Poverty: Causes and Effects on the Population and Country Research Paper

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Thesis: There are a great number of factors and issues that lead a certain part of the population to live in poverty and the input that such great numbers of people could provide, would be very beneficial and extremely helpful to the welfare and stability of the country on all fronts.

  1. The geographical location or more specifically the physical environment that people live in and work, have a great impact on the financial status and have many influences on the reasons people live in poverty.
  2. Discrimination and segregation draw a line between those with full social advantages and those who are belittled and stereotyped, which in turn lead to people being outcast and forced to live in poor conditions.
  3. The Economic position of the country and the present state of affairs prioritizes on the issues important for the whole country and the majority of the population while those below the poverty line are forgotten and mistreated.
  4. Education system and personal psychological choices and skills in a specific profession, limits people from reaching their full potential, forcing them to live in minimal conditions and reinforcing the same type of life with their children—future generations.
  5. Health problems—disabilities, marginalize people through a system in the society and institutions, which are limited in their opportunities and fair treatment and undoubtedly force people down, blocking any attempts of advancement in prosperity and wealth.

Poverty is considered to be one of the key problems of any civilized society and there are very many reasons that lead to it. The factors can be seen in the geographical location of the community, environmental factors of the society, discrimination and segregation, economical position of the country, personal education and psychological choices and health problems that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. Not only does it create a vicious circle where it becomes close to impossible to get rid of poverty, it separates individuals and groups of people from the rest of society, making poverty a problem that is hard to deal with. It is a very important issue that must be addressed, which is complicated by a number of other difficulties in the world.

One of the most basic causes of poverty is the geographical location and the available resources that are present in the area. Many places in America have limited access to water, food, shelter and places of adequate healthcare and work spots. Access to basic needs can change very quickly or it could be a gradual process. An example of a quick change of the physical surrounding region is a natural disaster. A hurricane, heavy floods, earthquakes, mudslides and other relatively unforeseen forces of nature have a drastic effect on the population. People are often left stranded without food and shelter. In such a situation, people are forced to do the best with what they got. The government does provide help but the number of people affected is so great that it is close to impossible to make sure that everyone receives adequate homes and large enough amount of food to last for the duration of time it takes to rebuild and rearrange living conditions. The result of this is people living in shacks and homeless shelters, community centers and other quick build up places. Presently, climate change has influenced the weather patterns and places that heavily rely on crops for food or sale have to rearrange the periods of harvesting and collection. If there is unpredicted weather and an area faces drought, people are forced to either move to another area, which is usually hard to accomplish or they stay grounded but have to live with very poor conditions (Harm de Blij 74). Another physical environment determinant of life is the neighborhood that one resides in. If it is filled with crime and low quality quarters, the whole area is affected. There are never luxury homes and villas among ghettos and the other way around. The community affects the needs of the people and the collective of people determines the relationship towards such community by the near districts. It is evident that businesses and companies that want to develop and prosper will not set up a location in an area that has low standards of living and high crime and poverty rates. This adds another loop to the cycle because the image of poor living predetermines the number of jobs and businesses in the area. This can be seen throughout downtown cores in all of America. The business and organizations are being set up in wealthy areas where there is a large amount of people with money to spend and invest.

Discrimination is another key role in poverty. Often, refugees or immigrants come from countries that are war stricken or they are being pursued for crimes they have not committed. These people do not have accumulated wealth and the process of immigration is much different from those who do it formally. When these families or individuals arrive in America, they are forced to start work at low income jobs because their education cannot be used to acquire a profession of their choice. Other times, immigrants come with no education at all and thus, are forced to seek help from the government. The government does not refuse the support and financial aid but at the same time, the individuals must look for jobs and find a way to re-educate themselves. The government cannot fully support a great number of individuals and their families, so the help that it provides is determined by the amount of resources the government can allow for aiding less fortunate. In the end, the individuals must take care of themselves and find ways to increase their wellbeing. This creates a significant strain on a person, as they must work hard—supporting their family and study and the time is very limited for them. The fact that these conditions alienate them from the rest of main stream society separates them even more (Hartman 27). People often get discriminated against in schools and other educational institutions. For the younger population, their language skills and the knowledge of the local society is very limited. Other children and youths develop a prejudiced opinion towards these minority groups and the person becomes even more separated from the rest. They develop an inferiority complex where they think of themselves as unworthy and this causes a major decrease to their self esteem, respect and self worth. A large percentage of people in this group are forced to drop out of school or they do not have any goals to pursue further education.

