Before the introduction of the LMR and the CPOE systems into the company’s framework, the PHS Clinic was an exact representation of a company, whose decision-making process was based on the principles of a traditional, non-computerized approach to data management, which caused numerous issues in data accuracy and patient safety.
The incorporation of the LMR and the CPOE approaches allowed for designing an entirely different strategy for information management, In other words, the latest information technology innovations could be incorporated into the framework of the organization so that the process of information transfer could become easier and safer.
The investment, which the company’s leadership had to make into the process of enhancing the quality of the service delivery and increasing the rates of patient satisfaction, allowed the company to propel itself into a new stage of development, which involved digital communication.
The fact that the organization managed to allocate its costs in a proper manner and, therefore, make a reasonable investment into the further progress, can be viewed as the key factor promoting the further redesign of the information system.
The formalities related to the staff’s affiliation to the PHS management style, the use of out-of-hospital offices by the latter, the absence of the relevant technology and skills among the local doctors, the reluctance of the staff to learn new skills, and a comparatively high cost of the overall change can be viewed as the key impediments to the change.
The transformation in question allowed for making impressive changes in the design of the organization and the attitude of the staff towards technology. Specifically, the incorporation of the IT architectural framework, which helped the staff get accustomed to the alterations, the design of a specific code for the staff to collaborate efficiently, the design of the governing systems, and the integration of quality assurance tools deserve to be mentioned.
Improving the process of data management on an enterprise-wide level is fraught with a range of issues, including the problem of training the staff and making sure that every single member has been made aware of the specifics of the new information management approach.
The process of establishing the decision support system in the specified environment, however, is associated with a range of difficulties, the need for creating the corresponding tools, to design a new approach towards establishing the patient-therapist relationships, and the introduction of the new information management principle into the framework, to name a few.
The integration of an information management platform can definitely be viewed as a major success factor. However, the fact that the staff will have to adapt to significant changes and, therefore, make mistakes in the process, is a huge downgrade.
The elimination of the key risks, which the architectural design allows for, can be explained by the fact that the specified approach helps not only locate the key variable, but also identify the relationships between them instantly.
Reducing the key costs spent on the design of the solutions for addressing specific issues within a community, research and development centres fully justify their existence.
The PHS management will have to locate the ways of promoting change among the reluctant staff. The healthcare practitioners will need to incorporate entirely new approaches into their practice, thus, facing the risk of delivering poor services, while the allied agencies interacting with the PHS may be liable in case the latter fail. Thus, the TCO implications can be considered rather high.