Within the current business and economics sector, there are certain challenges and norms one might face concerning professional conduct. This implies the generally accepted policies that apply to all beginners and professionals in the business field. As for the first day at a new job, it is essential to prove oneself as a prospective candidate and future leader by demonstrating the available skills and readiness to obtain the new ones. With that said, by analyzing professional, ethical issues, one might get a trustworthy reputation, as well as beneficial opportunities to build a successful career path.
Professional Dress Code
From a professional point of view, physical appearance is regulated by the code of professional ethics that should be followed strictly. Like the visual organizational culture, the dress code “links all employees of the same team” (Cenere et al. 43). The professional dress code consists of business casual and formal business attire, which depends on the format of the meeting and the formality level of the overall work process. Therefore, the appropriate professional business attire, as the most formal one, would imply conservative suits in predominantly dark tones. According to Perkins (3), female workers are also required to wear trouser pants for such formal business cases. Besides, it is also possible to include blazers, skirts, and slacks, together with low-heeled dress shoes.
Business casual wear, on the other hand, is less formal as it is the most common type of clothing used in the professional environment for everyday work. The casual business look might be the most appropriate for the first day at work as it gives more freedom in the clothing choice but still creates a conservative professional look.
This type of business wear implies comfort along with the presentable look and includes everyday wardrobe, such as shirts, pants, skirts, shoes, and heels. However, this freedom is limited by the appropriate length of the skirt and heels and discreet light and dark colors, excluding any inappropriate design and prints. Furthermore, sweatpants, T-shirts, and jeans are not allowed for the job in the business and economics sector. The visual examples are presented in the pictures below (Example 1 and Example 2).
Concerning body art policies, such as tattoos and piercings, most employment policies usually prohibit or limit different types of body art (Perkins 4). As part of the solution, long sleeves and long pants are required in order to cover the exposing tattoos. Perkins states that the United States transformed into a “culture of body modification,” including tattoos and piercings, which enhanced the appearance-based discrimination claims (5). Thus, the body artwork policies were implemented, as such appearance is inappropriate and might indicate specific racial, ethnic, or religious aspects. Amongst other vital restrictions, hairstyle and jewelry policies should be noted as well.

Professional Ethics
The business and economics environment requires specific ethical notions applied in professional practice. On the first day of a new job, it is important to demonstrate excellent communicational skills and strategies. As described by Dwyer and Hopwood, those strategies include understanding the communication practices within a new work environment and managing work priorities and professional development (137).
This is crucial for the later development of emotional and interpersonal intelligence for prolific performance and better engagement in the corporate culture. Considering this as a new environment, many questions will occur as well. The minor questions and possible problems should be addressed to the colleagues, while the advice from the managers and administrators, or even the company’s director, might be asked, particularly in urgent cases and situations of risk.
When becoming a part of the new personnel, it is crucial to gain trust and credibility amongst other workers as the key to effective workplace relationships. Trust requires the “complement, credible, and empathic” qualities of the managers, team leaders, and staff (Dwyer and Hopwood 533). This, in turn, leads to the beneficial relevance of building the network within a new team and become a good team player. This can be achieved by regular communication and engagement, hardworking temper, managing in challenging cases, displaying leadership skills, and even nurturing others’ development (Cenere et al. 13).
Furthermore, there is a driving force that shapes a career path at the beginning of a new job, which is setting the right goals. The organization typically unites its workers to achieve a common goal. Dwyer and Hopwood present a five-step path to goal achievement, which involves the following steps:
- having a clear goal, communicating and sharing it with others;
- writing it down as a goal statement;
- breaking the task into steps or objectives;
- identifying the resources needed;
- implementing the actions to achieve the outcomes (142).
Such a strategy might give great results in both the team engagement process as well as the personal, professional development. Hence, one of the successful outcomes of the well-controlled personal image, competence, and career would be the development of a personal brand by implementing the received experience of great value. By following the ethical conduct that corresponds to the professional sector, it is possible to reach noticeable results and leadership positions throughout one’s career.
Works Cited
Cenere, Phillip et al. Communication Skills for Business Professionals. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Dwyer, Judith, and Nicole Hopwood. The Business Communication Handbook. 11th ed., Cengage, 2019.
Perkins, Emily Jane. “Regulating Appearance In The Workplace: An Employer’s Guide to Avoid Employment Discrimination Lawsuits”. The National Law Review, 2014, pp. 1-15. Northern Illinois University College of Law.