The problem of prostitution is the consideration of the whole society. There are people who are sure that legalization of prostitution is amoral and due to this it should be punished severely. My strict opinion is that prostitution should be legalized due to several reasons: (a) a great amount of money is in a whirl of shady economy and the state does not get the taxes from it, (b) prostitutes are under the constant pressure of their souteneurs and the legalization may help them to find protection, (c) the constitution of every country guarantees the freedom of choice and opinion, and if being a prostitute is somebody’s choice why is should be forbidden.
Prostitution brings a huge income and, as the business is not legalized, the state does not get its part, the state budget is not fulfilled with the financial injection from prostitution business. The participants of the legalized business, prostitution in our case, participate in state economical affairs. If they pay taxes, they are eager to use social guarantees (such as unemployment insurance, health insurance, old-aged pension). In its turn, the government may provide some inspection and supervision under the work conditions of the prostitutes and help in some cases to improve them (Nathanson & Young, 2006).
Prostitutes are under the constant pressure of the souteneurs and the legalization of this king of business may allow prostitutes to turn to police for protection. Prostitutes also suffer from clients’ cruelty and beating. They know that there is no way out as nobody can help them as they are out of law, they do not have any rights. The legalization of the business may solve this problem. Taking into consideration Germany and the Netherlands, the prostitution legalization allowed protecting the rights of women who are in the business already and to those who just want to start (Malarek, 2004).
Every person has the right for freedom: freedom of thinking, freedom of speaking, freedom of choice, and also the freedom to use one’s body. Person’s choice whether to have sex or not, whether to take money for this or not can never be legal or illegal. It is a choice. We are not talking about human trafficking as it is the crime. We are talking about free personal choice. Some people clean streets, they may like their jobs or not but they are paid for this. Comparing with street cleaning, prostitution is the same job, where people get sexual satisfaction and a good salary for their job.
So, prostitution must be legalized because of several reasons. The state budget will increase as the prostitution business operates with huge sum of money. The prostitution exists and it is impossible to cancel it, so the government should at least protect prostitutes from pressure and violence. Every person is free in his/her actions in reference to his/her body. If woman want to have sex for money, let her do this, it is her choice and her body, so it is impossible to forbid.
Reference List
- Malarek, V. (2004). The Natashas: inside the new global sex trade. Arcade Publishing.
- Nathanson, P. & Young K. K. (2006). Legalizing misandry: from public shame to systemic discrimination against men. McGill-Queen’s Press – MQUP.
- Prostitution and Freedom. (2003). The Wilson Quarterly, 27.