Researching of Medical Checklists Essay

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A medical checklist improves the quality of monitoring employees and staff in an organization because it can measure the performances of workers in a healthcare facility. Patient demographics, financial information, consent and authorization forms, the release of information, treatment history, progress notes, physicians’ orders, and RX, radiology reports, nursing notes and medicine lists all contain data on the person providing care. All entries dated and entries are legible and plans of treatment consistent with the diagnosis are documented evidence of the appropriate use of consultants. The lab tests were all rendered appropriate during diagnosis.

The relationship between medical checklists is that they provide accurate data, thereby maintaining high-quality clinical care. A checklist has been introduced to improve clinical documentation. The seven criteria of high quality will be maintained because of the use of efficient instruments that provide accurate data and information (Kelly and Baar-Daley, 2022). The implementation of these elements has led to a high standard of care for consistent documentation of clinical records. In situations where there is poor documentation of medical checklists, the health status of patients may be worse.

Medical checklists make auditing easy by facilitating faster examinations of potential risks. These elements provide proper guidelines that must be followed by personnel to ensure that they are organized (Lencina and De la Torre, 2022). Accountability is also provided because all data are always recorded in a proper way that facilitates faster auditing of information in an organization. Finally, medical checklists enhance the security of the information stored, which is of great confidence, leading to greater work satisfaction and improvement in production.

External regulations such as CMS and HIPAA affect the critical elements of an audit because they increase the cost of the examination, thereby causing loss to these organizations. Because of the importance of demonstrating meaningfulness to qualify for incentive payments associated with the deployment of EHR systems, auditors may also wish to verify whether or not the company provided evidence of meaningful use.

The best course of action that should be taken when deficiencies are identified is to suspend the organization for a given period. The suspension of organizations that lack medical checklists will ensure that they look for all possible methods to acquire all checklist elements that are required during the auditing of the company’s progress (Kelly and Baar-Daley, 2022). However, in a situation where the organization lacks any of these elements, the company should be closed permanently.


Lencina, J. A., & de la Torre, E. D. R. (2022). [Translated article] What to do in Cases of Error Involving Professional Responsibility to Prevent Administrative or Legal Complications: A Checklist for Dermatologic Surgery. Actas dermo-sifiliograficas.

Kelly, V., & Baar-Daley, K. M. (2022). Improving Clinical Documentation Compliance Pre-Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Procedures Through the Use of an Endoscopy Checklist. Gastroenterology Nursing, 45(5), 328-334.

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IvyPanda. (2024, April 28). Researching of Medical Checklists.

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"Researching of Medical Checklists." IvyPanda, 28 Apr. 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Researching of Medical Checklists'. 28 April.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Researching of Medical Checklists." April 28, 2024.

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