Problem Statement
Many employers currently resort to transferring their employees to remote work. This trend became particularly widespread during the COVID-19 outburst when people were forbidden to contact each other (Ingusci et al., 2022). Many companies have decided to involve remote work in their practice to not lose valuable specialists and not to invest time and financial resources in finding and training new ones. Therefore, working from home provides multiple benefits for the company, including the retention of employees, reduced financial costs, and compliance with social norms.
Proposed Solution and Potential Barriers
The company’s proposed solution is to transfer some employees to work from home. This choice is due to the presence of employees whose tasks do not imply direct presence in the workplace. These specialists can be programmers and developers working closely with technologies and developments. In addition, remote work can significantly reduce the company’s financial costs for staff maintenance. The main potential barriers may be resistance to leaving the office and the lack of necessary equipment at home.
Benefits and Cost
Remote work can provide significant benefits for the organization. One of them is the pursuit of environmental sustainability standards. Research by Ingusci et al. (2022) stated that remote work “helps to reduce the number of business trips, the consumption of materials, equipment, and consumables, and waste production” (p. 2). Moreover, it helps to improve the psychological state of employees in the presence of conflicts in the workplace (Flores, 2019). Regarding financial and time resources, this initiative requires significantly lower training costs due to the absence of the need to hire employees to perform these actions. Therefore, regarding benefits vs. cost comparison, it can be concluded that remote work contributes to preserving the organization’s budget, which can be invested in other areas.
Implementation Strategy and Measurement Tools
The implementation strategy is to gradually transfer workers to homework. This action will allow the total evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed solution thoroughly. Analyzing the company’s reporting on key performance factors can be a tool for measuring success. Moreover, it is essential to conduct reflection with employees, touching on such aspects as job satisfaction and the psychological state of individuals.
Flores, M. F. (2019). Understanding the challenges of remote working and its impact to workers. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), 4(11), 40-44.
Ingusci, E., Signore, F., Cortese, C. G., Molino, M., Pasca, P., & Ciavolino, E. (2022). Development and validation of the remote working benefits & disadvantages scale. Quality & Quantity, 1-25. Web.