Programming: Organizations as Socio-Technical Networks Essay

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Summary Description of Its Structure and Purpose is a social website that offers social network analysis services and software to be used or applied in various organisations and communities. Company and organisation consultants also comprise a big percentage of users (Krebs, 2010).

This social website was established in California in 1995 and it has since then grown to attain global use with clients from all over the world. The website is very useful to companies as it allows measuring, analysing and mapping these networks on organisations, businesses or communities. NetVis offers software and services that can be used to visualize these networks. This can be achieved by use of data for demonstration, uploading a typed social network or copy pasting the data.

These social websites can boast of having provided services to the world’s biggest and famous companies and organisations including IBM, Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, Centres for Disease Control [CDC] (Krebs, 2010), Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Genetic Alliance, Google, Hiram Walker, Lucent Technologies, MacArthur Foundation, Pact, Vodafone, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, University of Michigan Business School, Shell, a number of governmental departments, thousands of independent consultants and non-profit organizations (Krebs, 2010).

These organisations as well as individuals use software and other services provided by to measure and assess their networks and map these networks in communities, organisation and in other intricate human systems.

Overall “Look And Feel” and Apparent Target Audience

These social websites are well designed and simple to use because of the way they are structured with clear commands which direct and guide the users to the specific services or information they want to access.

The services are useful for consultants, monitoring and evaluation officers, general managers, researchers, program developers, project managers, students, instructors (lecturers), healthcare providers, bankers and general business persons among others (Coronas & Oliva, 2004, p. 74). This is due to the diversity of software and services that can be provided by the social website (Cummings, 2009).

This impression comes about as a user explores the website. Initially, exploration of the site is easy and just by the click of the button one can perform any task and navigate to any page one chooses to view. For instance, there are links to the all the resources hence several Social network analysis tools in a number of fields can be accessed and be used.

Websites linked to NetVis offer a wider and diverse perceptive of how the social network tools function in various fields (Cummings, 2009). Nonetheless, contrary to the use of links to access resources, these sites become a little confusing when one seek more specific tools. This is caused by the technical terminologies used on the site. This is why the sites targets people who are experts in various fields and can understand what they are searching for from all the technical jargon.

Because of the intricate terminology for certain links, Technical experts and professionals will find the use of the site quite easy and the application of different software useful to their profession.

This simply means that in order to benefit from the use of the site, one must be familiar with certain sequences, statistics and other related subjects in the prerequisite fields that require application of the tool (Cummings, 2009). Despite the fact that there could be explanation box for the vocabularies used, it’s very difficult to make inferences of data that is being produce from the novice’s perspective.

What the Site Does and Does Not Give

Being able to access information that deals with networking and software that can help in assessment of the organisation’s networking is a very crucial feature and this is why these social sites are popular (Krebs, 2010). The social website therefore provides the simplest way of assessing the complex human systems and structure of networking. Software, cases studies, training and consultation services are offered on the social networks.

The links to these services are found on the homepage and one does not have to be a registered user to access the information (Krebs, 2010). The services that require registration are those that entail storing of data on the sites or creating a social network profile.

Simulation of data can be achieved by specifying data parameters to produce a temporary social network data. Users of these sites have to register at a fee in order to access the services, for instance, creating a social network on the server.

The website offers limitless space to store data because the number of current users can be accommodated (Krebs, 2010). Furthermore, the use of NetVis is very simple and convenient because it can be done on any computer provided that there is internet connection and running apache or mySQL on Macs or windows.

Why it’s a Useful Addition to Your Professional Resources List

The social website and tool NetVis offer important services that can be used in assessment of debt networks, political networks mortgage etc. NetVis provides an online power-packed tool and this tool offers a great deal of services to those who need them especially analysis and visualization of the connections that a certain group or person have and so on (Krebs, 2010).

Social network analysis is important because it asses the structure and the patterns of the relationships and then enables identification of the causes of such alignments and the consequences (Cummings, 2009). This idea of social network analysis if founded on classical sociology but has found increased use and application in studies of social mobility and the class culture.

In the current society, the network analysis is crucial for a number if services because of the development of related software that can be customised for particular reason (Krebs, 2010). Social networks analysing have found use in identification of main opinion leaders and economic development in the community and these can be used for political campaign strategies to identify emergent leaders in a fast progressing business, firm or project in a community.

The links to add and simulate data are specifically useful for various professions and definitely any professional has to have it on his/her list of important resources. These sites can be used to create special networks and simulate the network as well (Krebs, 2010). One of the best examples is reiterated by Baker Wayne stating that network assessment was very important and it showed the strength of an organisation and consequently enable building of stronger teams.

The following links can be very useful for users of these social sites; for software, offers a variety of popular software options. Users can access tutorial on how to use these software as well and make purchases online.

This site is very effective, because there are increased scientific simulation needs.

Other Salient and Worth Noting Issue

These services are effectual and clients are satisfied (Krebs, 2010). The sites offer general and customised analysis and visualisation training services for all the software available. There is hands-on assistance for even the first time users and very simple purchasing process. The sites also offer general and customised consultation services for a very wide ranging client services.

Reference List

Cummings, J. (2009), Net Vis Module – Dynamic Visualization of Social Networks. Web.

Coronas, T. & Oliva, M. A. (2004), e-Human resources management: managing knowledge people, Hershey, US, Idea Group Inc.

Krebs, V. (2010). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 21). Programming: Organizations as Socio-Technical Networks.

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"Programming: Organizations as Socio-Technical Networks." IvyPanda, 21 Apr. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Programming: Organizations as Socio-Technical Networks'. 21 April.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Programming: Organizations as Socio-Technical Networks." April 21, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Programming: Organizations as Socio-Technical Networks." April 21, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Programming: Organizations as Socio-Technical Networks." April 21, 2020.

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