The country, nation and city also have a great influence on the individuals and their prosperity. America has a relatively steady economy but at the same time the national debt has been increasing. The funding for many social programs had to be decreased and this had a direct effect on the population. Another problem is the international conflict that sometimes takes place. As America usually helps other countries, there have been several incidents that dramatically decreased domestic funding for that overseas. Some of the examples are Vietnam War, Afghanistan and Iraq. When a country is focused on military action it bases its priorities on the life of soldiers and the resources needed for combat. People, who directly face immediate danger and death, are always supported more. The effects of their actions are very much noticeable, whereas compared to those living in poverty; they are in no immediate danger. The state of their condition is considered to be long term and not such significant on the global or international scale. The most recent example of a devastating and immediate hit on the economy were the terrorist acts of 9/11 and the devastation that they have brought. The attention of the country and government shifts to those people who are in most direct needs for shelter and much required health matters (Harm de Blij 152). The government has no choice but to prioritize and this leaves the poor population waiting for time when the stressful situation in the country dies down.

Education and its amount play a key role in the reasons for poverty. Without proper education people are unable to develop personal characteristics and skills, well enough to get a high paying profession. The only choice is to work at a low income job that does not have any prospects in the increase in position and more importantly, in salary. These kinds of jobs are strenuous, most of the time and leave people drained and unable to have time or strength to study or look for other opportunities. The percentage of highschool dropout among the poverty stricken community is very high. It is three times more for those who drop out of highschool, in comparison to people who have finished it. The graduates have “earned an average of 7000 dollars more than high school dropouts” (Smink 34). All the money made is spent on food and shelter and very often people live much below the poverty line. This is a cut-off criterion for those people whose income is less than that of the community. The figure changes from year to year but “in 2002, for example, the official poverty threshold for a family of three was $14,348…” (Farley 52). How can a family live on a little more than a thousand dollars a month when the living cost is an average of five hundred to a thousand dollars? The government does a lot to help out these families but the reality stays grim. When all these factors are put together, it becomes really detrimental to a person’s moral health. An individual starts thinking that they are the reason for the problem and that they are unable to solve it. They become depressed and anxious in life and get used to existence under these low conditions (Smith 4).

Health problems and in particular those in development are a very significant determinant of a person’s future life and prosperity. Individuals with developmental problems are forced to be supported by their family and the government. Even if it is a minor condition, they are unable to hold a steady work place and this creates instability in their income. Their disability has many effects on all instances of life. Most of the time, they cannot complete education or continue on to higher institutions and this causes the cycle to return to the fact that little education leads to poverty. Only here, it is not because of social factors or personal wants but due to a physical or mental set back. Communication and attitude are extremely important in the modern world and a limit within those abilities will cause a person to become an outcast. As mentioned above, physical or mental disability will also lead to discrimination and segregation, not only in the educational institutions but in the work place as well. In the modern day and age people have become used to people who have a certain special need but the system and the structure of the society and working market is not well adjusted and at places, completely nonexistent towards the needs of people. Something as simple as a missing ramp for wheelchair access or a machine that can only be used by a person who has fingers or left or right arm, place extreme hardships on people to work and advance in life. In the present time, technology has allowed for some adjustments and created more possibilities for people who need individual care but it is all too expensive and “impractical” for the majority of companies and organizations to change their system and order. Disabled people are not even given a chance at work; they are being cut off in the interview or application process. This tells a lot about society and the way people treat others. This shows that the world is not ready to focus on the real needs of individuals and groups of people, instead, the economy and market target those with wealth and power, perpetuating the cycle and completely cutting off those who deserve a chance. Many people are very much able to carry out regular duties and function just as well as others but the individuals who control the process do not allow any further advancement through the working place. The statistics shows that “of working-age disabled adults who do not work, nearly 40% live in poverty. A poverty rate of 11.4 percent among elderly disabled people contrasts with a 6.5 percent rate for those without disabilities” (Gwendolyn …. 232). Not to mention that there is even gender bias towards people with disabilities. Women who have some form of special need face even harder challenge. In case of single mothers or fathers, the rates are even higher and it has become outrages that bear minimum is being done about this problem. To prove this point, a closer look at the policies regarding people with disabilities shows that there are no particular regulations in place (Gwendolyn …234). Disability and poverty also go back to the state of the country and its current affairs.

Unfortunately, there seems to be too much going on in the country for government administration and policy makers to address such an important issue. The reality is that people with disabilities who live on or well below the poverty line do not cause an immediate threat or problem to the country’s economy that is, judging by the officials. It is as if though their input is not noticed and not included in the common well being and economic position of the country. But the true matter of things is that such a large number of people is underestimated and not valued fairly. The input that they could provide would be enormous and it is absolutely possible that with the help of all the people who are faced with the grim reality of poverty, the country would be able to be in a better state financially, economically and socially.

