Physiological Psychology Definition Research Paper

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Psychological – Psychology is a branch of science which deals with the study of neural mechanisms that can be enhanced by behavioral perception. The manipulation is usually induced in the brain of other animals that are not human through various experiments. The difference between this branch of science from biological psychology is that it is based on theories that are developed over a certain period to explain the relationship that exists between different organisms.

A similar term that can be used for Psychological – Psychology is ‘Psycho- Physiology’ or ‘cognitive neuroscience.’ Scientists are looking for psychological means of changing the behavior of nonhuman living organisms by modifying or changing the part of their brains that is responsible for controlling human behavior. Psychological- Psychology is a course that is being offered in major universities that have advanced psychological training and research departments.

Psychological -Psychology dates back to 1875 when Rand made some improvements in this particular field. Some classifications were made based on the psychological experiments that were carried out. ‘E’ was used to denote an experiment, ‘P’ was used to signify a psychological factor and finally ‘EP’ was used to signify a psychological experiment (Carlson, 2005). These are the experiments that led to the subsequent improvements that were made in the above-mentioned field. Psychology has experienced various developments that were meant to modify the thinking and reasoning capacity of humans and other living animals. The classifications that have been made to psychology are to signify the different stages and categories that may be used in such studies.

William James is another psychologist that made various improvements in the area of psychology. His contribution was done when he published a book titled ‘principles of psychology’ that explained the various terms that are used in the subject. This is the book that has formed the basis of the foundation where the other psychologists have used to base their studies. He clarified the importance of making more inventions by exploring the psychological make-up of different organisms to modify their behavior. His book is still being used as a reference by many psychologists that desire to launch more into the psychological world.

The Relationship between the Human Nervous System and Behavior

The human nervous system is composed of various structures that affect the steps and decisions they make in life. The central nervous system acts as a connection between the human body and the brain. The brain will always receive signals that are sent to it through the nervous system for a necessary action to be done (Smock, 1999). The central nervous system plays a major role in determining the actions that will be undertaken by human beings. People that have a healthy nervous system tend to react appropriately to the situations surrounding them compared to those whose system may be interfered with.

The nervous system affects behavior through the brain; it is the signals that are sent via its tendons to the brain that will affect the behavior of an individual. The nervous system generally acts as an external connection of the brain as it responds to physical stimuli. For instance, if a person has been hit by another, the information will be conveyed to the brain through the nervous system where it will be synthesized for necessary action. The action that will be taken by the person will depend on their personality and the relationship they share with the other individual. He may thus decide to retaliate or to forgive them.

Research Approaches Used By Physiological Psychologists

Different methods are used by psychological psychologists to carry out experiments. The most commonly used method is that in which part of the brain is removed from an organism and various tests done to it. The parts of the human brain that is charged with controlling feelings and perception are disconnected from the other parts which control verbal behavior and subconscious behavior.

It was identified that the parts of the brain that are involved in verbal communication are also the ones that are responsible for the subconscious aspect of living beings, by interfering with the behavioral components of the brain. Ziehen (2006) asserts that “the corpus Callosum is a collection of the nerve system that connects one part of the brain to the other and that the cerebral hemisphere forms the largest part of the brain that receives information from the other part of the body.”

Psychological psychology is aimed at finding out the mechanical process that takes place before an action is taken. There are certain practical issues about behavior that can be used to modify the behavior and conduct of a certain occurrence. The reason for carrying out such experiments came due to the desire of imparting certain behaviors in other living organisms that were deficient yet in need (Ziehen, 2006). Before the experiments are carried out on humans, they are first tested by other animals such as rats and rabbits. The tests are necessary to ensure that the side effects that may come with such a practice are effectively dealt with. The experiments are also to facilitate the process of training animals to do things that humans do. This includes responding to signals that are directed towards them.

Some other undesirable habits and behaviors may be inherited from the parents and great-grandparents that can be modified using this procedure. They are mostly used on children to enhance the development of certain specific characters as they grow. Even though the modifications can be made in adults, children are considered to be the best specimens that can be used as it will be easier for them to adapt to them. Children that are born with certain defects in their brain can easily be helped at their tender stages. The changes in their growth can also be observed to establish whether the modifications made are working out for them or not.

In carrying out the modifications, it requires the help of an expert that has been tested and approved. Certain complications are involved in the process which can be risky if they are not carried out appropriately.


Psychological psychology is a development that is being made to psychology. Compared to other forms of psychology, it aims to find out the reason behind every behavior that is observed in organisms. The experiments are aimed at modifying the characters of living beings by changing the makeup of their brains. The field of psychology is still going through various improvements that are sure to improve human and animal behavior. It will be possible for animals that are reared as pets to respond to various stimuli once the research has been completed. Children that are born with certain disabilities that are related to their background will be assisted through such modifications.


Carlson, N. (2005). Foundations of physiological psychology. London: Allyn and Bacon.

Smock, T. (1999). Physiological psychology: a neuroscience approach. New York: Prentice Hall.

Ziehen, T. (2006). Introduction to physiological psychology. New York: Read books publication.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 20). Physiological Psychology Definition.

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"Physiological Psychology Definition." IvyPanda, 20 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Physiological Psychology Definition'. 20 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Physiological Psychology Definition." December 20, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Physiological Psychology Definition." December 20, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Physiological Psychology Definition." December 20, 2021.

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