Philosophy is an important discipline that promotes creativity, critical and creative thinking, innovation, as well as independence of thought and action. Examples of critical issues in today’s society include religious and cultural intolerance, discrimination, racism, and gender inequality. It would be appropriate to include activities that try to solve these problems in the schedule of a philosophy day event.
The aforementioned issues can be addressed through open debates and dialogues among different cultures, races, religions, and genders. Excellent activities for a philosophy day event include debates and dialogues among people from different cultures and races, lectures about the connection between philosophy and culture, philosophical debates and discussions on self-reliance and individualism, and lectures on the significance of philosophy in today’s society.
Philosophical dialogues between people from different cultures, religions and races would aim to create a more harmonious society. For instance, a discussion on Kant’s philosophy of religion would help to eradicate religious intolerance. A lecture on philosophy of culture would increase understanding and appreciation of different cultures. An open discussion among young people about the need for independence of thought and action is also an appropriate activity.
Drug use, conformity, and peer pressure are common challenges that young people face in today’s society. The discussion would help them to develop independence of thought and action in order to counter antisocial behaviors that emanate from peer pressure and conformity. A lecture on self-reliance would teach people, especially the young, about the importance of being self-reliant as a way of avoiding peer pressure.