Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve Research Paper

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God created a man from dust and breathed life into him. Then he created a woman from man’s rib. This was the foundation of humanity. All humans ever since are children of Adam and Eve, as God says to readers of Quran ‘Ya Bani Adam’ ;O children of Adam(Q 7:27). The story of Adam and Eve is narrated in both Bible and Quran. The two narratives that are believed to be revealed with time difference of 571 years are strikingly similar except in a few respects. Biblical narrative is more elaborative on early descendants of Adam and Eve. Quran focuses more on the reason why God created man and the beginning of Satan’s role in the man’s life. But the underlying objective of the narratives is similar, that the man and woman were lured by an enemy to eat from a tree forbidden by God. The subject of this account in Bible is a serpent, one of the wild animals God had created for man; and Iblis in Quran. Iblis is one of Jinn, another creation of God created from fire. The differences in details of the account leave some bewilderment in mind of the reader. One is forced to think that naturally this difference should not have been there if the books are from same source. Is some text changed or missed? Historical incidents suggest yes. There have been several versions of Bible in history. But historians agree that Quran was transferred down the believers very carefully and systematically. There must have been a reason why God chose to narrate the account again in his last book. Hence taking into account several significant differences in the subject of first sin of the man, one must admit that although the two narratives are from same source, the latter (Quranic) version has come with some crucial corrections to the details in the former (Biblical) narrative that had not remained in original form with passage of time.

The first most striking evidence confirming the singularity of the source is similarity in details of creation Adam and Eve. Both texts are similar when they speak of creation of Adam and Eve. God created Adam from dust and breathed life into him (Genesis 2:6). Then the creation of Eve is also depicted similarly, that how God took her out of the man’s rib (Genesis 2:22). Also that God blessed them and let them live in Eden, where they could eat and drink whatever they wanted except fruit from one tree (Genesis2:7). This is also present in both texts that God created animals and plants for the use of man. In animals God made helper suitable for him (Genesis 2:18). Quran says that among animals there are some for burden and some for food (Q 6:142). So both texts are similar in revealing that the creatures on earth are for use of man. First contradiction arises here. If serpent is believed to be one of the beasts, how could that be a helper since it lured man to disobey God and God cursed it to creep on ground forever? Whether it was not serpent or a figure symbolized as a serpent. But what reason and what motive it had behind deceiving man. Biblical narrative is silent to this answer but Quran answers this very well. In fact Quranic depiction begins with the incident when Iblis refused to prostrate before man when God ordered all angles to do so. He said that he was made of fire and man from dust, so he was superior to man (Q 7:11-12).

He vowed to lead God’s men astray until day of resurrection. It was vengeance and sense of superiority that led Iblis to disobey God. So the reader finds a motive and reason behind his lie and deception in account of Adam and Eve. So God narrated the account in Quran again to tell how it all started; the enmity between man and Satan. A reader of Bible might take literal meaning of serpent and understand it to be species of snake, thinking that this animal is an enemy of man, while neglecting the real status of Satan that is a luring and deceiving humanity with false thoughts and desires. Satan is not experienced by humans in physical form. He lures them in many ways not readily conceived by them. Another important aspect that Biblical narrative misses is the importance of knowledge. The reason why God ordered his angels to prostrate before man was man’s knowledge given by God. Man was given knowledge that angels had not. There is a slight difference in narratives in this respect. Bible says that Adam called names for animals and birds (Genesis 2:19) while Quran clearly says that God taught him names of everything that angles did not know.” And He taught Adam the nature of all things” (Q 2:31). However this difference is not significant as far as the message is concerned. The message underlying is that any creation is superior to another only on basis of knowledge, not on physical form.

One astonishing similarity in the two texts that greatly confirm their unity of source is the garment of shame. Biblical account narrates that although both were naked, they did not feel shame (Genesis 2:25). But actually they had a garment of shame and they could not realize that they were naked, as confirmed later when having eaten the forbidden fruit, their easy were opened and they realized the fact hidden so far (Genesis 3:6). The fact that they used leaves to hide their bodies is narrated similarly. In Quran it says: “In the result, they both ate of the tree, and so their nakedness appeared to them: they began to sew together, for their covering, leaves from the Garden” (Q 20:121).

The second instance where, a clear and surprising difference appears is how Bible puts the whole blame of the sin on Eve. Bible says that deceived by the serpent, she took it first and gave it to Adam (Genesis 3:6). Later God said to the woman that he would increase her pain in child-bearing (Genesis 3:16). No such clue is found in Quranic narrative. Quran simply says that Allah was angry with both of them and sent them down to earth from heaven. So the only punishment was that they were banished from the heaven and sent to earth (Q 2:36). The reader feels after reading the two texts that Quran revised the account for a purpose. The blame was put on woman where as actually the case was that both man and woman were lured by Satan. Both of them were blameworthy. However, there is another side to this. This is possible that the Biblical detail in this respect is true, and Quran did not mention this just because it was not very significant. This idea gets strength from what God said to women, that her desire would be for her husband and that he would rule her (Genesis 3:16). Such clue of God’s plan of humanity with male having superiority is confirmed by a verse of Quran where Allah says that “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard” (Quran 4:34). Although there is no clue in Quran that such superiority was imposed as a punishment for women for the “first sin”. It only gives an impression that naturally man has greater physical strength. This in no way implies that man has right to “rule”, as understood in today’s conception. One can easily conceive that woman was created from man’s rib. There is no surprise if a part of man is weaker than himself.

Another instance in the story that confirms the unity of source is event of Cain and Abel. Although not named and referred to as ‘sons of Adam’ in Quran, the account of Cain and Abel is narrated almost similarly as in Bible. “Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. Behold! They each presented a sacrifice (to Allah) It was accepted from one, but not from the other” (Q 5:28). Bible also talks about the offerings made by Cain and Abel; “In the course of time Cain brought some fruits of soil as an offering to the Lord. But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering He did not look with favor.” (Genesis 4:3-5). Both texts confirm that one of them killed the other. “The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones (Q 5:31). “Cain attacked his brother and killed him” (Genesis 4:8).

Quran and Bible both give vivid details of the account of Adam and Eve and their sons with astonishing similarity. The details vary in few instances and force the reader to think one of them is truer than the other. However, as discussed above, some details did get missed and for that God revealed his last book. This is crucial to note that history of Bible and Old Testament does suggest there have been possible human interventions in the text. Also in Quran Allah says about Children of Israel: “they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them” (Q 5:14). But Allah has vowed to defend Quran against any such intrusion himself. Allah says: “We have revealed the Reminder and We have taken upon ourselves the duty of preserving it intact” (Q 15:9).


The Holy Quran. (Yusuf Ali Translation). Web.

The Holy Bible. (NIV) New International Version Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible society.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 28). Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quranic-and-biblical-depictions-of-adam-and-eve/

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"Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve." IvyPanda, 28 Sept. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/quranic-and-biblical-depictions-of-adam-and-eve/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve'. 28 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve." September 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quranic-and-biblical-depictions-of-adam-and-eve/.

1. IvyPanda. "Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve." September 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quranic-and-biblical-depictions-of-adam-and-eve/.


IvyPanda. "Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve." September 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quranic-and-biblical-depictions-of-adam-and-eve/.

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