Culture remains impervious to extra-national influences in the context of public policies and laws. Policies and laws form the foundation of any nation since it is the concept to which development will be built. However, diversity in different states suggests that we live in a world of increasing complexities. Creation of public policies and laws are significantly influenced by the diversity in culture forcing the government to engage with the society when developing policies. The government ensures that they maintain the cultural identity and social cohesion. Culture and religious beliefs influence the current state of scientific knowledge. The paper expounds the federal and state policies in regards to same-sex marriage and a reflection on religious traditions.
Sexual activities between people of the same sex have been a topic of contention for a period. Individuals in the said group often face discrimination due to their gender orientation or identity (Daniell, 2014). The federal and state policies regarding same-sex marriages vary between states. In addition, some of the states have outlawed the practice due to their concentration on scientific knowledge provide the negative effects of the practice. According to the constitution, most social institutions largely depend on the law for their validity. Any marriage also depends on the legal procedures to ensure its valid (Milne, 2011). The legal provisions related to marriages and discrimination varies but also helps to protect the individuals involved. The federal policies on same-sex marriages tend to favor the removal of their rights within the law. Most states have outlawed the practices increasing the level movements against the laws (Daniell, 2014).
In the US, the status of same-sex marriage remains in flux since most states have pending cases pending on homosexual. Some states ban the marriages while others allow them. However, I believe the federal and state policies should be based on the cultural or religious beliefs that adhere to regular opposite sex marriages. The current scientific positions discourage the form of marriage discussed to reduce the chances of spreading diseases. Culture and religious beliefs suggest that marriages should only be allowed among people of the opposite sex rather than the same-sex marriages being advocated by the transgender society (Milne, 2011). I believe that by developing such laws it will only increase the chances of more problems within the community as the people are not accepted. The policies provide the foundation for other community members to join such affiliations i.e. transgender groups rather than focusing on more critical life issues (Daniell, 2014).
The law should address the greater benefit of the society rather than addressing target individuals. Adopting any laws that prefer or protect the status of homosexuals would affect the right and respect to human dignity. Engaging in same-sex marriage lowers human dignity as stated by the cultural and religious settings (Milne, 2011). I think the constitution should also place limitations and provide better policies that can treat the people involved differently. However, the policies must be within the law and should adhere to the religious teachings. In addition, they must maintain the individual rights as required by the constitution (Daniell, 2014).
Cultural and religious factors significantly influence the public policies as the policymakers seek to maintain cultural cohesion and solidarity in the community. As a result, developing the policies on same-sex marriages require the government to seek the majority society member’s opinions in relation to the topic. Addressing the scientific knowledge and technology also helps in determining the best policies that address the public differences.
Daniell, K (2014). The role of National culture in shaping Public Policy: a review of the Literature. Canberra; Australian National University.
Milne, E. L. (2011). Marriage and the Religion Clauses. St.John’s Law Review, 85(4), 1451- 1482. Web.