Strategic Reading Tutoring
The contemporary world is ruled by technology that can positively or negatively affect different human activities. One such activity is reading with a variety of books, articles, and texts being available online. Research suggests that digital distractions and technology adversely impact reading comprehension and the acquisition of general knowledge (Wexler, 2021). For children in particular, reading can become challenging if interruptions are not removed. Even if digital hindrances are eliminated, the level of comprehension can be shallow if the activity of reading is not purposeful and focused. Tutoring on strategic reading can introduce students to reading strategies to enhance their reading skills and comprehension.
Advantages of Strategic Reading Tutoring
Strategic reading tutoring is highly beneficial and can help students of different ages improve their reading skills and build general knowledge. It is widely accepted that tutoring on reading contributes to pupils honing a broader vocabulary, stronger communication skills, and improved writing ability (C2 Education, 2019). In addition, a higher level of reading comprehension translates into the development of critical thinking skills (C2 Education, 2019). Individual reading tutoring provides a positive learning space and a unique learning experience for students who want to boost their reading and comprehension. In addition, an individualized approach to strategic reading helps improve attitudes towards reading and learning as a whole, enhancing their academic experience and performance while encouraging independence and responsibility. Overall, unlike education in a classroom, tutoring allows for a better understanding and satisfaction of student learning needs and the effective elimination of learning obstacles.
Prior Knowledge Activation
The complexity of a text can deter anyone from continuing to learn from the chosen reading. Nonetheless, a tricky topic can be easily approached if students are taught the strategy of utilizing prior knowledge on the topic to understand the text. According to a research study carried out by Babayigit (2019), active referral to existing knowledge translates into greater comprehension and learning outcomes. This strategy teaches readers to consider what they know about the topic before starting a reading. Before getting involved in reading, learners can brainstorm ideas and pose questions about the subject to realize what they already know (Wilkinson, 2023). In addition, Wilkinson (2023) suggests that developing a concept map and considering related topics can ease comprehension and knowledge retention. Overall, prior knowledge activation as a strategy encourages readers to reflect on what they already know before learning more.
Summarizing Reading Strategy
No matter how long or complex a text is, it can always be reduced to a singular core idea. During a session, a tutor can offer learners to focus on searching for that one idea and reduce the reading or part of it to a sentence. This technique is better known as a summarizing reading strategy (Babayigit, 2019). Summarizing allows readers to focus on critical details of the assigned reading, particularly those about the main idea, characters, and even purpose of the text. In addition, summarizing can be used to synthesize and compare different texts, further developing reading as a skill (Wilkinson, 2023). Tutoring can help students learn how to identify the main idea of the text as well as how to write a summary effectively.
Posing Questions Reading Strategy
Questioning the text is another helpful strategy that can be taught during strategic reading tutoring. Research indicates that active pondering about the reading allows one to realize the comprehension rate and evaluate one’s communication with the reading (Babayigit, 2019). Babayigit (2019) suggests that questioning during reading deepens understanding and improves attention and focus on key details. The strategy can be employed together with other approaches to reading, including prior knowledge activation and summarizing, to heighten the overall understanding of the text and topic. Strategic reading tutoring can help guide students in the application of these strategies.
Correlation Between Reading and Writing
Learning how to read with deep comprehension and attention to detail has many advantages, including developing writing as a skill. According to Schoonen (2019), reading and writing share numerous subskills, including knowledge and processing fluency. Thus, with the active development of one skill, learners are setting up the foundation for the enhancement of the other. Moreover, it should be noted that many reading strategies, including summarizing, require students to engage in writing.
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Overall, the simple truth is that it is impossible to escape reading in the modern world. From books and articles to content for learning entertainment and legal documents, texts permeate the daily lives of most people. Thus, reading strategies help people equip themselves for the challenges of the world. Moreover, considering the impact of strategic reading on writing and communication skills, strategic reading tutoring is a three-for-one deal not to miss.
Babayigit, Ö. (2019). Examination of the Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Secondary School Sixth Grade Students. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(3), 1–12.
C2 Education. (2019). The benefits of reading tutoring. Web.
Education Week. (2023). [Photograph]. Web.
Model Teaching. (2019). [Photograph]. Web.
Schoonen, R. (2019). Are reading and writing building on the same skills? The relationship between reading and writing in L1 and EFL. Reading and Writing, 32, 511–535. Web.
Wexler, N. (2021). Yes, there is evidence that building knowledge boosts reading comprehension. Forbes. Web.
Wilkinson, J. (2023). Cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies. Conestoga. Web.