To begin with, the research is the process of disclosing critical information for personal and everyday use in the future that may help people make their lives more qualitative, happier, or full of sense. From the worldview perspective, there are three general methods of research approaches in the scientific practice. First, which is the most common for natural sciences and related to concretely measured results, is the quantitative approach to the research process. This research refers to quantity represented in every stage of the process by statistical numeric data, geometrical graphs, and formulas (Daniels, 2019). While the primary method of quantitative research is to provide a specific opinion or fact, numerical data plays a pivotal role during the whole process, as the evidence or theory should base on concrete facts.
On the other hand, qualitative research represents the conception-included overall result by using all the materials, except numerical, so that media materials, literature, and conceptualized images. As a result of the efficiency of such experiments, many countries and groups are now benefiting from applying the modern mixed-way analysis, which enables a person to combine all the learned material, and this is not important whether it is a part of qualitative or quantitative analysis.
For instance, in Hughes’s (2020) research, a mixed-method was used due to the presence of data about the relation to the specific social group and the tendency analysis from the numerical point of view. Independent variables are the numbers of people in each group; dependent numbers are the ratios that result from a comparison between each social development group. The mediating variable is a gender and disease presence or absence, which relates a person to a different group (LGBTQX males are gay, LGBTQ females are lesbian. Moderating variable, in this case, is the level of gender determination and wish to become LBTQX.
Daniels, L., & Minot, N. W. (2019). An introduction to statistics and data analysis using Stata®: From research design to final report. SAGE Publications.
Hughes, C. (2018). The Role of HRD in Using Diversity Intelligence to Enhance Leadership Skill Development and Talent Management Strategy. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 20(3), 259–262.