Saudi Arabia News Headlines
Generally, the prices of goods and services are affected by many factors. One factor which affects the demand for goods and services is the prevailing political and economic conditions of any country at any given time. As a result, the prices of shares in the stock exchange market may go up or go down at various times, depending on the information which is available to the populace through social media.
Social media alerts the population on the current state of affairs at any given time, and this may change consumers’ perceptions about a given commodity, and this directly affects its demand. The excel sheet provided (162185_Headlines Data.xls) contains data of news headlines from the year 2011 to 2013 in Saudi Arabia.
These are political and economical news headlines aired on specific dates through various television/radio channels besides others in Saudi Arabia. The data was obtained from online sources, which include (New York Times 1,) (The Telegraph 1) and (1st Headlines 1). The collected data can give a good correlation with data on the prices of shares in the Saudi Arabia stock exchange. Such correlation can be used to make inferences about how the demand and prices of various shares will change at different times in the stock exchange market in Saudi Arabia.
This information can make buyers purchase more specific shares at a given time if they project their prices to go up eventually. It may increase the profits of a given company if the sale of its shares is high in the stock exchange market. It is because at various times prices of shares will change, and this change might be dictated by the prevailing political and economic conditions, and buyers know about day-to-day happenings through social media.
Works Cited
New York Times. “The New York Times; Saudi Arabia”. The New York Times, (2013). Web.
The Telegraph. “The Telegraph World News, Middle East; Saudi Arabia”. The Telegraph, (2013). Web.
1st Headlines. “1st Headlines, Saudi Arabia News Headlines”. 1st Headlines, (2013). Web.