Research problem/purpose
The researchers have identified obesity as a major problem in developed countries. As a result, it has become a significant issue in medical circles as well as a social and economic problem. The investigator has placed the problem in the context of existing knowledge, since the report quotes studies on the same problem carried out as far as 1998 (Liou et al. 2010). Further, the researcher provides statistics from other countries such as Australia, Canada, and the UK. As stated by the investigator, understanding the factors that are responsible for obesity among the children is critical in formulating intervention measures to overcome obesity. Therefore, the recommendations of this report are crucial in solving a problem that is relevant to nursing. The purpose of this research is to determine if there is a relationship between risk factors and obesity among adolescents (Liou et al. 2010).
Review of the Literature
The literature review has looked at the literature pertaining to the relationship between sedentary behavior, physical activity, and obesity among adolescents. Studies on this area indicated that physical activity declined as adolescents moved from childhood to adulthood. In addition, watching of video games and watching television are also elements that were considered in the literature review. Most of the literature considered in this section came from current sources. However, only a few are old as far as 1999, and 2004. For historical background, this can be helpful as it shows a trend that has been observed for a very long period (Liou et al. 2010).
Theoretical Framework
The researchers have defined the theoretical concepts that are central to the problem under investigation. Thus, Liou et al. (2010) mention parental obesity, physical activity, eating habits, duration of sleep, and sedentary behavior as the main aspects to focus on. In collecting and analysis of the data, the research does not solely rely on nursing theory as it goes further and borrow heavily from other models from social sciences. For instance, “statistical tools such as the chi-square test and non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test were used to examine the differences between categorical and continuous variables” (Liou et al. 2010). Although the theoretical concepts have been defined, the authors do not mention the conceptual framework. However, the Grounded Theory could be used transcribing and analyzing interviews used in this study.
Mann-Whitney U-test
The independent variable in this study is the Adolescent, which is group on which the study is based whereas; the dependent variables include health, obesity, leisure time spent, nursing operations or practice, sleep and sedentary behavior among the adolescents.
In the study, the operational definitions of the variables are clearly defined for quick understanding by the users of the report. Some of the variables given in the study by the researchers are tangible while others are measurable with a few exhibiting both features like obesity. For example, health, leisure, nursing, sleep and sedentary cannot be measured.
The questions contained in the study include:
- What is the relationship of leisure time spent and body size?
- What is the effect of sedentary behavior in relation to body weight?
- What are some of the risks associated with obesity? at is already known about this topic
Moreover, this study contain some theories and assumptions that have been stated by the researcher such as childhood obesity is a worldwide epidemic which is not only affecting a cross sectional region but the world at large. Secondly, obesity is not only caused by the variables used in the study, such as health, leisure, eating habits or fatty foods, but by the person’s lifestyle and characteristics inheritance (Liou et al. 2010). Thirdly, the investigators assumed that “physical inactivity, excessive television watching, and intake of large quantities of food are some of the key risk factors for obesity in young people” (Liou et al. 2010).
The researchers suggested the use a sample of three grades taking care of the boy-girl ratio and an organized sampling design proportional to the size. According to this study, the choice of schools was “done according to the student population in each of the four areas of focus ensuring a balanced distribution of private and public schools, race and economic development” (Liou et al. 2010). Afterwards, the final sample came from a total of 13,150 students living in north, middle, south, and east of Taiwan. Mainly, data was collected using questionnaires, which were filled by the Taiwan students with the assistance of their parents. The reliability of the measurement tools is promising and trustworthy because the personnel who carried out the research had received training at each of the selected schools including the teachers who supervised the completion of the questionnaires. In addition, the determination of weight was carried out by the use of balanced beam scale.
Data Analysis
The researchers used the questionnaires to analyze data collection for the above study. This included a number of questions to evaluate the physical activity, dietary behavior, sleep duration, and sedentary behavior. In addition, the Statistical Package for Social Science, which is software for statistical analysis, was used for further analysis. After this, the results of the study were presented in medians and interquartiles as measures of a middle tendency. In order to determine the difference between the variables, the researchers used chi-square test and the u-test. The findings in this study showed that boys were more active than girls were. In addition, “boys and girls spent almost equal time watching the television but more time was spent by boys in computer games and surfing the internet” (Liou et al. 2010).
Summary/conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
Some of the study limitations identified for this research were issues such as; the data was collected from a national cross-sectional rather than from a longitudinal region, therefore limiting further evaluations. Secondly, data was not collected on all sedentary behavioral aspects such as hobbies, choice of musical instruments or social-economic status which determines the extent or accessibility of such leisure equipments. Moreover, incorrect information may also have been gathered in the process so the results of this study are not 100% accurate. On the other hand, this study can really be trusted bearing the fact that, it was approved by an institution review board and the authorities allowed the schools to take part in the study. Furthermore, parents were informed about the study early since it involved their children who gave consent to it. There also was free willingness to participate for the children with nobody having to force them. This gave them permission to withdraw or refuse to take part in the study and therefore this adds value to the results because there was willingness. It was concluded that snack and cake consumption really contributed to obesity among the adolescents. This data can be used and applied in other regions as the results represent many parts of the world experiencing the same problem of obesity among the adolescent population. In conclusion, the major health related practices like sedentary, sleep duration, and eating behaviors are established at early stages of development. Therefore, the school and community nurses should play an important role to control this issue of obesity threatening the adolescents. This can be achieved by initiating programmed sessions of physical exercise.
Liou, M. Y., Liou, T.H. & Chang, C.L. (2010). Obesity among adolescents: Sedentary leisure time and sleeping as determinants. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 66 (6), 1246-1256.