It is evident that no matter how developed a country is there are still people who live in poverty or conditions that are even worse, barely surviving and living day by day. The issue has become a global threat, comparable to the environmental changes. Just like the change in the physical environment of the planet affects everyone, the same can be said about the global changes in the social facts that affect the population of the whole planet. An immediate attention to such an important problem should be paid and as soon as possible. There are very many resources and benefits that everyone could enjoy if people are cared for and are given a chance and opportunity to contribute to the common goal. Everyone deserves an equal chance to life and survival and so, it is up to the governments and those with power to establish a world order that cares for those in need.

Works Cited

Farley, Reynolds. eAmerican People: Census 2000, New York, United States: Russell Sage Foundation, 2005. Print.

Harm de Blij. Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America, New York, United States: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.

Hartman, Chester. Challenges to Equality: Poverty and Race in America, Armonk, United States: M.E. Sharpe, 2001. Print.

Mink, Gwendolyn. Poverty in the United States, Santa Barbara, United States: ABC-CLIO, 2004. Print.

Smink, Jay. Helping Students Graduate: A Strategic Approach to Dropout Prevention, Larchmont, United States: Eye on Education, 2004. Print.

Smith, Alan. Human Rights and Choice in Poverty, Westport, United States: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997. Print.

Annotated Bibliography

Farley, Reynolds. eAmerican People: Census 2000, New York, United States: Russell Sage Foundation, 2005. Print.

This source gives concrete definitions on social poverty conditions and describes outcomes that people face due to limited resources and support of the governmental administration. The records of population and the organization of people by criteria make it easy to see the separation between different classes and groups. Poverty is identified as a rising cause of instability in the country and some ideas to change the current state in the society are described.

Harm de Blij. Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America, New York, United States: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.

The source examines the way how geographical location, physical elements and climate have an effect on people and poverty. The closeness of resources and natural physical make up of an area have a large impact on the close by community. The climate also plays a major role in the prosperity of people and their way of life. There is a reference to several natural and environmental changes that lead people in a downward spiral, ending in poverty.

Hartman, Chester. Challenges to Equality: Poverty and Race in America, Armonk, United States: M.E. Sharpe, 2001. Print.

Race is taken into account when looking at causes for poverty and its continuation. The person’s rights and freedoms are violated, which causes unhappy and alienated existence. The process of marginalization is dissected, pointing to the factors that play a major role in race and poverty. A link is being made to the education of the minority groups and those ostracized from society due to their background, culture, beliefs and visual differences. Stereotyping, discrimination is explained and the reasons as to why they lead to poverty and segregation of groups and individuals. Several views are analyzed to clarify how the situation can be changed for the better.

Mink, Gwendolyn. Poverty in the United States, Santa Barbara, United States: ABC-CLIO, 2004. Print.

Age and health have a great effect on how people arrange their lives and the opportunities they receive. This source compares individuals with special needs or disabilities to those without. The fact that there is a small amount of policies that only relatively address the disability and age issue creates a concern. A rather significant amount of population is left without any particular attention and a new way of taking care of the matter is being advised.

Smink, Jay. Helping Students Graduate: A Strategic Approach to Dropout Prevention, Larchmont, United States: Eye On Education, 2004. Print.

The book takes a close look at how education plays a role in people’s lives and why it limits their opportunity to get out of poverty. There are several perspectives analyzed, one of them is the common social and community outlook, and there is a personal use of own education and skills. The dropout rates are illustrated to show the difference between the income levels of those who finished an educational institution, versus those who did not. An examination of the reasons for the dropping out is made and the practical goals that such situation can be resolved for the best are offered.

Smith, Alan. Human Rights and Choice in Poverty, Westport, United States: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997. Print.

Poverty and the connection to personal choices is another issue that stands out among others. People lead their lives according to a preset schemes and rules that they make for themselves. The connection between present state of living and future generations is being made, in order to take apart the reasons of how personal moral and future goals influence determination and life conditions. The supposition that everyone is free to make their own choice looks at how an individual can influence their own motivation but at the same time, put in their share in the common benefit and the structure of the country.

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"Poverty: Causes and Effects on the Population and Country." IvyPanda, 4 Feb. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/poverty-causes-and-effects-on-the-population-and-country/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Poverty: Causes and Effects on the Population and Country'. 4 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Poverty: Causes and Effects on the Population and Country." February 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/poverty-causes-and-effects-on-the-population-and-country/.

1. IvyPanda. "Poverty: Causes and Effects on the Population and Country." February 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/poverty-causes-and-effects-on-the-population-and-country/.


IvyPanda. "Poverty: Causes and Effects on the Population and Country." February 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/poverty-causes-and-effects-on-the-population-and-country/.

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