There are a variety of tools that can be used to obtain a self-understanding. FIBO-B is a valuable instrument that helps in identifying a person’s behavior toward others. It can also assist in increasing self-recognition and researching the reasons for one or other actions or inner desires in distinct essential areas of activity. This tool consists of three fundamental dimensions of interpersonal needs, which are Inclusion, Control, and Affection. Two aspects that are expressed and wanted behaviors are also considered in the instrument. This paper will provide a discussion of a FIRO-B Profile and examine developmental plans for self, based on the obtained scores.
Discussion of the FIRO-B Profile
Interpretation of scores obtained in the FIRO-B is needed to examine the personality and choose the appropriate developmental plans. In the provided profile, Expressed and Wanted Inclusions and Affections equal 7 each, which is a high score. It implies that a person examined prefers to be engaged in most of activities with his friends or colleagues. He also likes to be noticed and be an object of admiration. Such an individual freely express their emotions and feelings, expecting others to act the same so that they can build a close relationship of any type. This person is supportive, highly social, active, and likes to interact with people.
Expressed control equals 1 that is low, which wanted one is 9 that is high. It implies that this individual is not capable of influencing others, managing groups of people of any size, organizing and directing, and taking responsibility. On the other side, he is comfortable with well-defined situations when the instructions and expectations are clear. Such persons like to be a part of an organization with a rigid structure.
Therefore, total Expressed is medium, total wanted is high, total inclusion is high, total control is medium, and total affection is high. Overall equals 38 that is medium-high and implies that involvement in activities is normal for this individual. Working with a group of people under clear instructions and having a number of friends are also indicators of such a person. However, his abilities to take responsibility for others and manage are weak.
Discussion of the Developmental Plans
With respect to the developmental plans for the individual with the discussed results, the sequence of recommendations can be outlined. The detected weakness that seems imbalanced in the results is the tendency to rely on others and avoid taking any responsibility. It is necessary to set clear but difficult goals that would force one to try to behave in the way that an individual has never attempted to improve himself. For instance, it might be an aim to become a president of the school or a chief of a sector in the workplace. Then, goals shall be prioritized and broken into smaller and achievable ones. Deadlines shall be set, and recognition of threats and opportunities made. Finally, there is a process of constant development of a self through an action plan, using the support of a social network, and measuring the progress. The purpose of following the developmental plan is to adjust the detected, thorough the FIRO-B, instrument, weakness, which leads to a better lifestyle and a balanced personality.