (Taylor, 2011). On their parts, Muslim men wear special caps. Below is an illustration of a Muslim cap that is permissible at the workplace for men:

An illustration of a Muslim cap
Figure 8: An illustration of a Muslim cap

Official and Business Attire

The table below shows the official attire for both male and female employees:

Table 2: Official attire for men and women

Male EmployeesFemale Employees
  • Tailor made coats.
  • Fitting pantsuits.
  • Long-sleeved dress shirts.
  • Formal dress.
  • Dress shoes.
  • Formal shoes.
  • No jeans or khakis.
  • Business cut dress and blouse.

Casual Dress

The following table shows guidelines for casual wear in the office:

Table 3: Guidelines for casual wear in the office

Appropriate wearInappropriate wear
  1. Shirts
Oxford ShirtsPrinted shirts
BlazersCrop tops, T-shirts
  1. Slacks
Plain jeansSweatpants
  1. Shoes
LoafersFlip flops
Deck shoesSport Shorts

The employees should familiarize themselves with the appropriate and inappropriate attire that should be worn at the workplace.


Chaney, L., & Martin, J. (2007). The essential guide to business etiquette. London: Praeger.

Greenleaf, C. (2010). The unwritten rules of the workplace: A guide to etiquette and attire for businessmen. Austin, TX: Emerald Book Company.

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 20). Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming.

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"Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming." IvyPanda, 20 Sept. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming'. 20 September.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming." September 20, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming." September 20, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Organizational Manual for Dress Code: Attire and Grooming." September 20, 2022.

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